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6 minutes ago, Baffled said:

Everyone entitled to their opinion…and mine would be that Kerr, Anderson and Rudden shouldn’t be anywhere near a squad that has aspirations of repeating a top six finish. 

Anderson for sure to stay

Kerr I think might just want to stay and will expect little game time. Rudden might stay if we get a quality striker oppose to 2 that do different jobs. 

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6 minutes ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

Without being too negative we'll be in the hunt for relegation without five new signings as a minimum.

That includes RB, LB, CM, wide man and a striker. Ideally we need two more CMs.

Kerr, Sharp,  Anderson, Robertson, Rudden, Pineda( still on the books as far as we know). All not going to cut the mustard. 

Very aware there's still plenty time though. Graham and Reilly about the only ones I'd give a chance of out the young lads. There's no panic yet but it would've been good to have a few more before going to Poland as for me the season starts on the 13th July against Bonnyrigg. The defeatist attitude the fans show in the league cup every year when we're unable to qualify against pish always gets to me.

The team needs needs to be at it and showing a convincing display against ICT in four weeks going into the Derby. If Bristow signs then is this currently our strongest starting 11 going into the 04th Aug?


McGhee Astley Portales Robertson Bristow

McCowan Sylla Cameron

Main Tiffoney

Thank you.


We can’t have a squad full of players that are guaranteed first team starters. Robertson and Anderson I would be comfortable starting and they won’t be on high wages.

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It's the first pre-season game which is all about getting match fit in rather than to showcase a final XI. Doc has made it abundantly clear that we'll have a number of signings before the beginning of the season proper. I fail to see any reason to be worried.

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I’m relaxed about it so far.

it that’s the final squad we are looking at bottom 6 which almost guarantees a flirtation with the drop.

its 100% not the final squad though - so I’ll let Doc do the work needed and judge it immediately after the derby. 

Well either be champions elect led by a genius (a win) - or relegation fodder and needing a new manager (draw or loss) . I doubt I’ll have any reactions in between unfortunately - I’m not known for my rational behavior on derby day

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1 minute ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

It's the first pre-season game which is all about getting match fit in rather than to showcase a final XI. Doc has made it abundantly clear that we'll have a number of signings before the beginning of the season proper. I fail to see any reason to be worried.

That's my final 11 on the current crop and nobody is worried (not me anyway) - just pointing out what needs to be done.

7 minutes ago, peebles_Dee said:

We can’t have a squad full of players that are guaranteed first team starters. Robertson and Anderson I would be comfortable starting and they won’t be on high wages.

Robertson garbage and against any top six opponent looks like a child on the pitch with his lack of pace. Being good on the ball isn't good enough I'm afraid. The both of them should be wanting to go and make something of their careers too. Same applies to Kerr but he'll be more than happy to pick up a wage after his spell at ICT probably hit home what his talents can bring to a side in the leagues below (not very much).

Thank you.

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20 minutes ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

Without being too negative we'll be in the hunt for relegation without five new signings as a minimum.

That includes RB, LB, CM, wide man and a striker. Ideally we need two more CMs.

Kerr, Sharp,  Anderson, Robertson, Rudden, Pineda( still on the books as far as we know). All not going to cut the mustard. 

Very aware there's still plenty time though. Graham and Reilly about the only ones I'd give a chance of out the young lads. There's no panic yet but it would've been good to have a few more before going to Poland as for me the season starts on the 13th July against Bonnyrigg. The defeatist attitude the fans show in the league cup every year when we're unable to qualify against pish always gets to me.

The team needs needs to be at it and showing a convincing display against ICT in four weeks going into the Derby. If Bristow signs then is this currently our strongest starting 11 going into the 04th Aug?


McGhee Astley Portales Robertson Bristow

McCowan Sylla Cameron

Main Tiffoney

Thank you.


Got to agree with yer man, NDD, here. That team looks absolutely shite.

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16 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

Got to agree with yer man, NDD, here. That team looks absolutely shite.

Ho ho, look at this pile of faeces....

3 hours ago, Tap in 94 said:


Vicko Gallagher Holt

Constable Sibbald O'donnell Middleton 

Fotheringham Stirton Watt


Dewar Cleal-Harding Graham 

Forbes Domeraki Docherty Ferry

McLeod Moult Trapanovski 



Thank you.

Edited by Bigmouth Strikes Again
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Without getting arrogant like they Dabs c***s it’s not going to be easy to finish in the top 6 if Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts and Hibs have that shit together. 

Yenitd fans are the Scottish equivalent of England fans. A bunch of arrogant, delusional c***s. 

Thank you. 

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19 minutes ago, Dee Bliss said:

Without getting arrogant like they Dabs c***s it’s not going to be easy to finish in the top 6 if Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts and Hibs have that shit together. 

