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FAO No Voters


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since this is a relatively sensible post... who does 'we' consist of? only full blooded scots so anyone else has no say because they are not really 'scottish'?

My brother is the only other Scottish person in my family and when I say we, I include him, me, you, other generations of my family living here and every other c**t with a vote on September 18th.

That's far more response than that utterly pathetic question deserved, but there you go.

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My brother is the only other Scottish person in my family and when I say we, I include him, me, you, other generations of my family living here and every other c**t with a vote on September 18th.

That's far more response than that utterly pathetic question deserved, but there you go.

no need to get tetchy, but once again there is a hundred questions regarding 'our' future that have never been answered. The high earnings are likely to be hit heavily to cover the shortfalls, and sad events like inheritence tax, could see serious repercussions on this side of the border if our currency, yet to be properly addressed, value is much lower than that of a family member across the border a matter of miles for many.

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no need to get tetchy, but once again there is a hundred questions regarding 'our' future that have never been answered. The high earnings are likely to be hit heavily to cover the shortfalls, and sad events like inheritence tax, could see serious repercussions on this side of the border if our currency, yet to be properly addressed, value is much lower than that of a family member across the border a matter of miles for many.

Going to need the Rosetta Stone to decipher what this ones on about.

Anyone any good at translating gibberish?

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no need to get tetchy, but once again there is a hundred questions regarding 'our' future that have never been answered. The high earnings are likely to be hit heavily to cover the shortfalls, and sad events like inheritence tax, could see serious repercussions on this side of the border if our currency, yet to be properly addressed, value is much lower than that of a family member across the border a matter of miles for many.

Dinna worry about it, you still get your 19p per hour rise in October.

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.... is this a debate? there is no debate simple because there is no answer to to the questions anyone raises. Its lost in preamble of falsities. Half the responses depend on the rest of the union helping us out once we have split from them? really how does that work? if i quit my job do i then go around expecting my ex employer to go and help me out for however long, even after i stood up and told him i disliked him?.... hmm i think not. Jumping ship from a union that contains one of the hubs for world finance, that we do very well out of, is utterly ludicrous.

Well, it's now apparent that you have done absolutely ZERO research on the matter. Had you looked into independence in any depth with an impartial mind, you would not have come out with the amazingly off target premable above.

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I'm voting No because I don't wan't to be ruled by a bunch of idiots. AKA the SNP

I'm genuinely not sure if you're serious. You can't be. No adult can be THIS stupid.

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I'm genuinely not sure if you're serious. You can't be. No adult can be THIS stupid.

I'm not I vote for the conservatives because I don't like giving my tax money to catholic schools and benefit scroungers

I think this answers your question Confidemus

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The SNP are a fucking horrific enough party under devolution, tbh I don't think they'd get much worse once thy get the keys to the car. After a yes vote I'd love all four parties to disband in Scotland and reform from the grass roots.

There would be no need for a National party at all to be honest, a lot of them would join the Greens or a more socially conservative left wing party like old Labour, and then you could have a united right wing party that is very socially liberal, and a centrist party like the pre-Clegg lib dems

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The SNP are doing well enough in their current form - plenty of 'no' voters voted for them in the last Scottish Parliament elections as they felt they were the best option. I can't see why they would disband.

Yes, some in the party (particularly those on the left and/or have republican sympathies) would likely go to a more accomodating party when the end goal is achieved, but why disband when voters view you as a credible alrernative to Labour? I don't think it makes sense, and I don't really think it's necessary.

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The SNP are a fucking horrific enough party under devolution, tbh I don't think they'd get much worse once thy get the keys to the car. After a yes vote I'd love all four parties to disband in Scotland and reform from the grass roots.

There would be no need for a National party at all to be honest, a lot of them would join the Greens or a more socially conservative left wing party like old Labour, and then you could have a united right wing party that is very socially liberal, and a centrist party like the pre-Clegg lib dems

Who are you comparing SNP terms in office to?

Labour and Libdum coalition?

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Well, it's now apparent that you have done absolutely ZERO research on the matter. Had you looked into independence in any depth with an impartial mind, you would not have come out with the amazingly off target premable above.

There is no depth to any independance arguments. Oil which so many seem to hang their tartan coloured bunnets on so often, is a non starter. We have already extracted the easy stuff, and have extracted more than half of the supply. Exponential growth tells us it will not last a generation, lucky if it is a decade. On the flip side we will have to negotiate our own contracts to bring in fuel. Economies of scale means we will be paying more for fuel at the pump than ever before.

Living costs in Scotland will rise, as we have to re-negotiate trade prices and will pay more for shipping costs and as already said lose that economy of scale. Whereas income will stagnate and unemployment will rise in the uncertain years as many companies south of the border depart our already depleted high streets. The loss of this money on a local scale from these rates will kick our local councils hard. The already top heavy councils left from the last Labour government.

We will be forced to sell many services to the private sector, who will then exert their own 'control'.

The idea of allowing any government the power the scottish government will have over the people in the interim period is a scary prospect.

Independance is a gamble on a 3 legged horse with a fat bugger like Salmond as the jockey.

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