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Is anyone so determined in their views that they will...

Casual Bystander

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...leave the country if the referendum vote goes against their wishes?

I was speaking to someone today who gave the immortal line of "I'll leave the country if we vote Yes". Naturally he was a rotund simpleton in his 40's who sported a Rangers top, had an ugly dog on a lead and was bedecked with unionist, loyalist and paramilitary tattoos. He could barely speak for the amount of Greggs sausage roll he was feeding into his corpulent face while bestowing the virtues of the Queen and the military and how his grandfather had fought to "keep Britain British" (subtlety and international politics of the 30's/40's was clearly not his strong point). The final flourish was to proclaim that the No vote would win because Alex Salmond was "fat and stupid". The irony was lost upon this ne'er-do-well although I did enjoy the lack of awareness on his behalf. The picture of a typical, uneducated, bigoted No voter was complete.

After spending several minutes giving him "the banter" about how he was just "at it" and no matter what way the vote goes he'll be sitting pretty, claiming his dole; it was a guess, although no surprise it was correct, but he was adamant.

Are there any people here who will leave the country dependent on the result?

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...leave the country if the referendum vote goes against their wishes?

I was speaking to someone today who gave the immortal line of "I'll leave the country if we vote Yes". Naturally he was a rotund simpleton in his 40's who sported a Rangers top, had an ugly dog on a lead and was bedecked with unionist, loyalist and paramilitary tattoos. He could barely speak for the amount of Greggs sausage roll he was feeding into his corpulent face while bestowing the virtues of the Queen and the military and how his grandfather had fought to "keep Britain British" (subtlety and international politics of the 30's/40's was clearly not his strong point). The final flourish was to proclaim that the No vote would win because Alex Salmond was "fat and stupid". The irony was lost upon this ne'er-do-well although I did enjoy the lack of awareness on his behalf. The picture of a typical, uneducated, bigoted No voter was complete.

After spending several minutes giving him "the banter" about how he was just "at it" and no matter what way the vote goes he'll be sitting pretty, claiming his dole; it was a guess, although no surprise it was correct, but he was adamant.

Are there any people here who will leave the country dependent on the result?

I didn't know you knew thepundit?

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Don't get me wrong, a No vote would certainly speed up my leaving for foreign climes, but that is already in the planning stages. I don't think I could live alongside a population with such a desire to be under the thumb.

However, I certainly wouldn't leave purely because of the referendum vote. In fact if Scotland still inside the UK leaves the EU due to English xenophobia that would be a far greater tipping point.

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...leave the country if the referendum vote goes against their wishes?

I was speaking to someone today who gave the immortal line of "I'll leave the country if we vote Yes". Naturally he was a rotund simpleton in his 40's who sported a Rangers top, had an ugly dog on a lead and was bedecked with unionist, loyalist and paramilitary tattoos. He could barely speak for the amount of Greggs sausage roll he was feeding into his corpulent face while bestowing the virtues of the Queen and the military and how his grandfather had fought to "keep Britain British" (subtlety and international politics of the 30's/40's was clearly not his strong point). The final flourish was to proclaim that the No vote would win because Alex Salmond was "fat and stupid". The irony was lost upon this ne'er-do-well although I did enjoy the lack of awareness on his behalf. The picture of a typical, uneducated, bigoted No voter was complete.

After spending several minutes giving him "the banter" about how he was just "at it" and no matter what way the vote goes he'll be sitting pretty, claiming his dole; it was a guess, although no surprise it was correct, but he was adamant.

Are there any people here who will leave the country dependent on the result?

You should maybe broaden your social circle.

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No. Scotland is the greatest country in the world and will continue to be after the vote, regardless of result.

Why leave?

While I agree with your viewpoint, your support for BT demonstrates you think that the "greatest country in the world" is not capable of running it's own affairs. Instead you would prefer to defer the majority of these affairs to another country. Somewhat contradictory.

You should maybe broaden your social circle.

Sadly the metropolis that is the "dear green place" has an abundance of such characters.

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No matter what I'm staying.

If it's a Yes then I'd want to make sure it worked.

If it's a No then I'd keep pushing with others for more more powers.

Either way there are issues that are going to be important no matter the result - and I'll carry on working on them in my own little way.

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...leave the country if the referendum vote goes against their wishes?

I was speaking to someone today who gave the immortal line of "I'll leave the country if we vote Yes". Naturally he was a rotund simpleton in his 40's who sported a Rangers top, had an ugly dog on a lead and was bedecked with unionist, loyalist and paramilitary tattoos. He could barely speak for the amount of Greggs sausage roll he was feeding into his corpulent face while bestowing the virtues of the Queen and the military and how his grandfather had fought to "keep Britain British" (subtlety and international politics of the 30's/40's was clearly not his strong point). The final flourish was to proclaim that the No vote would win because Alex Salmond was "fat and stupid". The irony was lost upon this ne'er-do-well although I did enjoy the lack of awareness on his behalf. The picture of a typical, uneducated, bigoted No voter was complete.

