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The Referendum Campaigns' MVPs


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Stuart Campbell is a grade A arsehole and personally speaking he drives me towards a "no" vote because I find him so unpleasant but there's no denying the impact that Wings has had.

So one person who has no political power and who doesn't even have a vote. That is the man that will make you vote No?

I'm sorry but that is an extremely petty reason to decide the fate of a country.

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Aye that's him.

Summed up everything people hate about politicians in one performance. Total opposite to Salmond in approach.

I considered Alexander, but didn't think he was that impressive early on. He's got better as the campaign has gone on and he reacted brilliant to that nationalist bully on Sunday night trying to belittle his mothers work in the NHS. He also had Sturgeon buckling on Sunday morning on Sky News. She's been shite throughout, but finally had her breakdown at the Youth debate and hasn't recovered.

I don't think they were belittling it, more bristling at the total irrelevance of it, certainly that was my own reaction.

He reacted very well though and would probably top my no list, despite the fact I can't stand him

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Don't rate Alexander, but perhaps that's because he makes my skin crawl. Ruth Davidson has been workmanlike aside from her bizarre bit about Russian invasion, but it's all relative; you'd have thought any of her predecessors - Goldie and McLetchie - would have put up a better fight.

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Salmond has whipped up bad feeling and taken advantage of fervent nationalism. It's not difficult.

Once more we have the bitter seethe about Salmond. Painfully predictable. This "poster" has continued to embarrass himself by relentlessly centring on one person in a campaign of many people.

It doesn't matter what result is voted for Salmond is held in extremely high regard with the people of Scotland and that really annoys you.

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Alexander is apparently (?) a senior strategist in their clown-car campaign - as he was for several of Labour's last shambolic failures - so any extremely thin veneer of competency in front of a camera has to be balanced by his accountability for the likes of the above. And the collapsing arse of BT in the closing weeks.

If No loses, he will be most accountable of them all for the defeat.

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Aye that's him.

Summed up everything people hate about politicians in one performance. Total opposite to Salmond in approach.

I considered Alexander, but didn't think he was that impressive early on. He's got better as the campaign has gone on and he reacted brilliant to that nationalist bully on Sunday night trying to belittle his mothers work in the NHS. He also had Sturgeon buckling on Sunday morning on Sky News. She's been shite throughout, but finally had her breakdown at the Youth debate and hasn't recovered.

Well that was certainly how Alexander tried to spin it. How dare you insult my mother!!

Overwrought, hysterical nonsense. Bringing your mother into a serious political debate. My mum was a nurse ergo ... I must know what's best for the NHS and don't you dare question me because, by implication, you'll be suggesting that mum is ...

Hosie, of course, had done nothing of the sort.

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So one person who has no political power and who doesn't even have a vote. That is the man that will make you vote No?

I'm sorry but that is an extremely petty reason to decide the fate of a country.

Not what I said though, is it?

Stuart Campbell puts me further towards no than I would be without reading his bile.

The daily mail puts me further towards Yes than I would be without reading it's bile.

They're all just players in one big puzzle.

Just by the by, if you think Wings doesn't have power you're kidding yourself. He has huge influence over a massive number of Yessers.

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Not what I said though, is it?

Stuart Campbell puts me further towards no than I would be without reading his bile.

The daily mail puts me further towards Yes than I would be without reading it's bile.

They're all just players in one big puzzle.

Just by the by, if you think Wings doesn't have power you're kidding yourself. He has huge influence over a massive number of Yessers.

Comparing WoS to the Daily Mail.


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Playing the man, not the ball.


I won't post any Daily Mail links or numerous hate from BTUKOK, because I simply don't have to stoop that low.

^ refuses to criticise a bigot because he's a Yes supporter.

#predictable #classy

You're like an old firm supporter. So utterly blinded by hatred of the other side that you refuse to even contemplate criticising "one of your own".

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