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Bobby Conner and Gavin Rea are the only 2 Scottish midfielders I can remember getting a  call up while actually playing for us.  Big fan of Gavin - industrious type, with a great engine. He would do well in our current team.

Strachen is the best we have had since the 60's, but even though he was my hero as a kid, he never made an impact until he left us.  Same with McCann. You could argue that both were more wingers though, than real midfielders. 

Wieghorst for me above McDonald. 



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Looks like McPake and Boyle are staying at Dens. Hartley has appointed Jimmy Nicholl as his assistant (Which must be a kick in the baws to Gerry McCabe) and Tom Ritchie as his backroom staff.

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So many different types of midfielders. Nemzadze obviously the sensible choice but I have a soft spot for the likes of bomber as a player although as a manager he made me want to end myself.
Another guy that I really remember with fondness is Cammy Fraser the first time round. The cup game second leg at Pittodrie with him and wee Jim Murphy is one of my favourites.
Also great comedy memories when he came back and played centre half with his blue bionic knee.

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Change of subject here but the style of our club badge and it's uses have been bugging me and I'm just wondering if any of you ITK types ken what the score is. We've been using the "60's" style badge for a few years now on the strips but every now and again the laurel crested badge makes an appearance. I'd thought the laurel badge was an 80's "new" design but it seems it's been on the go a lot longer. Seen on Bob Shankly's blazer. Is there any rhyme or reason to its usage? I thought the laurel badge had been retired but you still get goodies on sale in the club shop adorned with it. 21a35b3c2e161b115f8b1455909a0fc4.jpg

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5 minutes ago, Hayser78 said:

Change of subject here but the style of our club badge and it's uses have been bugging me and I'm just wondering if any of you ITK types ken what the score is. We've been using the "60's" style badge for a few years now on the strips but every now and again the laurel crested badge makes an appearance. I'd thought the laurel badge was an 80's "new" design but it seems it's been on the go a lot longer. Seen on Bob Shankly's blazer. Is there any rhyme or reason to its usage? I thought the laurel badge had been retired but you still get goodies on sale in the club shop adorned with it. 21a35b3c2e161b115f8b1455909a0fc4.jpg

If you go to historicalkits.co.uk there is a fair bit of info about the history of the club’s badge.  Good wee read. 

I actually forgot about one or two versions of the badge.  One thing has remained the same though.  Always DFC!


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Reading an article about the time Craig Brown had the chance to sign Leigh Griffiths whilst he was at Wolves. Craig Brown went to Jocky for a reference, Jocky apparently said, 'Touching him with a bargepole would be unacceptable', he followed this up by answering Brown's question of whether he and Knox could manage him with the line, 'Nobody could manage that b*****d!'

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