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Just now, Ludo*1 said:

Michael Stewart has to start somewhere. He's like a McCann-lite.

I would secretly love that for a time. He's like the epitome of pundits who look like they think they've got what it takes to succeed. Would be funny at the very least.

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Managers' win percentages in the Championship who have managed at least 39 games in this league (would've been 40, but 2 were 39 so f**k it):

Tommy Gemmell (78 GP) –          62.82%
Gordon Wallace (48 GP) –             62.50%
Don Mackay (39 GP) –                    56.41%
David White (39 GP) –                    53.85%
Barry Smith (66 GP) –                     48.49%
Jim Duffy (95 GP) –                          48.42%
Alex Rae (82 GP) –                           47.56%
John McCormack (40 GP) –          47.50%
Jocky Scott (64 GP) –                       46.88%
James McPake (41 GP) –               39.02%

Well off the pace of even minimum expectations.

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14 minutes ago, johnnydun said:


To be fair, aye. Shelley Kerr sounds like an utter moron.

I'm not against a female manager, but she flopped with Scotland ultimately and talks utter shite (more than average) on Sportscene.

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Just watching back the highlights, and I think that 3rd goal is one of the worst I've seen us concede this season, and that's saying something. Not necessarily the shot itself, it's a screamer from Gibson that Hamilton would have done well to even get a finger on, but the build-up is horrific.

McMullan is running up the pitch and has the ball knocked from his feet towards Gowser and Gibson. Maybe it's a bit too far for him to clean pick up the ball, but Gowser definitely could have challenged Gibson and made him work for the ball. Instead, Gowser runs away from the ball, having already gave up on even fighting for possession and heading towards the centre circle while Gibson strolls past the halfway line.

Fontaine follows Dobbie on the right wing since Marshall isn't back in position, though despite being closer to Gibson than Dobbie insists on getting back into position. Only Adam gets close to making a challenge, but Gibson can just easily 1-2 it with Jones who is beside him.

Gibson now has free reign in our half, Charlie's not catching him, and Marshall is finally covering Dobbie, so Fontaine attempts to get back into his normal position and start pressuring Gibson. Mullen meanwhile struts into frame and despite having fresher legs than most out there, just jogs and eventually stops once Fontaine starts moving towards him. Meanwhile, Ashcroft decides to follow East needlessly, as I think Fontaine or at a last gasp Marshall could've stopped any reverse pass, so now there's a big hole.

Gibson has a head-start on Fontaine and just heads to the left, though standing there on the edge of the box is Gowser, who has watched the ball the whole way (while avoiding the ball). If Gowser just shows a bit of aggression and presses Gibson, that opening is a lot smaller. But no, he just stands there. Probably was concerned about Nortey, but Kerr was also there and would have been focused on Nortey himself. Since Fontaine is the only one trying to stop Gibson but is trying to play catch up, so it ends up being a free hit that he has all the time in the world for, and takes advantage.

In short, what the f**k is Gowser doing there and where the f**k is the communication and agency? Looked like an already defeated team, barely even trying. Fontaine the only one I understand, as he's trying to cover everything and is the only one pressing Gibson, but having 35-year old legs playing catch-up isn't going to stop that shot from happening on its own, crazily enough.

Edited by RossBFaeDundee
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John Brown never got sacked. He walked and Gardiner tried to talk him into staying.
Certainly not how I remember it - parted by mutual agreement but everyone thought it was a sacking due to the pressure from the fans.

Jim Duffy described it as a sacking:


You may be getting mixed up when Brown offered to resign after getting angry at a touchline ban - he was persuaded to stay on by Gardiner then.

When Brown did mutually agree to go the Yanks were in and Nelms was a director - they were clearly pulling all the strings at that point - Gardiner himself was gone by June that year.
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1 hour ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

In short, what the f**k is Gowser doing there and where the f**k is the communication and agency? Looked like an already defeated team, barely even trying. Fontaine the only one I understand, as he's trying to cover everything and is the only one pressing Gibson, but having 35-year old legs playing catch-up isn't going to stop that shot from happening on its own, crazily enough.

Not commenting on your analysis, not least as I havent seen proper highlights, but the 35 year old legs excuse doesnt really wash when the legs he is chasing are 36.

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8 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Not commenting on your analysis, not least as I havent seen proper highlights, but the 35 year old legs excuse doesnt really wash when the legs he is chasing are 36.

Do you insist on replying to everything I post?

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3 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

Do you insist on replying to everything I post?

Not particularly. Its kind of the point in a forum though. You can reply to anything you like. You're not exempt. If you post something I feel like responding to I will.

Something put you in a bad mood today Ross? 

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10 hours ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

Managers' win percentages in the Championship who have managed at least 39 games in this league (would've been 40, but 2 were 39 so f**k it):

Tommy Gemmell (78 GP) –          62.82%
Gordon Wallace (48 GP) –             62.50%
Don Mackay (39 GP) –                    56.41%
David White (39 GP) –                    53.85%
Barry Smith (66 GP) –                     48.49%
Jim Duffy (95 GP) –                          48.42%
Alex Rae (82 GP) –                           47.56%
John McCormack (40 GP) –          47.50%
Jocky Scott (64 GP) –                       46.88%
James McPake (41 GP) –               39.02%

Well off the pace of even minimum expectations.

