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32 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

The Record aren't holding back with this piece today but there's not much I can argue with:

Simon Rusk is the de facto Dundee leader and that plus an out of touch absentee owner spells relegation - Gordon Parks - Daily Record

The Daily Record is absolute toilet paper but sadly, that is spot on. 

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What has to be a fairly massive concern at the moment is the apathy amongst the support. When Admin I and II happened there seemed to be a collective sense of the Dundee support coming together, really giving a f**k, doing their level best to get the club out of a hole. See the whole Deefiant season etc as a shining example.
If it was announced tomorrow, or even worse after a relegation/into next season, that Keyes was walking away and Admin III was on the horizon I'm sure there would still be a huge effort from the fans, but would it have as much behind it as before? Looking in from the outside it just seems mental how Keyes/Nelms have managed to drag down the support, which should be one of the club's biggest assets.
I can't speak for anyone else here as I stopped going to games years ago for various reasons. I'd planned to start again last season with my old man, but he wasn't well enough and when he died I lost interest tbh.

I think the apathy for guys my age anyway (40s+) is down to simply getting used to having utter arseholes running the club. I mean I started following Dundee in about 1987 and bar a couple of brief spells, we've been mismanaged for almost all that time. We also have too many fans who still think we're a big club when the reality of the last 40 years suggests otherwise. Consequently we'll lap up any old shite from the latest shyster.

Another admin would undoubtedly see another effort from the fans to save the club, but a significant number would probably not be giving much of a f**k anymore.
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37 minutes ago, Jamie_Beatson said:

If it was announced tomorrow, or even worse after a relegation/into next season, that Keyes was walking away and Admin III was on the horizon I'm sure there would still be a huge effort from the fans, but would it have as much behind it as before? Looking in from the outside it just seems mental how Keyes/Nelms have managed to drag down the support, which should be one of the club's biggest assets.

I would say most definitely yes that the fans would have that same passion in saving them club of abandoned, the apathy has a very clear root cause and that doesn't change the love of the club itself.

With the current owners in charge, the money is there but it feels as if it's just being spent for nothing, and it's up to the owners to prove otherwise. They've been here a decade and you struggle to see what the point of that has been, with us staring relegation in the face and no further forward on building their stadium. We've reached the point now where some fans have realised this and are forced to disconnect themselves to cope with the frustration. If they were to leave, the situation would become more simple and clear, and easy to be passionate about. I think at the end of the day the fans will always be there to pick up the pieces, regardless of what state the club has been left in.

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On 15/03/2022 at 09:47, Ivo den Bieman said:

I've been watching Scottish football for nearly 40 years now ( 🧐 ) and bar a brief spell in the second half of the 80s, and some brief hubris under Stainrod (early 90s), the spending-imaginary-money-team, and a little bit of smugness when Jocky Scott signed a young Leigh Griffiths, Dundee have been largely poor. More often that not, the fans seething, humiliated, or both.

And I can't think of another club run by such a rogues gallery of crooks, chancers, fantasists and absentee landlords, from Cook, through Ron Dixon, the dalliance with Giovanni di Stefano, Melville, to the current incumbent, who seems to be Ron Dixon Mark II. The fans should have kept control, and may have to step in again.


Livingston.  They're literally managed by a convicted drug dealer.

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35 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Livingston.  They're literally managed by a convicted drug dealer.

I'm talking about chairmen. Yes Livingston were in a league of their own- a European champions league of bullies, fantasists, crooks, liars, shysters, fraudsters and real estate hucksters, from 1995- the year of their franchising- until 2009. That's a track record of fourteen years as the franchise's board has been semi-competent since then.

Dundee's crooks date back to the 1980s, charitably.

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To be fair to the club, every OF game this season has been a 'bring a friend' game almost as a way of apologising for the ticket prices shafting the home support.

Nelms clearly didn't care for the QF though.

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7 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Are you forgetting Jack Hamilton?

Jack Hamilton could be really really good sometimes then follow it up with something stupid, lawlor is like bambi on ice/stevie wonder and shamus from family guy in goal.

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Here, at least we've got Cammy Kerry's testimonial to look forward to. 

Very harsh imo. He’s barely put a foot wrong since the left back switch. To think people used to want us to start Elliot over Cammy.
I’ll defo go to Cammy testimonial events.
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19 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

The stats I listed above point out that he is.

Your stats, particularly the second one, says more about our defence than anything else.

I disagree. Number of saves is not a good indicator of the quality of a goalkeeper, save percentage is. For example, there have been 117 shots against Legzdins and he has saved 80 of them. There have been 50 shots against Joe Hart and he has saved 36 of them.

Legzdins has more saves but he only saves 68.4% of shots against him while Joe Hart has less saves but stops 72% of shots. Who really is the better keeper then?


Edited by EpicMike
Including penalty saves
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