Yenitd fans are the Scottish equivalent of England fans. A bunch of arrogant, delusional c***s. 

Thank you. 

Trying Not To Laugh Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter

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It’s the same old craic every pre season. Almost every poster seems to be displeased about the squad we have at the present time after a kick about at Gayfield, our first game leading up to the seasons kick off. The result means nothing,,it’s all about players,, new and experienced, getting to know about each other and the managers system of playing. Promising youngsters going home chuffed to mum and dad with stories about being with the older experienced guys and getting 45 minutes playing in front of over 1000 people! Todays team,completely different first and second half, gives the manager a fair idea of of how the players will react when the real shit kicks off.

We, as punters have no influence on team selection, only the manager has that privilege,and may I say that our manager signing a new contract,will be the most important signing of the season. He’s obviously no mug and extremely knowledgeable about Scottish football. He now knows which of the youngsters has the heart of a lion,which one likes a tackle,which one is a shirker, etc, etc.Todays team and todays systems mean nothing to us terracing Tams,but a helluva lot to manager and staff.

 It’s fascinating to read different opinions about what’s missing and what’s needed for our team for the coming season,some sensible and some ridiculous. I always look forward to this particular time,laughing at some posts and learning from others. Great to live in a land of free speech and post on a forum that encourages it.

My opinion is that a managers second season is his most important,and although our guy made a few blunders last season, as did a few players,they have learned from their errors,and I wish everyone  at Dens Park (sorry Scotfoam) Stadium a crowd pleasing and fantastic season.


Born Dundee Bred Dundee and when I did I’ll be dead Dundee




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2 months remaining in the transfer window, for most parts of Europe the 2023/24 contract year hasn't even finished yet.

For those reasons alone, i'll be absolutely astounded if Kerr, Robertson, Anderson, and Rudden play any first team football for Dundee FC at all this season, because its clear as day that three of those four weren't wanted last season when they would have been comparatively of more worth to a newly promoted side. Can't see them suddenly featuring when two of them were shipped out to a club that ended up relegated from the Championship.

None of them are up to Premier League football, and I can't see them being any more than placeholders until such time extra bodies come in at their positions, or an opportunity to get them out of the club appears. We were never going to be rid of all the deadwood in one season, but I can't understand why anyone would think the club has any intention of keeping players around who were dealt with no differently to the likes of Ashcroft and Byrne last season. The only reason they are still here is because they have a year to run on their contracts, but it was clear as day last season that as far as Doc is concerned, Kerr, Anderson, and Rudden are surplus to requirements.

I still don't think Robertson has it in him to become a permanent fixture in the Premier, but if it means keeping him around for one more season while his contract runs down then fair enough. He might still surprise yet.

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11 hours ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

Without being too negative we'll be in the hunt for relegation without five new signings as a minimum.

That includes RB, LB, CM, wide man and a striker. Ideally we need two more CMs.

Kerr, Sharp,  Anderson, Robertson, Rudden, Pineda( still on the books as far as we know). All not going to cut the mustard. 

Very aware there's still plenty time though. Graham and Reilly about the only ones I'd give a chance of out the young lads. There's no panic yet but it would've been good to have a few more before going to Poland as for me the season starts on the 13th July against Bonnyrigg. The defeatist attitude the fans show in the league cup every year when we're unable to qualify against pish always gets to me.

The team needs needs to be at it and showing a convincing display against ICT in four weeks going into the Derby. If Bristow signs then is this currently our strongest starting 11 going into the 04th Aug?


McGhee Astley Portales Robertson Bristow

McCowan Sylla Cameron

Main Tiffoney

Thank you.


Hard to disagree with any of that and I’m pretty sure the Doc sees it the same way. It seems like Pineda has already gone, out of the other 5 Rudden is perhaps the most likely to be permanently offed, the rest more likely to be loaned out till their contracts run down. There’s always a chance speccy comes in for a couple as Sainties seem to be skint. 

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My other team, Port Vale, have just signed a striker called Lorent Tolej (for a fee reputed to be £450K, which is big money for us).

According to Wikipedia he played a couple of times for you guys last season - any good (though the fact he only played twice perhaps answers my question for me)? 

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6 minutes ago, lennyzer0 said:

My other team, Port Vale, have just signed a striker called Lorent Tolej (for a fee reputed to be £450K, which is big money for us).

According to Wikipedia he played a couple of times for you guys last season - any good (though the fact he only played twice perhaps answers my question for me)? 

I thought he seemed decent but he didn’t get given a chance. He has done well since leaving the club.

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It was quite evident yesterday that we need a new LWB although I think we all knew that anyway after the departure of Dodgson and Beck. 

