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General Election 2015


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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1428412491.302567.jpg

Wonderful intervention from the great man today, talking about how Labour's values and commitment to social justice unites the party. Great to see him come out and speak out against an EU referendum. It's felt a little like people are too frightened to.

:lol: You are a parody, seriously this is just the greatest trolling act in internet history isn't it? You don't actually believe this stuff, nobody could seriously call Blair a great man, even his wife doesn't think that. He knowingly lied to take us into an illegal war that killed 1.5 million people. If that's your idea of a great man quite frankly you disgust me.

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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1428412491.302567.jpg

Wonderful intervention from the great man today, talking about how Labour's values and commitment to social justice unites the party. Great to see him come out and speak out against an EU referendum. It's felt a little like people are too frightened to.

Piss poor trolling. No sentient being could refer to Blair as anything other than a war-mongering c**t.

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I'm afraid you guys are 100% just going round in circles now. Neither of you are going to sway the other and you're both just hammering home the same point again and again.

So to change the tune a bit, I see Labour are wheeling out Tony Blair today... I wonder how that will go down.

I know I'm probably in the minority, but I associate Tony Blair's time in power as pretty successful government. Iraq war aside, it was a period of opportunity and felt like a breath of fresh air after a period of moribund Conservative government.

I'm undoubtedly hugely swayed by the fact that I started uni in '97 and then went into a booming graduate market. Still, it seemed pretty good times.

He won't get me to back Labour, though. That said, the best thing for Scotland in the long term, if we don't get independence, would be to see the creation of loads of marginal seats up here. I don't want to go from safe Labour seats to safe SNP seats.

Make them fight for their seats. Best wish list wins.

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I don't. I'm against having a referendum. I want us to stay in Europe.

I would be in favour of more referendums to settle major issues like this. Let the people have their say.

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Could you imagine the reaction if BBC Scotland broadcast a program mocking the English?


Or if one of our political parties releasing a party political broadcast like this having a pop at us Scottish subsidy junkies


"What have they given us in return" "deep fried mars bars" "Irn Bru" "A mayor who belongs to a Scottish run government" "Gordon i'm alright Jock Brown" "We'll be standing for England, Not Scotland"

You'd never heard our comedians either take the stage on TV to slag off England...


It doesn't matter how you spin in "Jock bashing" is deemed as acceptable in the English media. Thankfully we don't see the same up here when we discuss issued in England.

That Stewart Lee gig was filmed at the Stand in Glasgow and is hilarious.

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I don't get why anyone would be against an EU referendum, it's just democracy. I especially don't understand why those who have been nailed on Yes voters since before 2011 would be against a referendum because the popular line from the SNP at that point was that the other parties "Clearly don't trust the Scottish voters to make up their own minds."

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I don't get why anyone would be against an EU referendum, it's just democracy. I especially don't understand why those who have been nailed on Yes voters since before 2011 would be against a referendum because the popular line from the SNP at that point was that the other parties "Clearly don't trust the Scottish voters to make up their own minds."

If prior to the indyref the BBC and all of the newspapers spent every hour of the day demonising the English and describing in great detail a litany of horror stories related to how England was sucking the blood out of Scotland, you'd maybe have an accurate analogy. (Of course you're a shitey wee troll, so that wouldn't matter anyway.)

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It's all going a bit mental.

Daily Record "exclusive" saying he's rejoined Labout and the SNP have a "secret" of wanting the Tories in.

Common Space speak to the guy, who says he's stiil an SNP member but would support a Labour govt backed up by SNP.

Davie Clegg of the Record bursts into tears saying he has proof and everything!

Andy Nicoll of the Sun tweets SNP Chief Exec Peter Murrell to see if the guy is still a member of the SNP.

Murrell says no resignation received.

Clegg tweets Murrell to say he's going to look very silly.

A right Twitter shitstorm.

Its like kids playground stuff from both sides, now we have Scottish Labour tweeting a photo of him to Peter Murell twitter. No doubt the SNP will spin this and say he spit the dummy about not getting to selected and joined Scottish Labour. Boring stuff to be honest

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I don't get why anyone would be against an EU referendum, it's just democracy. I especially don't understand why those who have been nailed on Yes voters since before 2011 would be against a referendum because the popular line from the SNP at that point was that the other parties "Clearly don't trust the Scottish voters to make up their own minds."

Why now for another referendum on Europe? There is no new treaty to be signed. It's just a hugely risky ploy to keep the Tory rightwingers quiet.

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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1428412491.302567.jpg

Wonderful intervention from the great man today, talking about how Labour's values and commitment to social justice unites the party. Great to see him come out and speak out against an EU referendum. It's felt a little like people are too frightened to.


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