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Motherwell FC 2014/15 season

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I was a regular on steelmenonline from its birth as 'well trust.com' in 2003 until fairly recently but I don't bother with it anymore. Too many cliques and folk only interested in cyber bullying and name calling nowadays rather than engaging in sensible debate. It's a shame to be honest as it was once a great way of finding out about the day to day happenings at the club, but we've got the twitter page for that nowadays.

Reading half of that forum losing their shit due to your pessimistic predictions was a joy sometimes. It was also pretty amusing watching the same numpties drag up your posts following a win as though you would be dissapionted that you had just watched your team win. :lol:

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I was a regular on steelmenonline from its birth as 'well trust.com' in 2003 until fairly recently but I don't bother with it anymore. Too many cliques and folk only interested in cyber bullying and name calling nowadays rather than engaging in sensible debate. It's a shame to be honest as it was once a great way of finding out about the day to day happenings at the club, but we've got the twitter page for that nowadays so steelmenonline no longer has the same appeal as it once did.

To be fair though, obviously you were going to get abused for predicting a convincing defeat for every game we played :lol:

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Reading half of that forum losing their shit due to your pessimistic predictions was a joy sometimes. It was also pretty amusing watching the same numpties drag up your posts following a win as though you would be dissapionted that you had just watched your team win. :lol:

Ha ha I was just about to post the same.

I'm the same, I used to post regular, then took a break from it but have been back on it recently but tbh its really getting on my tits, to many sarcastic one line wonders and keyboard knobends. Even former decent posters have started turning into prats.

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Reading half of that forum losing their shit due to your pessimistic predictions was a joy sometimes. It was also pretty amusing watching the same numpties drag up your posts following a win as though you would be dissapionted that you had just watched your team win. :lol:

Indeed. There were too many on there more interested in bitching like a crowd of old women down the bingo about other posters views which didn't sit well with them rather than discuss the football itself which ruined the boards for me and no doubt many others. Anyway, I've ditched it for good and I won't be back :)

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I remember back when we first got it off the ground and there was literally only about 10 of us just talking to each other! You'd logout, then log back in 10 hours later and no-one had been on :lol:

If I remember right there was:


Flow (originally Evenflow)....whatever happened to that guy?? :P haha

Jay (Jason H as he was back then :P )



Wellard (sadly not with us anymore)

MJC (think you were still going by Martin back then were you not?)





Plus a few guys who have either drifted away from forums or who's original usernames have long since changed. Anyone remember any more of the original crowd? It's a shame really, as for a while from 2003 til around 2006 it was responsible for genuinely some of the funniest, most entertaining stuff i've read.

Got to the point though where the 3 or 4 of us who were running it just couldn't be arsed with the hassle it had become. We talked about ditching it completely for months before we found someone to take it over. In actual fact I think it did disappear for a few weeks before it came back as SteelmenOnline.

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Indeed! I was LawSteelman1886, then Martin1886 before I changed to MJC.

Edit: I remember 'Flow ditching it late 2008 then it reappearing in the December of that year with 'Gaag' running it.

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There was a cracking poster on steelmenonline or its well trust equivalent years ago who was apparently a Dundee Utd fan obsessed with Jim Paterson and called him/herself 'jimmyshimmy'.

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To be honest MJC, I and I think most other posters on there simply put you down as being a most obvious troll. I can't see any other explanation for your constant negativity throughout one of, if not the most successful periods in the clubs history. It became incredibly tedious reading the same old 3 nil defeat predictions and quite frankly baffling criticism of a team that finished best of the rest on numerous occasions.

It's funny though that the year you decided to give it up is the very year your constantly critical rhetoric might just have been merited. Strange that.

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You can't beat the comments sections on Motherwell's Facebook page for sheer irrationality, illiteracy and facepalm moments.

Though it is Facebook I'm talking about here so that's a given...

Football Facebook pages are the most frustrating thing in the world. Random case changes as well for some reason:


And then every Monday night, we get to see someone's proposed team which consists of the most attacking players playing with some youths out of position that they have never watched play.

I always sort of imagine Hartley reading it one night and then resigning.

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Steelmen Online was glorious the night that Craigy Broon left. Ended but being locked to all but registered users only with a whole host of "will he won't he" type posts.

What killed it was thon wee shoutbox thingy which rendered even the most banal threads dead.

Anyway, glad Black is away, I was never too keen on his appointment despite the superb run of form. It's those ex-Airdrie guys...

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Hallelujah..... Someone else who can spot a footballer. Agree 100% with this.

The way some people go on you would think Vigurs is the love child of Derek Townsley and Andy Roddie.

The abuse Vigurs gets has actually become absurdly comic.

I remember a couple of months ago Vigurs getting the ball down with a great bit of skill, going past a player, hanging on to the ball a little too long, then giving it away and 100 guys in the East Stand immediately getting up off their seats and giving the guy absolute dogs abuse.

Then the ball was picked up by Ojamaa who controled it with a great bit of skill, went past a player, hung on to the ball a little too long, gave it away and the very same guys were up applauding, shouting the praises of Ojamaa.

Literally the same action, seconds apart with two completely different reactions from the same people.

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To be honest MJC, I and I think most other posters on there simply put you down as being a most obvious troll. I can't see any other explanation for your constant negativity throughout one of, if not the most successful periods in the clubs history. It became incredibly tedious reading the same old 3 nil defeat predictions and quite frankly baffling criticism of a team that finished best of the rest on numerous occasions.

It's funny though that the year you decided to give it up is the very year your constantly critical rhetoric might just have been merited. Strange that.

I gave my views as I saw them, that's all. Often the 'glass' was half empty but that's just the way I am in general. I saw such a forum as a chance to let off steam rather than do so at the matches themselves and I'm damn sure I wasn't the only one who did so. Certain posters who took issue with what I posted and my views 'decided' that I was trolling and a few others jumped on that same bandwagon, but I maintain that I only gave my views as I saw them. Yes, they were often knee jerk and they weren't always constructive but as I say, I used the forum to let off some steam and that's something I don't think is too uncommon with the majority of football fans worldwide.

On more important matters though, I'm glad to hear that Kenny Black has now gone. He was part of McCall's management team which had clearly reached the end of the road and a whole new approach was badly needed.

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Vigurs is rapidly becoming the new Brian Kerr. Utterly despised by vast sections of the support...although unlike Kerr he does have a modicum of talent. Somewhere.

Vigurs is one of the laziest, heartless b*****ds I've ever seen at FP. He is capable of the odd trick, the odd wondershot but all too often he's hiding in games.

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