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1 minute ago, kingjoey said:

I do apologise, however it wasn’t in front of me when I was typing, is my excuse. I saw Joey playing his first match at Pittodrie for Aberdeen in October 1969 against Partick Thistle when he scored his first goal from a penalty. Saw plenty of games and goals after that.

I will be diplomatic in my reply. I saw him for Hibs , including a hat trick against Celtic in the 3 - 6 League Cup Final loss

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13 hours ago, bennett said:


We apologise to James Traynor for the discussion on Sportsound last night it was not fair and balanced and he did not have the opportunity to respond and on this occasion we did not adhere to our editorial values and standards and we have reminded those concerned of their responsibilities to follow our guidelines while working for the BBC











Laughable and embarrassing in equal measures. If Traynor didn't have the right to respond on the night, get him on an upcoming episode and give him the right to reply. 

Hopefully they could get round to asking him about the translation of the interview, it's timing post private detective incident and whether the stories are coincidentally linked in any way. 

Love or hate Michael Stewart, he at least had the gumption to speak out what the vast majority have thought for a while. Daryl Broadfoot playing devil's advocate is a bit laughable given his current PR employment as well. He knows how these things work yet failed to reasonably engage in the subject as a whole rather than specifics. 

You'd think McIntyre must've been embarrassed reading that nonsense statement out, though you suspect not. 

This hopefully won't be swept under the carpet. 

thriller mj GIF

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2 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:


I just tried that and it’s the Hamilton post match show.

You’ve just mugged me off, joey.


I subscribe to it and I am listening to it now from BBC Sounds, with Derek Ferguson and James McFadden. I haven’t mugged you off Mr 1988!

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Sportsound is absolute drivel. As a lower league supporter living overseas I like to keep in touch with Scottish football, but you would think that there are only 2 teams in the country listening to it. During the winter shutdown for example, you would think they could maybe focus on something a bit different, nope. All about either half of the bigot brothers. Guys like Pat Bonner and Willie Miller amongst others just spout rubbish. The whole program needs a complete overhaul.

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10 hours ago, ewan14 said:

I remember Tom English was on S.S. once and was a bit unpleasant about John Brown as manager of Clyde ( I think ). S.S. got Brown on one of the following shows so he could respond to English

Problem was that JB didn't respond IN English.

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Punditry is now dead.

Unless the recipient of comments is in the studio then  they do 'not have the opportunity to respond' therefore comments cannot be made. Or is it just in this one case?

All pundits should now refuse to give a view unless they can debate with the subject of their comments. BBC will need to build bigger studios to accommodate them all.

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11 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

As I've said, I'm a fan of Stewart, but there's an element of truth there.

He needs to make sure he's on firmer ground before fighting his next good fight.   He doesn't want to appear to be pointlessly courting controversy, as he'll be easily - if perhaps unfairly - characterised that way if he makes further mistakes.

The Spanish translation thing should have been resisted - it lacks a little class.

Stewart on Monday, on more than one occasion, said a very simple thing - that Rangers as a club, and it's supporters, were being done a massive disservice by the PR operation at Ibrox. Whether that is true or not (I happen to think it is), that very simple message got lost as he stumbled from one thing to the next. 

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Cant see me listening to it again any time soon after that pathetic apology. Only got round to hearing Stewarts words now, I never used to mind Kenny McIntyre that much but the way he was jumping to the defence of Traynor was cringeworthy. Came across as if he was worried about some sort of potential  libel case but they debate the actions and mindset of people in Scottish football Almost daily so I struggle to see why Jim Traynor is any different to anybody else.


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27 minutes ago, Iain said:

The state of that apology. Cringeworthy.  Reminds me of the time they made Kheredine Idessane apologise for accurately confirming there was no Chinese bid for Morelos. Think he was disappeared after that.

He disappeared up Andy Murray's arse a long time ago.

