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Tommy Sheridan - A Personal View


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I wouldn't hold stealing money from the NOTW against anyone. I would consider it a public service, but again all this only happened cause people like you take an interest in his personal life where its none of your business.

Did he break any laws in his personal life by going to a swingers club? Did he breach any manifesto commitments? Obviously not, so its none of our business.

The NOTW was a disgusting rag but he still did a great dis service to his political career but taking them to court - his personal life isn't anyone else's business but his lies under oath and the expense to the taxpayer for his trial when he could have just put his hands up and admitted guilt becomes the business of the public.

George Macneilage said he sued the NOTW as he was worried the "floodgates" would open so f**k knows what else he was up to. I hear strong rumours of Gails family being gangsters as well. I think he's a great speaker and politician but on a personal level an untrustworthy bully

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You may be right, but I would like to see politicians judged solely on their politics.

Me too but he was his own downfall in the end, i think he is slightly insane

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I don't think the fact that he cheated on his wife or had an affair would have ended his career - the First Minister at the time Sheridan was an MSP was exposed as having had an affair and it didn't harm his career and other prominent MSPs have been 'outed' as having affairs with each other in some cases, all to no great consequence. There were several differences in the Sheridan case though - the hypocrisy of Sheridan portraying himself as a family man, devoted husband, father, son etc. at the same time pursuing sex with women he met at meetings, going to sex clubs and orgies for one. Also, politically I think the views of a large number of his party colleagues of the sex industry (of which Cupids was a part) made his position untenable.

The height of it is ego really. I honestly don't think he wanted to be made a fool out of by his enemies. Having an affair with a colleague or someone else is one thing but shagging a load of randoms in a sleazy dump like Cupids would've haunted him his whole career - like David Mellor shagging in his Chelsea kit (although true, the Mellor stuff was all made up). Once he'd started down the path of denial he just couldn't stop and it's destroyed the radical Left in Scotland (they probably would've lost all their seats anyway I think though).

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the hypocrisy of Sheridan portraying himself as a family man, devoted husband, father, son etc. at the same time pursuing sex with women he met at meetings, going to sex clubs and orgies for one

There is no hypocrisy at all there, those two things are not mutually exclusive.

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the hypocrisy of Sheridan portraying himself as a family man, devoted husband, father, son etc. at the same time pursuing sex with women he met at meetings, going to sex clubs and orgies for one

There is no hypocrisy at all there, those two things are not mutually exclusive.

Mrs FuzzyAffro must be long suffering.

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I didn't say I do that but you can be both

JFK is my favourite figure from history, he had 35 confirmed mistresses in 34 months in the White House. But nobody would suggest he wasn't a devoted father and husband.

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I didn't say I do that but you can be both

JFK is my favourite figure from history, he had 35 confirmed mistresses in 34 months in the White House. But nobody would suggest he wasn't a devoted father and husband.

I'm not sure that JFK is really such a towering figure because he's seen as a "devoted father and husband".

I'm not left-wing or part of the SSP or anything like that but here's a good piece about why people on the Left opposed him - http://athousandflowers.net/2014/06/03/the-trouble-with-tommy/

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He's not seen as anything because of that, my point is the fact he cheated on his wife prolifically doesn't make him any less of a devoted husband and father. Every relationship is different and its really nobody's business except those involved.

His wife was smoking hot though


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He's not seen as anything because of that, my point is the fact he cheated on his wife prolifically doesn't make him any less of a devoted husband and father. Every relationship is different and its really nobody's business except those involved.

His wife was smoking hot though


Well it does become other people's business if you lie about it in court and in public.

Also, I think most people would say that lying to and cheating on your wife does make you far from a devoted husband.

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It only got to that stage though because people take an interest in his personal life when they really shouldn't, that's how he ended up lying about it. But that article should never have appeared so he should never have had to lie in response to it. it starts with people taking an interest in personal stuff they really shouldn't.

I don't think anyone can say that offhand, Jackie regarded Jack as a very devoted husband and knew he cheated on her virtually every day. People and relationships are very different, its not for you to comment on someone else's marriage if the people involved are happy with it.

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I didn't say I do that but you can be both

JFK is my favourite figure from history, he had 35 confirmed mistresses in 34 months in the White House. But nobody would suggest he wasn't a devoted father and husband.

I'd venture to suggest that his wife might have disputed the "devoted husband" claims.

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I'd venture to suggest that his wife might have disputed the "devoted husband" claims.

Yeah except she herself said many times she didn't, so forgive me if I go with her view of her view on her marriage over yours. She also, as Rob says, had a few affairs.

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