Good bit of research Ross.  Do you think it’s fair to say that most, if not all, of the above managers never had anywhere near the financial backing McPake has had?  

When he appointed McIntyre as manager Nelms enthusiastically talked about the stats that McIntyre had and that he keeps stats on all potential managers.  Are these figures definitely correct?  If so, an e Mail to Nelms highlighting these stats may be in order.

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7 hours ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Not commenting on your analysis, not least as I havent seen proper highlights, but the 35 year old legs excuse doesnt really wash when the legs he is chasing are 36.

Different bodies react to age differently. Some indeed lose their legs Sandra 

It doesn't help when you've spent your career getting pissed and battering policemen and bouncers whilst living in Airdrie eating tattie scones on a Sunday morning. Lifes not all flowers,foxhunting, yoga and crumpets for Paul McGowan like down in the Tory heartlands of Dumfries and Galloway, Sandra.

His hair line looks as though he's fallen asleep at a house party and someones taken swipes at his head with a shaver. If he wasn't a footballer he'd be a frothing mouthed Staffie away from old dears crossing the road at his presence.

McGowan is finished as a week in week out starter IMO. Can still play a role in the squad.

Thank you.

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7 hours ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Not particularly. Its kind of the point in a forum though. You can reply to anything you like. You're not exempt. If you post something I feel like responding to I will.

Something put you in a bad mood today Ross? 

Bore off.

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I'm glad we are eventually all starting to agree that McGowan should be placed on the bench. And then end of season he gets released ( unless he has a contract to next season then ignore). 

The defence however is awful. Fontaine and the spurs player ( right now I can't remember his name n can't be fucked looking it up) should be our starting two. Left back is Marshall however defending wise he is shite. Right back is an on going issue so that's just whoever is fit goes out there. 

A striker who can score goals would be ideal. The manager decided we didn't need this however so we are stuck with who we have ( Cummings maybe the answer but he needs help ) 

Midfield no idea where to start , it dosnt exist. Dont really know what is best , sadly neither does our manager..

Meh let's get to end of season. Hopefully soon as we find we can't get relegated they will punt the manager so a new one can build for next season. We live in hope.



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Still no decision from Nelms? How much longer do we think this farce will continue for? another week? two weeks? end of the season? next season? When you take into account the backing he's had and the money he's had chucked at him, he is easily the worst manager I have ever seen in over 50 years of watching Dundee.

Thank you.

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I’m curious what the interview process is was like for Mcpake as he was coming from our youths I assumed he was coming as a young new coach with ideas that will rely on youth(of which he should know well) as it stands our squad is full of jobbers and pensioners and not one of his youth (stars) on the pitch and barely off the bench 

I fully believe if he goes back to his routes of youth he may have a chance at a decent career, sadly it should not be with Dundee 


bobby geddes for next gaffer you heard it here first

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8 minutes ago, D TOTAL said:

I’m curious what the interview process is was like for Mcpake as he was coming from our youths I assumed he was coming as a young new coach with ideas that will rely on youth(of which he should know well) as it stands our squad is full of jobbers and pensioners and not one of his youth (stars) on the pitch and barely off the bench 

I fully believe if he goes back to his routes of youth he may have a chance at a decent career, sadly it should not be with Dundee 


bobby geddes for next gaffer you heard it here first

I’m absolutely certain that McPake will not have a decent career in football at any level.  His lack of football knowledge has been badly exposed and other clubs will notice this.  

Why would any other club come in for him?  He supposedly loves this club (although i think everyone now agrees he put himself first before the club when he took the job).  Imagine what he’d be like at a club he didn’t care about?  

After one of the hammerings we took last season the reporter pointed out to him that it wasn’t until the 80+ minute that Dundee had a shot on target.  McPake looked shocked and admitted he didn’t know that.  How can he not know that?  Absolutely appalling that he was unaware of this fact.  How can he effectively change games with his substitutions if he isn’t aware of such a fundamental fact?  From a PR perspective it’s even worse that he couldn’t react better to the question.  

He’s played Nelms and us for fools.  He needs binned.

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7 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

I’m absolutely certain that McPake will not have a decent career in football at any level.  His lack of football knowledge has been badly exposed and other clubs will notice this.  

Why would any other club come in for him?  He supposedly loves this club (although i think everyone now agrees he put himself first before the club when he took the job).  Imagine what he’d be like at a club he didn’t care about?  

After one of the hammerings we took last season the reporter pointed out to him that it wasn’t until the 80+ minute that Dundee had a shot on target.  McPake looked shocked and admitted he didn’t know that.  How can he not know that?  Absolutely appalling that he was unaware of this fact.  How can he effectively change games with his substitutions if he isn’t aware of such a fundamental fact?  From a PR perspective it’s even worse that he couldn’t react better to the question.  

He’s played Nelms and us for fools.  He needs binned.

I agree he need needs out and maybe spend time under someone but as a real young manager probably one of the youngest in Britain (36) he has nothing but time I doubt he’ll get it here but if he dropped down a division or 2 I think he could make a go of it , Dundee is to big to be someone’s first job especially if that team is chasing promotion 

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