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Salmond Vs. Darling - The Debate


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no not really only attempting to put the point the Salmond may well win the debate, but it will not be the "slaughter" that the Yes campaign so now desperately need, lets face it the polls are not where YesScotland need them to this point

Re the polls. I 100 percent get that they aren't good reading for YES. However do they not just poll people that have signed up? There's gonna be so many new and first time voters in this, my dad has never voted in his life and (shocking I know) is voting YES, neither have any of my friends, surely it's to hard to call properly down to this being a complete one off?

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no not really only attempting to put the point the Salmond may well win the debate, but it will not be the "slaughter" that the Yes campaign so now desperately need, lets face it the polls are not where YesScotland need them to this point


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Ecto is not worth a reply.

He has progressed though from zzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!! to #shutthisthreaddownnowpleasebecauseitsmakingusNOvoterslookstupid.

I do admit I am currently enjoying the use of the #. but it is only #aphaseiamgoingthrough, a bit like my listening to country music at the moment

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I do admit I am currently enjoying the use of the #. but it is only #aphaseiamgoingthrough, a bit like my listening to country music at the moment

You listen to country music?

That's it.

Get out.


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You listen to country music?

That's it.

Get out.


cant help it, I just got over my folk phase as well


in the world of "country" she really is not considered "country"

Now am going for a lie down

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The result - unless something major happens was decided months ago. Yes supporters are very vocal - No supporters a lot less vocal. A lot of that imho is to do with many of the haranguing bores on the Yes side.

You cannot speak or reason with them at all. I say that not just from my experience here but dealing with the likes of my Yes-voting brother.

It's like arguing with a cult member - pointless.

What a load of pish. NO control the fucking press. Not vocal my arse.

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Re the polls. I 100 percent get that they aren't good reading for YES. However do they not just poll people that have signed up? There's gonna be so many new and first time voters in this, my dad has never voted in his life and (shocking I know) is voting YES, neither have any of my friends, surely it's to hard to call properly down to this being a complete one off?



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I'd imagine the debate could go like this...

AS "so mr darling, there appears to be a large oil field of the coast of Shetland. The largest in the world perhaps "

AD "erm erm erm erm"

AS "Alistair... Alistair... Where have you gone?"

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I'd imagine the debate could go like this...

AS "so mr darling, there appears to be a large oil field of the coast of Shetland. The largest in the world perhaps "

AD "erm erm erm erm"

AS "Alistair... Alistair... Where have you gone?"

this really is desparate stuff, if this is your hope, YesScotland are doomed

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I'd imagine the debate could go like this...

AS "so mr darling, there appears to be a large oil field of the coast of Shetland. The largest in the world perhaps "

AD "erm erm erm erm"

AS "Alistair... Alistair... Where have you gone?"

Ecto still confusing random people on a football forum with YesScotland I see.

this random person does appear to be a supporter of independence, and to be honest you are as desperate as he is

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this random person does appear to be a supporter of independence, and to be honest you are as desperate as he is

But has absolutely nothing to do with YesScotland.

What am I desperate about exactly ?

I can sense a hashtag coming my way.

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But has absolutely nothing to do with YesScotland.

What am I desperate about exactly ?

I can sense a hashtag coming my way.

nah, past my hashtag phase

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this random person does appear to be a supporter of independence, and to be honest you are as desperate as he is

I used the word "could". But yes I am a supporter of independence but in no way officially involved with yes scotland. Just to clarify.

Ya knob.

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I used the word "could". But yes I am a supporter of independence but in no way officially involved with yes scotland. Just to clarify.

Ya knob.

Insulting someone you don't know and you call me the knob, pathetic

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