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The Arbroath Thread

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Super kev away to the loons ha ha.forfar take who they want from the smokies!!!!

Instead of gloating at us losing players to the fermers you should be looking at your own team or lack of one just now. You should also be grateful that your side last season was WAAAASH or Emmerdale would have been raiding you as well.
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Relichtie point taken my friend.we were washhhh il admit that.you guys were decent first half of the season then just as washhhh as us!last season will be remembered as how the smokies bottled the league and how the mo defied all doubters ;-).And I was hardly gloating,just find it a bit odd how some smokie fans think their the main team in angus when brechin and forfar are streets ahead of them at present hence why they can take who they want from th smaller club.

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Relichtie point taken my friend.we were washhhh il admit that.you guys were decent first half of the season then just as washhhh as us!last season will be remembered as how the smokies bottled the league and how the mo defied all doubters ;-).And I was hardly gloating,just find it a bit odd how some smokie fans think their the main team in angus when brechin and forfar are streets ahead of them at present hence why they can take who they want from th smaller club.

Can I adopt one of you as my wee team ?? Is the gap big enough now....
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Losing Nicoll is all on the boards shoulders.

Yeah of course it is,lets chuck money that we don't have at players and watch us go down the tubes. Untill we get a sugar daddy like our angus neighbours we have to live within our means but hey lets just blame the board when players leave cause that's so easy.No big deal losing Nicol imo he was ok but not as good as he thought he was.

Edited by keptie
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Yeah of course it is,lets chuck money that we don't have at players and watch us go down the tubes. Untill we get a sugar daddy like our angus neighbours we have to live within our means but hey lets just blame the board when players leave cause that's so easy.No big deal losing Nicol imo he was ok but not as good as he thought he was.

quite right, we elevate players to "hero" or "legend" status far to quickly, to the players who have, either signed or re-signed they have our 100% support, to those who have left or those who chosen not to re-sign for us, we thank them and we move on, as for the "sack the board merchants" they need a reality check and possibly just "grow the hell up"
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They average about 500. Last 3 year, excluding the year we had Sevco as it's skewed we've had an average of 721, 684 and 803. Extra paying heads every week must count for something? The hospitality only takes like 40 aswell I'm sure

I don't know how they get so much cash to make some of the signings they do

Frustrating losing players to them every season

Only been on a few times but if Arbroath could fit some kind of wind shields around the ground the gate would double, the cold biting wind puts people of from attending home games

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Relichtie point taken my friend.we were washhhh il admit that.you guys were decent first half of the season then just as washhhh as us!last season will be remembered as how the smokies bottled the league and how the mo defied all doubters ;-).And I was hardly gloating,just find it a bit odd how some smokie fans think their the main team in angus when brechin and forfar are streets ahead of them at present hence why they can take who they want from th smaller club.

If it's down purely to attendances we are consistently the best supported of all the Angus clubs. There are other factors in the equation which gives Forfar and Brechin much more financial clout than us and the Mo. They seen to be able to out spend their money's brought in through the gates. Forfar make a lot from hiring out their pitch but where do Brechin get theirs from is a mystery. Rich benefactors seem the only other avenue.
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Nicoll went through a few bad patches last season and at times he was not up to scratch - towards the end of the season his form dipped and he did not play very well.

I think it suits both Nicoll and Arbroath that he has moved - it was time for a change .

Still a few players yet to be signed and announced for the new season.

C'mon the ' broath.

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Just seen that Craig Wilson from Linlithgow has officially signed!! Confirmed on the clubs Facebook!!

Craig is a very good right sided full back and gives his all....he will be a good addition to yojr squad and I would imagine if he fits into the managers plans he will play most weeks if not injured....think he might have played for Forfar or Montrose before having 2 seasons in the juniors but I'm sure he won't let you guys down very steady on the ball and has speed to burn
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Nicoll went through a few bad patches last season and at times he was not up to scratch - towards the end of the season his form dipped and he did not play very well.

I think it suits both Nicoll and Arbroath that he has moved - it was time for a change .

Still a few players yet to be signed and announced for the new season.

C'mon the ' broath.

Totally disagree with you.

Yes Nicol had a bad slump. He came back from injury into a team that was starting to struggle. He suffered aswell due to the team playing badly.

Moore sacked. Lumsden in and he moves him back into his favoured central midfield role and he starts playing much better. Team starts playing much better.

It would have suited Arbroath to have a player who we know can deliver in the middle of the park. But we are left with getting someone else in and hoping he does as good a job.

The board has really let the fans and the team down with its wage policy.

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You can't spend money you don't have. No point in having a great team on big wages if your club goes under. Bit harsh to criticise the boards wage policy without anything to back it up with.

Precisely,i wish these supporters who know the wage policy of the board would share it with the rest of us,no word from the board haters about keeping hold of the best player in the league whom there would have been a lot of interest from other clubs.if the board haters were running the club we would be defunct in a year.

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Think the problem we have is that the board is stagnant. We need members on the board that can either bring in fresh investment to the club, fresh ideas to generate more income, or both.

If clubs like Forfar, Brechin, Berwick, Albion, Stenhousemuir, Etc can constantly offer more wages for players, then we will be heading to the Highland League in the near future. We cant keep letting all our best players leave the club due to our lack of forward thinking. To busy treading water.

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