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BT's advert there..

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Btw, has anyone discussed the crucial issue yet of whether Scottish Independence will affect Berwick Rangers position in the Scottish football system?

I'm not deciding which way to vote until I have CLEAR CUT answers on this.

Berwick will probably be asking to join us IMO

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Hopefully they get punted. They're a historical anachronism. Plus if they moved to England it would really annoy the OF.

I'm probably one of the few fans who wouldn't mind the move tbh. Scottish football is dying. This referendum won't have anything to do with it though.
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It STILL doesn't mention the benefits of remaining in the union, it gives no information whatsoever to anyone trying to make a decision

Aside from the obvious, that was the one thing that struck me with it. It provided absolutely nothing that could count as a positive for the union. Absolutely no information at all that could be used as an argument either way. It was a terrible advert in just about every aspect you could consider.

No, it isn't. It's a valid point of view, whether you agree with it or not.

It's as valid as saying you are gambling with your childrens future if you vote no. I gambled with my potential future childrens lives this morning by leaving the house for work. God knows the risks I potentially took by trying to live my life.

No one has asked the pertinent question;

Paul's wife - yes or no?

Done worse. Wouldn't stick about for post coital chat mind you.

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Here’s “Better Together” chief Blair McDougall in today’s Herald:

“Launching the [#PatronisingBTLady] video yesterday, Better Together campaign director Blair McDougall said: ‘The key factor for people isn’t the love of our country – as both Yes and No voters love Scotland. The key factor is the love of our families.’“

Let’s just read that through again. He’s saying that his campaign can’t use “love of our country” as a campaign weapon because people on both sides love their country. So instead he’s going to use “love of our families” as a distinguishing characteristic.

The only possible conclusion that can be drawn from those statements is that Yes supporters don’t love their families. It’s a bold gambit, we’ll give him that.

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Here’s “Better Together” chief Blair McDougall in today’s Herald:

“Launching the [#PatronisingBTLady] video yesterday, Better Together campaign director Blair McDougall said: ‘The key factor for people isn’t the love of our country – as both Yes and No voters love Scotland. The key factor is the love of our families.’“

Let’s just read that through again. He’s saying that his campaign can’t use “love of our country” as a campaign weapon because people on both sides love their country. So instead he’s going to use “love of our families” as a distinguishing characteristic.

The only possible conclusion that can be drawn from those statements is that Yes supporters don’t love their families. It’s a bold gambit, we’ll give him that.

Aye f**k the family. Give me independence for my country. :blink: Priorities man....

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Of course it is. That wouldn't be offensive either.

I agree, but I also think it makes that argument completely pointless. It means nothing because both sides carry their own risks.

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Oh look, BitterMad is making an arse of it. Big shocker.

Which bit did you disagree with? You think saying voting for the opposition is a gamble is offensive? If you do, you're a fuckin idiot who needs a grip of their life too.
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Which bit did you disagree with? You think saying voting for the opposition is a gamble is offensive? If you do, you're a fuckin idiot who needs a grip of their life too.

Like so many No voters, you really struggle with basic comprehension.

The #patroninsingBTlady said that, without any reasoning whatsoever, she was voting No because she didn't want to gamble her kids welfare. The logical conclusion to be inferred from that is that Yes voters are more than happy to gamble with their kids welfare.

It's not difficult.

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Here’s “Better Together” chief Blair McDougall in today’s Herald:

“Launching the [#PatronisingBTLady] video yesterday, Better Together campaign director Blair McDougall said: ‘The key factor for people isn’t the love of our country – as both Yes and No voters love Scotland. The key factor is the love of our families.’“

Let’s just read that through again. He’s saying that his campaign can’t use “love of our country” as a campaign weapon because people on both sides love their country. So instead he’s going to use “love of our families” as a distinguishing characteristic.

The only possible conclusion that can be drawn from those statements is that Yes supporters don’t love their families. It’s a bold gambit, we’ll give him that.

Do the better together lot ever think before they open their mouth?

Some of the things better together supporters come out with really do leave you shaking your head in disbelief.

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I agree, but I also think it makes that argument completely pointless. It means nothing because both sides carry their own risks.

Totally agree. To be offended by one side pointing out the risks of voting for the other side is utterly ridiculous.

All that's happened here is the more frenzied nationalists have snapped like piranhas, made assumptions, realised they probably agree with me, then moved away quietly.

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Like so many No voters, you really struggle with basic comprehension.

The #patroninsingBTlady said that, without any reasoning whatsoever, she was voting No because she didn't want to gamble her kids welfare. The logical conclusion to be inferred from that is that Yes voters are more than happy to gamble with their kids welfare.

It's not difficult.

I understand that perfectly. It's not offensive.
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