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If there's a No vote


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Have you heard much about this FPTP system?

Just for giggles would you like a sporting bet that the SNP gets more seats than UKIP?

The Lib Dem vote is going to collapse, that's almost inevitable.

The question is who gets their votes? It would not surprise me UKIP getting voted in on several Lib Dem seats.

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Or if you think the SNP will sweep the boards (mmm) then we can wager UKIP get <4 seats.

Of all the really shit Yes scaremongering, maybe with the exception of the NHS garbage, the UKIP bogeyman is the absolute worst of the lies peddled.

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According to that poll I posted they have 16% support with Lib Dems on 7%.

Edit to add:

If there's a no vote, there could be a mass switch back to Labour next May by Scottish voters in an attempt to keep the Tories out.

The voting share doesn't really matter in FPTP.

Theoretically UKIP could get millions of votes, finish second or third in numerous constituencies, and not return a single MP.

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Or if you think the SNP will sweep the boards (mmm) then we can wager UKIP get <4 seats.

Of all the really shit Yes scaremongering, maybe with the exception of the NHS garbage, the UKIP bogeyman is the absolute worst of the lies peddled.

I thought the 'UKIP are going to be in power!!! ' lie was just peddled by the token crackpots/ignoramuses.

Unbelievably, the official YES twitter feed tweeted it yesterday. They're either extremely desperate or extremely ignorant.

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But people do vary their voting for instance, Inverclyde voted in the SNP candidate in the Scottish Parliament election and the Labour candidate in the UK election.

That was, as implied, before Labour did their level best to ensure that 50% of the country will never touch them with a bargepole again, including around a third of their lifetime voters.

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That was, as implied, before Labour did their level best to ensure that 50% of the country will never touch them with a bargepole again, including around a third of their lifetime voters.

So Labour wont win the vast majority of Scottish seats in the next general election?


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UKIP will get no more than a handful of seats - probably on par with Plaid Cymru/below SNP if they're lucky. The best you can say for them in terms of impact is they'll gub the Tories by splitting the vote in a few Lab/Con marginals, which will help Labour.

I can't see the Conservatives winning the most seats and I certainly can't see this CON/UKIP coalition. If UKIP were the Lib Dems and had concentrated support of their share, maybe, but they don't. There are only a very limited select seats (around four) where they actually have any chance at all.

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The thread question is ' if there's a no vote will we get shafted?' Why is the debate for Scotland's future discussing whether or not UKIP will get one or two seats in SEE?

Will the Scottish Labour voters follow the same path to failure by wasting votes trying to shore up Labour or will they, by May, believe they have been mugged by all the promise of Devo Max that we know will have come to nothing of any substance by then and vote for SNP MPs to destabilise the Westminster parliamentary procedures?

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Don't understand this we'll get shafted by Westminster after a No vote, or that we'll be punished in some way, Why?

Because there's no longer any need to sweeten us. The very first thing that will be done, as on on the 19th of September, is that a bill will be presented to remove the possibility of any further independence referendum. After that, nothing the Scots do can affect Westminster; Barnett will be gone by Christmas, after which the Scottish Parliament will have its budget all but eliminated while Westminster uses its right to withdraw its powers. The BBC and all the papers will very loudly state that this is on the back of the mandate that the Scottish people gave Westminster to govern them in perpetuity,

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Because there's no longer any need to sweeten us. The very first thing that will be done, as on on the 19th of September, is that a bill will be presented to remove the possibility of any further independence referendum. After that, nothing the Scots do can affect Westminster; Barnett will be gone by Christmas, after which the Scottish Parliament will have its budget all but eliminated while Westminster uses its right to withdraw its powers. The BBC and all the papers will very loudly state that this is on the back of the mandate that the Scottish people gave Westminster to govern them in perpetuity,

And that's a very real and present danger. The complete nightmare scenario.

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Because there's no longer any need to sweeten us. The very first thing that will be done, as on on the 19th of September, is that a bill will be presented to remove the possibility of any further independence referendum. After that, nothing the Scots do can affect Westminster; Barnett will be gone by Christmas, after which the Scottish Parliament will have its budget all but eliminated while Westminster uses its right to withdraw its powers. The BBC and all the papers will very loudly state that this is on the back of the mandate that the Scottish people gave Westminster to govern them in perpetuity,

I didn't realise we were being 'sweetened'

I thought all of the hardship in Scotland was to do with Westminster, and they were taking all our money and our opportunities but we were being sweetened all along?

Yessers confuse me sometimes

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If its a no expect plenty more banks - food banks. Vote no for poverty to continue.

The first thing the SNP will do in an independent Scotland is keep on the 'austerity' measures - they'll say that, since independence, they had discovered what a state the public finances are in and the cuts will continue. They'll blame the Tories though, so that keeps the former Labour voters on their side.

If you don't believe this will happen you are incredibly naive

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