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Heart of Midlothian 2014-

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7 hours ago, ravabelli said:

He's unconventional, thinks outside the box, broadened his horizons to gain experience and hasn't come through the old boys network of ex players finding jobs for their mates. Do you think he got assistants jobs at Valencia and Newcastle by pure fluke? How did Kris Boyd do when he left the goldfish bowl of Scottish football? All I'm saying is he deserves a chance and given time and fair play to Hearts for taking a punt but maybe the narrow mindedness of the Scottish football fan and claustrophobic media means Scotland may not be the best place for him to be given time prove himself as a head coach

There's a lot of inaccurate clichés here, but this one's the most easily contestable: he's currently the Hearts manager purely because of his connections to Craig Levein.

It's one of the laziest, least imaginative and least thought-through appointments I've seen.

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13 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Winners and those destined for the top don't get off to the sort of start Cathro did against one of your main rivals and two other utterly shan sides.

Flopro IMO.

Busted flush like Nicholson eh?

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9 minutes ago, sjc said:

Busted flush like Nicholson eh?

Pretty much. Wee Sam has a pathetic physique for a supposed professional athlete and, if he ends up at the **** as expected, see: David Templeton.

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Just now, Elixir said:

Pretty much. Wee Sam has a pathetic physique for a supposed professional athlete and, if he ends up at the **** as expected, see: David Templeton.

aye Messi's a fucking powerhouse like :rolleyes: You must be a joy to work with, knowing it all by the age of 21!

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Messi might be short but he is still ripped. It's immaterial anyway if you are actually that good. Nicholson, however, is a one-trick pony and built like a fag packet into the bargain.

Invariably, people who are consistent, long-term successes are serial winners. With Kilmarnock and tubby Boyd up next, followed by Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers in the league, I can see this wee experiment being over before it has even started. Chuck in a banana skin like Raith away in the Cup in between and this next month or so has complete disaster written all over it.

Loser Levein will have to go with him. Hopefully Granny Budge too once the new stand is finally up. Then we can attempt to reverse the meek, soft as shite attitude that has descended on us over the past couple of years.

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11 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Messi might be short but he is still ripped. It's immaterial anyway if you are actually that good. Nicholson, however, is a one-trick pony and built like a fag packet into the bargain.

Invariably, people who are consistent, long-term successes are serial winners. With Kilmarnock and tubby Boyd up next, followed by Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers in the league, I can see this wee experiment being over before it has even started. Chuck in a banana skin like Raith away in the Cup in between and this next month or so has complete disaster written all over it.

Loser Levein will have to go with him. Hopefully Granny Budge too once the new stand is finally up. Then we can attempt to reverse the meek, soft as shite attitude that has descended on us over the past couple of years.

You do realise that consistency in young players comes with experience? As a side: We've won 3 Scottish Cup (all relatively recently) since since 1962.........what do you expect from our Club?

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1 hour ago, Elixir said:

Winners and those destined for the top don't get off to the sort of start Cathro did against one of your main rivals and two other utterly shan sides.

Flopro IMO.

Brian Clough got off to a terrible start at Leeds - was destined for the top.

Edited by paranoid android
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The problem is last season we had a reputation (deserved or not) as cloggers - this season the evidence is that we're too lightweight. At Scottish premier league level it's hard to lure players, especially with Hearts wage structure, who can play football and dominate physically. See Gomis and Augustyn as recent examples.

Now if Cathro wants to play like the first half at Dundee, every game - he's not going to be able with the current squad as it stands. He needs time.

However, I do agree with Paolo in that why continue the Neilson trend of playing LB at RB, but not his tedious pish about Hearts are deid to him etc, at least give it till new year FFS- cheer up man, have some midori and poke some bird up at the street party

Merry Christmas ya miserable Jambo Bastirts!

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2 hours ago, Elixir said:

Invariably, people who are consistent, long-term successes are serial winners. With Kilmarnock and tubby Boyd up next, followed by Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers in the league, I can see this wee experiment being over before it has even started. Chuck in a banana skin like Raith away in the Cup in between and this next month or so has complete disaster written all over it.

Loser Levein will have to go with him. Hopefully Granny Budge too once the new stand is finally up. Then we can attempt to reverse the meek, soft as shite attitude that has descended on us over the past couple of years.

You're previous predictions have proved to be so far wide off the mark, after reading this I suddenly find myself filled with renewed hope for the season ahead.  :thumsup2

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I asked my Jambo mate the other day what he wanted for Christmas and he says he'd like world peace and to one day see Hearts win the league cup

He'll just have to be happy and settle for world peace I reckon

Maybe you missed the briefing

Now you've seen a Scottish Cup win you don't actually need to pretend to give a toss about the league cup any more.

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That you still pretending you don't care about the League Cup until you win it?

I quite enjoyed the last league cup final I went to

It was a cracking 90 minutes and when Ryan Stevenson narrowly missed completing his hat trick with a last minute equaliser my reaction was. Oh bugger we're not going to get another 30 minutes of this game.

The fact that the league cup doesn't really matter is the great thing about it. Normally watching Hearts carries a certain amount of stress and anxiety for even the most hardened of supporters but the League cup offers something a bit more serious than a friendly but less competitive than a real game.

This carries over to the players. In league cup ties they sometimes even take throw ins from where the ball went out as if they were merely playing a game rather than brutally professional

I like it. I'm a fan. although obviously the fact that the early rounds clash with the Edinburgh Festival means that I've usually got something better to do before the quarterfinals.

I suspect I'm not alone in this

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I quite enjoyed the last league cup final I went to
It was a cracking 90 minutes and when Ryan Stevenson narrowly missed completing his hat trick with a last minute equaliser my reaction was. Oh bugger we're not going to get another 30 minutes of this game.
The fact that the league cup doesn't really matter is the great thing about it. Normally watching Hearts carries a certain amount of stress and anxiety for even the most hardened of supporters but the League cup offers something a bit more serious than a friendly but less competitive than a real game.
This carries over to the players. In league cup ties they sometimes even take throw ins from where the ball went out as if they were merely playing a game rather than brutally professional
I like it. I'm a fan. although obviously the fact that the early rounds clash with the Edinburgh Festival means that I've usually got something better to do before the quarterfinals.
I suspect I'm not alone in this

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On 25/12/2016 at 05:37, RadgerTheBadger said:

I asked my Jambo mate the other day what he wanted for Christmas and he says he'd like world peace and to one day see Hearts win the league cup

He'll just have to be happy and settle for world peace I reckon


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