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If there's a No vote


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Yeah your first sentence? Because you created a phrase, doesn't make it true.

Certain MPs will be finished in an iScotland and rightly so. Those who want to work to make iScotland a fairer, more prosperous place will be welcomed and, for the first time, fully answerable to the people of Scotland.

You can just see it if we get some cast off's in the chamber, Shuggie the new Speaker points and shouts, YOU AYE YOU explain yersel wit the f*** are you oan aboot yir only here 5 mins and ye want to dae whit!!!! democracy in action.

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Oh behave

I believe the political situation - with devolution - offers us a cushy number. People's situations may not be cushy but in almost every case, this almost certainly isn't due to who is in power at westminster

That's largely what it is due to. I'm not an idealist, I don't think we'll ever have a perfect society or anything close to it. But we can have a far better society than the one we have and the elected government is key to achieving this.

Personally I have a very nice lifestyle as do my immediate family, and it's not an inherited one. However I realise that there are huge numbers not so fortunate and food banks and other forms of charity are not the answer. In fact it's anathema that in 2014 there is so much poverty and inequality.

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This is great. We CAN have, we CAN. How about we WILL have a currency and decent stock prices in the wake of economic stability?

It's incredible how seemingly intelligent people have bought Salmond's BS which is all about power for him and his odious, divisive political party

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The stuff you are saying about the English is claptrap. The feeling is one of sadness at the idea of losing an old friend.

Don't mix Westminster up with the man on the street. Most English loathe the Westminster elite as much and would love to see an alternative. You good old Scots might just have forced the issue and enabled a much wider change.

I live and work in the south of England. I can assure you they are laughing at us. I am the brunt of anti Scottish jokes every single day. They simply really do not like us down here at all :(

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I live and work in the south of England. I can assure you they are laughing at us. I am the brunt of anti Scottish jokes every single day. They simply really do not like us down here at all :(

Tbh in that part of the country they hate everyone including each other. Try Leeds, Manchester etc etc etc and even the South West. London is full of numpties

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^^^ obsessed


I think i responded to you in another thread but I am angry at the way that he's taken advantage of national pride and used it to create hostility and division. However, what he's unleashed he might not be able to take back in another of his soundbites. I wish that people would see through him

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I think i responded to you in another thread but I am angry at the way that he's taken advantage of national pride and used it to create hostility and division. However, what he's unleashed he might not be able to take back in another of his soundbites. I wish that people would see through him

Unlike your blinkered, biased, obsessed view I can see what's happening. Your problem, like so many other No voters is you can't see beyond the London-centric MSM and BBC coverage.

You investigate nothing. You find out nothing for yourself. You sit back and let the most biased, one sided media campaign this country has ever seen drip feed venom into your veins.

As I said before, I would HATE to have your mindset.

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Unlike your blinkered, biased, obsessed view I can see what's happening. Your problem, like so many other No voters is you can't see beyond the London-centric MSM and BBC coverage.

You investigate nothing. You find out nothing for yourself. You sit back and let the most biased, one sided media campaign this country has ever seen drip feed venom into your veins.

As I said before, I would HATE to have your mindset.

I have done my research and it looks to me that retainment of a union is best for Scotland So respectfully I say 'No' to independence

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I have done my research and it looks to me that retainment of a union is best for Scotland So respectfully I say 'No' to independence

Reading the Daily Mail and watching BBC News 24 is not "research" in my book.

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Eh? Your post doesn't make any sense

It's quite simple understanding what he said. You claim to have done your research, yet you still harbour a dark fixation about Salmond, suggesting to all and sundry that, in fact, you haven't done any research beyond the newspapers.

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It's quite simple understanding what he said. You claim to have done your research, yet you still harbour a dark fixation about Salmond, suggesting to all and sundry that, in fact, you haven't done any research beyond the newspapers.

Have you considered the risks involved and the benefits of a union while campaigning for devolved power?

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Have you considered the risks involved and the benefits of a union while campaigning for devolved power?

Pretty much all Yes voters have weighed up the risks and uncertainties and found that compared to the continuation of Westminster rule - its definitely worth a punt!

No-one on the Yes side promises a utopia - that's all been talked about by Better Together and No voters. It won't be easy and there will be challenges but we'll have a chance to fix the broken politics of this country.

Quite straightforward.

To vote No you either have to be well off and quite selfish, patriotic about Britain, or gullible to the scare stories being perpetuated by a biased media.

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Pretty much all Yes voters have weighed up the risks and uncertainties and found that compared to the continuation of Westminster rule - its definitely worth a punt!

No-one on the Yes side promises a utopia - that's all been talked about by Better Together and No voters. It won't be easy and there will be challenges but we'll have a chance to fix the broken politics of this country.

Quite straightforward.

To vote No you either have to be well off and quite selfish, patriotic about Britain, or gullible to the scare stories being perpetuated by a biased media.

i'd say to vote Yes you'd have to be reckless and easily manipulated so that's straightforward too

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