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1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

The 'confidence' thing is nonsense. Were they lacking in confidence for the first 'serious' match of the season when they looked shambolic v's Dunfermline?

I agree with McCann that the squad has the ability to do much better, but where I disagree is over what is the cause of their horrendous under-achievement. Our manager puts our players in a position to fail before they go out on to the pitch. He plays players out of position, uses formations that expose their weaknesses, his instructions and tactics are baffling, the players look confused, there's no discernible shape to the team. That's not 'confidence' or lack thereof, that's disorganisation. That's not on the players.

So typical of McCann's 'angry wee man' aggressive persona that as far as he's concerned he's beyond reproach, and the very visible problems are down to disheartened players, incompetent refs etc etc, basically anyone and anything but himself.

Of course the players' confidence is going to take a battering after a string of poor performances and terrible results, but there's an underlying cause here that, until it's addressed, the players alone aren't going to be able to overcome. We're not going to get results by just having the players 'believe in themselves' a bit more when they are fighting a pointless fight to begin with. We need to shitfest our way out of this situation, but with McCann's stubbornness in sticking to his football ethos I see no way that's going to happen while he's in charge. To be perfectly honest, the team performs like and gives off the vibe of a collection of individuals who have absolutely no faith in the guy leading them.

Pretty much bang on for me Boo + I'm wondering how much of McCann's tactical fuckwittery was behind Caulker & Wighton wanting away

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3 hours ago, rodallegabombs said:

Out of the next 6 games I can only see the possibility (very slight) of maybe getting a draw away at Hamilton. Even that’s unlikely.

If we continue in the same vain we could very easily be well into November sitting on 0 points.

I have no confidence in McCann turning that round. I have no confidence in his team selection, tactics or in game management.

At this level to get anything from a game you have to be hard to beat. To me that means getting a settled formation and starting 11 - at minimum a settled back 5. Being well drilled and having good shape and discipline.
Once that is second nature, then you can try and play a bit.

I’m rambling, but my point is McCann is fucking useless and needs his jotters before we are too far gone to save. I may seem melodramatic but by the time we put any points on the board we could easily be 12 - 15 points behind.

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eta. Boo is spot on as well.

Edited by Bigmouth Strikes Again
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19 minutes ago, locheedee said:

Pretty much bang on for me Boo + I'm wondering how much of McCann's tactical fuckwittery was behind Caulker & Wighton wanting away

Yes, I've wondered why Caulker went from more or less grovelling about how wonderful McCann was when he signed for us, to not playing despite apparently being fit, and opting out of his contract without another club lined up. Ok, Caulker's problems are well documented so it's not as clear cut as laying this all at the feet of McCann in his particular case, but combine that with the fact he's fallen out with players before, Bain and Allan seemingly desperate to get away from him, Wighton underperforming then leaving,  and the fact we appear to be a wholly unattractive proposition to well known players who are happily joining other Scottish clubs while leaving us signing total unknowns from abroad, and you can't help but wonder if the word is out that our manager is an entirely unpleasant or incompetent individual.

Again, I've always wanted McCann to succeed. He was a bit of a cult hero of mine when I was younger and I hugely admired him as a player. However, it's my opinion he's completely out of his depth as a manager, and unfortunately his abrasive manner and total lack of objectivity is really putting me off him as a person too. I just hope the BoD act before he essentially relegates us and goes entirely from hero to villain.  

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36 minutes ago, D TOTAL said:

Let’s say McCann does go..who comes in?


Surely the board has some sort of contingency plan just in case

What's a plan?


23 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

A Jocky/Barry Smith management dream-team, Jim Duffy as DoF, Big Rab and Bobby Geddes coaching the keepers, Wright and Coyne the forwards, and a  Bomber Broon and Cammy Fraser 'disciplinary unit'. That should about do it.

How do we go about crowd funding this?

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A Jocky/Barry Smith management dream-team, Jim Duffy as DoF, Big Rab and Bobby Geddes coaching the keepers, Wright and Coyne the forwards, and a  Bomber Broon and Cammy Fraser 'disciplinary unit'. That should about do it.

How do we go about crowd funding this?

Throw in Jim Murphy coaching the wingers and I’ll stump up £20.
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Aye, I think the club is all in on James McPake.

As much as I think Miller's a conniving b*****d who is standing behind McCann with knives already out, I don't think the BoD are stupid enough to give it to him permanently after the Livi debacle. Who knows though.

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