After spending several minutes giving him "the banter" about how he was just "at it" and no matter what way the vote goes he'll be sitting pretty, claiming his dole; it was a guess, although no surprise it was correct, but he was adamant.

Are there any people here who will leave the country dependent on the result?

Only people like the Weir's. After the No vote they will Probably pack their bags, and go and live in Gibraltar. However, I think you just made this up.Why point out the irony of a fat git calling Salmond a fat git, but you don't see the irony in a least one of your other posts where your own intolerance is not classed as bigotry but others intolerance are classed as bigotry?

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After spending several minutes giving him "the banter"

Sadly the metropolis that is the "dear green place" has an abundance of such characters.

I for one am totally convinced by the scenario provided in your opening post so maybe if you spend less time giving guys like this "the banter" you could meet a nicer chap to whisk you away from it all.

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I for one am totally convinced by the scenario provided in your opening post so maybe if you spend less time giving guys like this "the banter" you could meet a nicer chap to whisk you away from it all.

If the picture I have painted is not believable then I am guessing you haven't spent much time in Glasgow. Obviously with no idea of your location, other than a rather oblique reference to Australia shown in your profile, I have perhaps been presumptuous in regard to the level of "banter" you would expect to be exchanged with those whom you do not have a personal acquaintance with. As it is, and as a Glaswegian myself, I will engage in said "banter" as a matter of course; creed, colour and social status not withstanding.

As for the situation I can certainly attest to its apodicticity, however that would be moot due to the nature of the question relayed. If it causes you issue then consider it as mere sprinkles on the cake of common debate if you will.

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If the picture I have painted is not believable then I am guessing you haven't spent much time in Glasgow. Obviously with no idea of your location, other than a rather oblique reference to Australia shown in your profile, I have perhaps been presumptuous in regard to the level of "banter" you would expect to be exchanged with those whom you do not have a personal acquaintance with. As it is, and as a Glaswegian myself, I will engage in said "banter" as a matter of course; creed, colour and social status not withstanding.

As for the situation I can certainly attest to its apodicticity, however that would be moot due to the nature of the question relayed. If it causes you issue then consider it as mere sprinkles on the cake of common debate if you will.

I've spent enough time in Glasgow to know that you don't have to have 'banter' with every person you pass in the street, even if you're a local. I'm a generous wee soul so lets go with your sprinkle on the cake analogy, but it does cast a little doubt on the authenticity of your posts for me.

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Only people like the Weir's. After the No vote they will Probably pack their bags, and go and live in Gibraltar. However, I think you just made this up.Why point out the irony of a fat git calling Salmond a fat git, but you don't see the irony in a least one of your other posts where your own intolerance is not classed as bigotry but others intolerance are classed as bigotry?

I do believe that you need to learn the meaning of bigotry before you use it in a premise. Incremental incorrect inferences may be a wonderful alliteration but it makes for poor debate.

I totally believe this scenario as well the OP has brought to us, just as I totally believe he isn't Supras.

As I said to the other poster, while my description may be florid the account is entirely true. If you have issue with that, then it's of no real concern as the main conjecture of the post was to ask if people would leave the country based on the referendum result.

I've spent enough time in Glasgow to know that you don't have to have 'banter' with every person you pass in the street, even if you're a local. I'm a generous wee soul so lets go with your sprinkle on the cake analogy, but it does cast a little doubt on the authenticity of your posts for me.

Banter is banter. Perhaps I just don't impose a barrier to those of a more lugubrious nature.

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After spending several minutes giving him "the banter" about how he was just "at it" and no matter what way the vote goes he'll be sitting pretty, claiming his dole; it was a guess, although no surprise it was correct, but he was adamant.

Reminds me of the time that I answered my phone to be met with someone shouting "STAND AND DELIVER, YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE". I told they guy he had a wrong number but he was AdamAnt.


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...leave the country if the referendum vote goes against their wishes?

I was speaking to someone today who gave the immortal line of "I'll leave the country if we vote Yes". Naturally he was a rotund simpleton in his 40's who sported a Rangers top, had an ugly dog on a lead and was bedecked with unionist, loyalist and paramilitary tattoos. He could barely speak for the amount of Greggs sausage roll he was feeding into his corpulent face while bestowing the virtues of the Queen and the military and how his grandfather had fought to "keep Britain British" (subtlety and international politics of the 30's/40's was clearly not his strong point). The final flourish was to proclaim that the No vote would win because Alex Salmond was "fat and stupid". The irony was lost upon this ne'er-do-well although I did enjoy the lack of awareness on his behalf. The picture of a typical, uneducated, bigoted No voter was complete.

After spending several minutes giving him "the banter" about how he was just "at it" and no matter what way the vote goes he'll be sitting pretty, claiming his dole; it was a guess, although no surprise it was correct, but he was adamant.

Are there any people here who will leave the country dependent on the result?

Banter is banter. Perhaps I just don't impose a barrier to those of a more lugubrious nature.


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