Mulligan actually played really well in the RWB position, he just seems to drift by players with ease but it’s his defensive ability which gives me the fear and gives me doubts he can play there this season. I feel we’d be exposed defensively against better opposition. Perhaps need to persist with it and hope he improves.  If we could merge him and McGhee together, we’d have some player.

C.Robertson looked decent up until his injury and f**k knows why he wasn’t subbed straight away, could see instantly he was struggling. 
Everyone else played their usual self although still unsure on Main and Astley. 

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24 minutes ago, Toby Marsh said:

It was quite evident yesterday that we need a new LWB although I think we all knew that anyway after the departure of Dodgson and Beck. 


Mulligan actually played really well in the RWB position, he just seems to drift by players with ease but it’s his defensive ability which gives me the fear and gives me doubts he can play there this season. I feel we’d be exposed defensively against better opposition. Perhaps need to persist with it and hope he improves.  If we could merge him and McGhee together, we’d have some player.

C.Robertson looked decent up until his injury and f**k knows why he wasn’t subbed straight away, could see instantly he was struggling. 
Everyone else played their usual self although still unsure on Main and Astley. 

I thought Astley was decent. He will improve with more games 

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I want to highlight again how much of an embarrassment “Section Dee” are to the club.

After the game yesterday a group of the 11/12 year old Ultras with the stupid black jumpers and balaclavas that are laughable stole the flags after chasing them down the streets. 

On repeat occasions they have caused trouble only against smaller teams because they are easily intimidated obviously because of how young they are. They were the cause of the young Dundee being scarred for life by the flare and it could have been a lot worse for him.


I’m relatively young and like the atmosphere at the away games and the chants everyone knows but this lot yet continue to sing about smoking Marajuana and taking Cocaine. In fair ness they will learn about Drugs when they get to around primary 5. 

The chants they come up with are terrible and that drum is so annoying. Only about 5 of them know it and they mumble it. It’s made me go to the main stand for some games to avoid it. They are trying to be like the Union bears or Red Star Belgrade ultras but if I’m an opposing fan or player am I f**k intimidating by that I’m pishing my self laughing at how embarrassing they are. 

The young fan that got injured you could tell was a true fan that is knowledgeable about the club at such a young age and he tries to bring an atmosphere but the rest go for the trouble. People will say yes but they are young, but it doesn’t matter as they will have the bug for bullying others and the adrenaline from shitting themselves to someone stronger. I’ve seen many ultras in they’re 30s fighting and I predict our youth will grow to be one of the most thuggish set of fans in Scotland. 

I guarantee they are pushing fans away from Dens and away games. The young fan could have easily decided that he didn’t want to risk going back to games after the incident and it could have happened to any other fan. Older fans also have been put off from going to the games. I hope that young Arbroath fan group are ok and continue going to games as I respect them for supporting their local and they were harmless and having a good time.

I hope we ban these bullies.



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31 minutes ago, peebles_Dee said:

I want to highlight again how much of an embarrassment “Section Dee” are to the club.

After the game yesterday a group of the 11/12 year old Ultras with the stupid black jumpers and balaclavas that are laughable stole the flags after chasing them down the streets. 

On repeat occasions they have caused trouble only against smaller teams because they are easily intimidated obviously because of how young they are. They were the cause of the young Dundee being scarred for life by the flare and it could have been a lot worse for him.


I’m relatively young and like the atmosphere at the away games and the chants everyone knows but this lot yet continue to sing about smoking Marajuana and taking Cocaine. In fair ness they will learn about Drugs when they get to around primary 5. 

The chants they come up with are terrible and that drum is so annoying. Only about 5 of them know it and they mumble it. It’s made me go to the main stand for some games to avoid it. They are trying to be like the Union bears or Red Star Belgrade ultras but if I’m an opposing fan or player am I f**k intimidating by that I’m pishing my self laughing at how embarrassing they are. 

The young fan that got injured you could tell was a true fan that is knowledgeable about the club at such a young age and he tries to bring an atmosphere but the rest go for the trouble. People will say yes but they are young, but it doesn’t matter as they will have the bug for bullying others and the adrenaline from shitting themselves to someone stronger. I’ve seen many ultras in they’re 30s fighting and I predict our youth will grow to be one of the most thuggish set of fans in Scotland. 

I guarantee they are pushing fans away from Dens and away games. The young fan could have easily decided that he didn’t want to risk going back to games after the incident and it could have happened to any other fan. Older fans also have been put off from going to the games. I hope that young Arbroath fan group are ok and continue going to games as I respect them for supporting their local and they were harmless and having a good time.

I hope we ban these bullies.



Well said, that's pathetic behaviour.

Karma will catch up with these little p***ks eventually though, and they're going to end up getting a right hiding. IMO.

Thank you.

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