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Vote Yes and stop being the target of terrorism?

Casual Bystander

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Taking away what has gone before, would you rather we (the west) have no involvement in the Middle East? Personally, I'd rather come from a country who tried to help those being persecuted by IS, than just sit back and say it isn't our problem.

If you take everything as being equal then of course people would like to see us provide assistance to other countries. The problem is, nothing is equal.

The problems in Iraq could, arguably, be laid at the feet of the UK and France when they decided to divide up their colonial spoils in a manner that didn't fit with political or religious separations, something Britain has a sorry and sad history of.

Secondly just months ago William Hague was advocating arming the very rebels in order to fight Assad's army, when now there are calls to support Assad in fighting IS. It's a fucking mess and the West has shown that while it can do good it can also do an awful lot of bad and that bad comes back to kick us.

The bottom line is I don't wish to see Scottish soldiers on foreign soil just to appease a short term political ideology.

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If you take everything as being equal then of course people would like to see us provide assistance to other countries. The problem is, nothing is equal.

The problems in Iraq could, arguably, be laid at the feet of the UK and France when they decided to divide up their colonial spoils in a manner that didn't fit with political or religious separations, something Britain has a sorry and sad history of.

Secondly just months ago William Hague was advocating arming the very rebels in order to fight Assad's army, when now there are calls to support Assad in fighting IS. It's a fucking mess and the West has shown that while it can do good it can also do an awful lot of bad and that bad comes back to kick us.

The bottom line is I don't wish to see Scottish soldiers on foreign soil just to appease a short term political ideology.

This is very true a lot of the Gulfs problems lie in that the European powers just drew borders without actually putting any thought into it, Israel / palestine is exactly the same had more thought been used at the time a lot of this could be prevented.

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This is very true a lot of the Gulfs problems lie in that the European powers just drew borders without actually putting any thought into it, Israel / palestine is exactly the same had more thought been used at the time a lot of this could be prevented.

It's maybe only Canada and Australia that have seceded from British rule and it's not ended up a cluster f**k. Whether that is the Middle East, Asia or Africa. We stand utterly guilty of either ridiculously arrogant gerrymandering or pitiful negligence.

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Taking away what has gone before, would you rather we (the west) have no involvement in the Middle East? Personally, I'd rather come from a country who tried to help those being persecuted by IS, than just sit back and say it isn't our problem.

It is only our problem because we created the environment for IS to flourish.

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Just started to read a few threads on here...quick thought...who the f**k is the complete and utter nugget Mr Bairn..?? That guy is seriously out there. This guy should be leading the BT campaign as his research and arguments in these threads are so convincing :wacko:

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I remember Brian Stagecoach on one of the debates was the only panelist to answer this question, given the rest were politicians it's hardly suprising. He said commonsense told him that Scotland would be safer and said other small nations were not threatened by terrorism, what a load of pish. Commonsense probably also told him to wear that sky blue suit jacket.

Commonsense tells me that an iScotland may become less of a target but it would definitely more susceptible to a major actual attack.

1. Would AQ forget our past involvment in middle east wars? Not sure how their minds would work especially as they were the started by the Governments we voted for ;) .

2. Yes campaign tends to compare itself with small european countries like Norway and Belgium when it suits but didn't on this occasion, I wonder why?

Not too suprised the BT did not bring any of this up as it would be shouted down as project fear. I reckon I feel pretty safe today with proven inteligence agencies protecting us and would less safe in an iScotland.

Any Yes or BT think differently?

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I'm sure the labour youth in Norway would agree.


Really? That is dreadful, dreadful scaremongering. Even No voters will be laughing at that cack-handed attempt at trying to spin the case for the union.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Edit: what the f**k is it with Falkirk fans? Is there something in the water?

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I remember Brian Stagecoach on one of the debates was the only panelist to answer this question, given the rest were politicians it's hardly suprising. He said commonsense told him that Scotland would be safer and said other small nations were not threatened by terrorism, what a load of pish. Commonsense probably also told him to wear that sky blue suit jacket.

Commonsense tells me that an iScotland may become less of a target but it would definitely more susceptible to a major actual attack.

1. Would AQ forget our past involvment in middle east wars? Not sure how their minds would work especially as they were the started by the Governments we voted for ;) .

2. Yes campaign tends to compare itself with small european countries like Norway and Belgium when it suits but didn't on this occasion, I wonder why?

Not too suprised the BT did not bring any of this up as it would be shouted down as project fear. I reckon I feel pretty safe today with proven inteligence agencies protecting us and would less safe in an iScotland.

Any Yes or BT think differently?

Intelligence agencies from around the world share information and this has indeed proven to be successful. I don't see any reason an independent Scotland will upset this.

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I'm sure the labour youth in Norway would agree.

What the actual f**k? Tell me please how an iScotland would be linked with that?

I've seen scaremongering and desperation, but f**k me that's dreadful. Ashamed? You fucking should be.

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