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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Pride of Lanarkshire

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Just started watching this. Loving it so far.

If you're loving Season 1 then by f**k you're in for a treat once De Vito enters. By Season 10 this will be one of, if not the best comedy show you've watched. It gets better with every Season :D

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It noticeably slants in season ten IMO. Feels too much like they're pandering to the way they developed the characters in earlier seasons. Dennis' gradual transition into a genuinely quite predatory monster was so good but it feels so forced now. Season 7's the best for me when Mac gets fat.

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I also think season 7 is the strongest.

This is easily my favourite comedy of all time, can just stick on random episodes and laugh my head off, never been able to do that with a show as consistantly as always sunny.

I know what you mean about the characters starting to feel a bit forced but still the funniest thing on TV i reckon. I think that since it became really popular the standard has dropped a little, maybe a bit too much pressure now whereas before i think they were just doing what they wanted as didnt think anyone was really paying attention anyway.

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