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When did the Daly Record get bought over by the Mail?
This story will keep going now that it seems Sky don't understand spanish and just stuck any old captions in the interview. I assume the BBC won't be able to report on this unless the translator and the person who edited the video are in the studio. I for one am going to take great pleasure in listening in to the BBC's coverage of Scottish football and writing in to the editorial team if they make comments on anyone without them being in the studio to respond. What a crazy position to take, they literally can't report anything now.

It’s really odd, but not surprising, that Celtic’s complaint about Sky isn’t about the genuine I justices against Morello (ie being wildly misquoted as well as being racially abused), but about the wording of the misquote making Celtic fans look bad. They can’t even defend a Rangers player without making it about Celtic being hard done by.

Sportsound is absolute drivel. As a lower league supporter living overseas I like to keep in touch with Scottish football, but you would think that there are only 2 teams in the country listening to it. During the winter shutdown for example, you would think they could maybe focus on something a bit different, nope. All about either half of the bigot brothers. Guys like Pat Bonner and Willie Miller amongst others just spout rubbish. The whole program needs a complete overhaul.

It’s so, so bad. Yet at heart, I think, it doesn’t take itself too seriously - or at least the guys worth listening to don’t. The absolute arrogance of some of these Peter Martin types on the alternative channels is laughable. Sportsound, for good or ill, is still the go-to broadcaster of Scottish football.

You can fairly judge a Glasgow taxi driver on a Saturday by whether he listens to Sportsound (good guy), Clyde Super Scoreboard (raging OF fan) or Talksport (get out of the taxi and walk away slowly).
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42 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


It’s really odd, but not surprising, that Celtic’s complaint about Sky isn’t about the genuine I justices against Morello (ie being wildly misquoted as well as being racially abused), but about the wording of the misquote making Celtic fans look bad. They can’t even defend a Rangers player without making it about Celtic being hard done by.

Whoever was responsible for that deliberately manipulated translation clearly made damn sure that Celtic popped up in an accusation of racism in a conversation where no such claim was made.   Whether Celtic, Ross County or any other team they have every right to demand an answer as to just why they were targeted in such a way and for that to then be broadcaast on Sky as if it was fact.  The 'wording of a misquote'? A misquote and hard done by, seriously?

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12 hours ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

Scottish society would be better without Sevco. The previous incarnation was poisonous enough in their behaviour and cheating, this new version are emboldened and more venomous in plain view.

Sorted that for you.

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3 hours ago, BukyOHare said:

Love or hate Michael Stewart, he at least had the gumption to speak out what the vast majority have thought for a while.

This is where I am.

We have a football media that is astonishing in its sycophancy towards the two big clubs in Scotland. The Brendan Rodgers era at Celtic was vomit-inducing and the BBC's utter desperation to get back into Rangers' good books is excruciating.

In a media landscape where Alex Rae and Charlie Adam's views are promoted as worth listening to, it's nice having someone like Stewart around who is occasionally prepared to put his hand up and call a spade a spade.

He's not always right and he's not always as articulate as he thinks, but he is pretty much alone in being prepared to ask 'why?' when people at home are shouting it at their radios. Or to point out that Jim Traynor has disproportionate influence and maybe media organisations shouldn't dance to his tune.

Reminds me of the time when Ally McCoist was Rangers manager and did the 'Who are these people?' thing about Rangers being fined by the authorities. Ewan Murray was on OTB around that time and said "Wouldn't it be interesting if it emerged that Rangers had actually asked to be fined?". Of course, soon it emerged that this was the case. If Ewan Murray knew this, then you can bet your baws the rest of the Scottish football media did, but nobody else put their hand up to stop Rangers spinning the story to their public.

Murray, like Stewart, is not everyone's cup of tea. But we are vanishingly thin on the ground for people who will actually step out of the party line. Murray gets slagged for being a golf correspondent. But perhaps his other professional focus means he's not as scared of being blackballed by Rangers. Likewise, Stewart has never really sought to win friends. We need more like that.

Edited by JTS98
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