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I don't think anyone needs to sign up or chuck money into the society at all.

It has the right to veto even if it only owned 1%. 

They don't want them to veto and that's it. It's in black and white a temporary is agreeable. On a temporary they could have reservations still such as club name merger and all other rights revoked but give them a no reservation response to moving.

If someone said here's a pile of cash. You decide if I can half. Why not give them the option to give you all of it too?

It probably won't happen but the option is there.

The way forward for everyone is a temporary proposal allowing moving of ground but a blanket veto to name, badge, merger and asset transfer.


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1 hour ago, Fifespud said:


We were, but the ‘fans’ didn’t like it. ‘They’re fucking clueless’ they said. ‘Bring in some business people’, ‘people with money’. So we got the Americans.

I’d rather have remained fan owned and let the situation develop. It all depends on the skill set amongst the fans that can be arsed picking up the poisoned chalice.


I’d imagine the actions of McDonald and Forbes during the takeover and at the meeting in the Gardyne Theatre would put a lot of people off joining/re-joining that particular set up. Certainly split the fans with the majority against them I’d say.

Reading elsewhere recently it appears they’ve deleted the minutes of the meetings during their running of the club, why? They left us up shit creek AGAIN until FPS stepped in and cleared the debt. The replies from people involved currently and when they ran the club on the 2 other main Dundee fans forums is something to behold.

I hope they do a deal over their shares that involves no merger ever happening but  I think we wouldn’t have a club now if they were left to run it. 

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Fan ownership can be dangerous at lower levels. It relys on their being a figurehead capable of managing the club (like a Budge).
Dundee fans need to have a say in their matters though, I can't see any logical reason for their owners to make this play without the knowledge they're wanting to make a controversial decision.
A stadium outside Dundee, for instance.

Ann Budge is a completely bad example. She’s only there because she’s chucked in a massive wedge of her own money. When Hearts are truly fan owned she’ll be gone.

And the New Campie is no more outside Dundee than McDiarmid is Perth so I’ve no idea what that comment was about either.

Please try harder. Being boring alone is not enough.
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53 minutes ago, Crawford said:

The way forward for everyone is a temporary proposal allowing moving of ground but a blanket veto to name, badge, merger and 

That’s what I’d hope for as well.

Can’t see how the bank debt for each year can stay below 50k with a stadium planned for tho. Although I’m in pessimistic camp on that actually ever happening. 

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34 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

He did . N he gave rest to charity. ( to the people he couldn't get money back to).
However he came up with every excuse possible boasting about his lifestyle

Was it not the 2nd or 3rd year on the trot he done it? He was posted somewhere abroad and had personal problems. Still unacceptable but he made every effort to get the cash back to people eventually.

The worst thing is that it's put a stop to us running our yearly donation to the club (Not that I got involved) of a couple of grand from the P&B community, not just Dees.

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52 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

Yup that's the bit that pissed me off is the fact we have stopped it because of one tosser. Maybe next year we can get it started or not even a p&b one but a Dundee one.
Shouldn't let one tosser affect it.

Gatwick drones.

Only difference is that there wasn't a drone but the upshot is we now all get pay the government for a mandatory online test and the privilege to register them as well as the pilot.

Not really the same but it takes "one" to ruin everything.

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Don't think it's related but there is a large amount of movement on the liff road (liff side not Lochee side) to widen the road and update the paths. 

This road is only used by lorry drivers (one way so why widen it?) and has very little foot traffic.

Is that going to be an access road? 

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27 minutes ago, Crawford said:

Don't think it's related but there is a large amount of movement on the liff road (liff side not Lochee side) to widen the road and update the paths. 

This road is only used by lorry drivers (one way so why widen it?) and has very little foot traffic.

Is that going to be an access road? 

New houses going up that way. Maybe just routine and done in anticipation of additional traffic? You would think that it'd make sense to make use of the slip road rather than sending everyone to the roundabout at Asda.

That would be directly next to the training ground side though so I can see your thinking. Maybe, they are thinking of taking some of the traffic in that way or looping some of it out (i.e. making a path from the car park that cuts back but would be heading the right direction up the Kingsway - freeing up the overpass to be shut for 15-20 minutes to just send people back south). I suppose coming from Aberdeen, it'd give you the option to maybe turn off at Tealing and then head in the back way if you are going for the official car park.

I don't really think any of this will be an issue to the home support as we'll all get our own spots etc and know how to avoid it but it will be awkward for away fans.

Keyes/Nelms did say that this part has been sorted though and it's the financing part (hence the DFCSS issue now) that they need to properly put in place.

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5 minutes ago, harry94 said:

New houses going up that way. Maybe just routine and done in anticipation of additional traffic? You would think that it'd make sense to make use of the slip road rather than sending everyone to the roundabout at Asda.

That would be directly next to the training ground side though so I can see your thinking. Maybe, they are thinking of taking some of the traffic in that way or looping some of it out (i.e. making a path from the car park that cuts back but would be heading the right direction up the Kingsway - freeing up the overpass to be shut for 15-20 minutes to just send people back south). I suppose coming from Aberdeen, it'd give you the option to maybe turn off at Tealing and then head in the back way if you are going for the official car park.

I don't really think any of this will be an issue to the home support as we'll all get our own spots etc and know how to avoid it but it will be awkward for away fans.

Keyes/Nelms did say that this part has been sorted though and it's the financing part (hence the DFCSS issue now) that they need to properly put in place.

Access has been provisionally sorted, and has been for a while as far as I know. Don't know what it consists of, however. 

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Macron is the new official kit provider for the next 5 years.
can only assume its a better deal than we were getting from puma. anyone ever owned any macron items? hopefully they are decent quality as id hate to be returning to the shite we got from bukta!

that club statement reads like next seasons kit design has already been chosen.
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