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North Korea Backs Scottish Independence


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Reminds me of an old joke.

North Korea leader Kim Jong-un has come out in support of Scottish Independence.

"What a crazy madman he is, he could be dangerous and would do absolutely anything to be adored by his people".

Said Kim about Alex Salmond.

Interesting use of the word joke.

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Reminds me of an old joke.

North Korea leader Kim Jong-un has come out in support of Scottish Independence.

"What a crazy madman he is, he could be dangerous and would do absolutely anything to be adored by his people".


Said Kim about Alex Salmond.

Painful stuff. Is this what jokes will be like in an independent Scotland?

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the Tokyo-based publication provides news to an estimated 200,000 Koreans who live in Japan.

The stretch to link the paper to North Korea and its leader is ridiculous, I like the part about supported by pyonyang then no credible link to justify that, really is desperation by unionist newspapers. Can't wait for the "Aliens sitting outside Mars orbit waiting on a Yes Vote to invade Scotland" story to come out, probably be run by the BBC first and RedKnobyn and DeeTillehDick will say they knew all along it was going to happen

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so a crazed nation that spends its time threatening other countries, rattling its sabre while having little influence in the world, looks to a superpower for protection and spends a huge amount of money on weaponry and armed forces while many of its citizens have to rake about for food.

Naw, North Korea and the United Kingdom have little in common do they?

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the Tokyo-based publication provides news to an estimated 200,000 Koreans who live in Japan.

The stretch to link the paper to North Korea and its leader is ridiculous, I like the part about supported by pyonyang then no credible link to justify that, really is desperation by unionist newspapers. Can't wait for the "Aliens sitting outside Mars orbit waiting on a Yes Vote to invade Scotland" story to come out, probably be run by the BBC first and RedKnobyn and DeeTillehDick will say they knew all along it was going to happen


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There was a really obnoxious woman on Sky News last night talking about this, royal correspondent from the Express or something like that. She quite clearly hadn't read the article and what it was actually claiming, yet basically was ridiculing the notion of Scottish independence as if this article somehow summed up the whole thing. The only thing summed up was the ignorant and patronising attitude shown in large sections of the media, especially coming form down south.

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We've really got to expect pish like this. It's best just to highlight the absurdity of it with humour and exaggeration. I'd expect a big Putin push in the days leading up to the vote.

Funnily enough, one of my most uncomfortable experiences of Britishness came in Pyongyang. Just after Britain opened an embassy there (more than a decade ago now), they decided to have a party to celebrate the queen's birthday, and I got an invite. Their plan was to hire a boat and sail it up and down the river in the centre of the city while we had a buffet and listened to music and speeches. So, there I was on deck, food piled all around, wine in hand as we sailed under bridges with malnourished, hungry Koreans looking down. God only knows what they were thinking. The British charge d'affaires thought it went quite well.

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