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General Election 2015


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The left of the party. I guess you just decided to ignore the context.

To an extent no. I know exactly what you meant..but

We currently have a party that is supposed to be left leaning, on the right of the political spectrum. Does it really surprise you that people who remain true to their principles within the Labour party are becoming disenfranchised within it? Does it surprise you that they see the turmoil that the party is in, as an opportunity to pull it back to the left?

If May the 7th is as bad for Labour in Scotland as is being predicted, then expect a lot of the Scottish Branch members to be doing exactly the same.

Labour has sold out it's principles, but they are still feeding off of the party of the people brand. It is slowly dying because of it. I despise the Tory ideology, but I have far more respect for them because they don't pretend to be something they are not.

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The party that will make them the most money I think is their agenda. Zero hours contracts? They probably like them.

Anyway, here's the latest odds on make up of next government:


A Conservative/Labour coalition is more likely than a coalition between the Cons/Libs/DUP? :lol:

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If someone is willing to break down exactly how many of them are Tory donors, or represent companies that are run by Tory donors it would be interesting, but unfortunately unsurprising to see. Certainly a third of that list have honours.

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Labour's current plight reminds of the Rangers situation pre-February 2012. We all know what's coming, and we all know it's going to absolutely fucking glorious.

I used to be a labour voter many moons ago, I now eagerly await their total and utter annihilation.


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Any idea how many seats Plaid and Green are expected to win? Is 8 seats between the two parties being over optimistic?

Assuming they would align with SNP. I am hoping for 60 seats between the three parties. Dunno where the NI dudes fit in (if at all)

Looks like 4 between them. PC looking like holding their 3 and not gaining any, same with the Greens and their one.

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Any idea how many seats Plaid and Green are expected to win? Is 8 seats between the two parties being over optimistic?

Assuming they would align with SNP. I am hoping for 60 seats between the three parties. Dunno where the NI dudes fit in (if at all)

I think you might be looking at 4 Plaid seats, a gain of one, and the Greens simply to retain their current seat.

Edit: Oops, very late, and possibly wrong!

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Remember, though, this isn't scaremongering. They're simply warning of the dangers of a Labour government and it would be dishonest not to do so.

'The UK is open for business'..... Dunno why, but I have a pavlovian rage response to that soundbite.

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'The UK is open for business'..... Dunno why, but I have a pavlovian rage response to that soundbite.

It just shows you how Scotland was played during the indyref. A total political stunt to persuade us to vote No.

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Fascinating aspect to the election is how the Unionist newspapers are playing it.

Many still backing Labour & the Tories but not facing the reality of what the political climate now is in Scotland. The Record, Scotsman and the Herald still backing Labour and totally out of step with what's happening in the polls.

Mail and Express backing the Tories and the Sun just have the brass neck or is it good business sense to back the Tories in England and probably the SNP in Scotland.

How do you sell newspapers to a public that doesn't believe your political stance and editorials?

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Ewan Crawford, a former SNP special advisor, says he thinks the nationalists’ progress is “astonishing” and threatens to be “catastrophic” for Labour. The best the SNP’s ever done is win 11 seats before, of course. “What we’re seeing here if this plays out is almost unprecedented, in European terms, a swing of this size,” he tells Today. Only 6% of ‘Yes’ voters reportedly plan on voting for Labour, Mr Crawford points out. Alex Massie, of the Spectator, thinks the logic behind that makes complete sense. “The iron truth of this campaign in Scotland is that if you voted yes in September… why on earth would you switch to a unionist party in May? To do so requires a degree of cognitive dissonance.”

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I'd rather have a working government. The left crippled our party in the eighties and they seem to want to do it again.

I honestly think some people in Labour would be happy to be in perpetual opposition but feel morally good about how lovely and left-wing they are than compromise and actually make the country a better place.

Sounds more like it's you who doesn't want any kind of working compromise with the left wing of your own party, or is the wisdom of how to make the country better exclusive to the Blairites?

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That is the labour unionist dividend.

Anyhoo, got a missed you card from Ian Murray today. No mention of Labour on the front page with only a couple of really small ones on the back, one statement claiming that labour stopped tuition fees amongst others.

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Remember, though, this isn't scaremongering. They're simply warning of the dangers of a Labour government and it would be dishonest not to do so.

Too risky to vote Labour, what currency would we use?

We need to hear their plan b.

Would we even get in the EU?

Prices in asda to go up under Labour imo.


Thanks for cheering me up this morning, guys!

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