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General Election 2015


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Political reform will never happen, even if it should

Yup.. UKIP seem to go on like no one has gone about electoral reform in the past.. everyone outside the red and blue boys believes we should have it. *shrugs*

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Well, there goes any feeling sorry for English labour voters if we become independent.

It looks to me like there are very few actual left leaning people in England, the majority are either middle class Tory voters or working class people trying to convince themselves that they are middle class by voting Tory

To be fair, they only lost about 8 seats to the Tories. Some areas went more Labour. The biggest surprise for me was the number of Lib Dem voters going to the Tories.
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To be fair, they only lost about 8 seats to the Tories. Some areas went more Labour. The biggest surprise for me was the number of Lib Dem voters going to the Tories.

Yeah, people seem to be ignoring the LD to Tory moves that went on..

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I wouldn't be so sure about that

There are plenty of no voters who were convinced that Scotland would be treated better after a no vote who have been left with a bad taste in their mouths.

Take my dad for an example. He has voted labour for his whole life and while he was Initially firmly in the no camp, he started swaying in the weeks leading up to the referendum. Just when he was close to being a certain Yes vote, "the vow" happened and he ended up voting No. Then the English abandoned the vow barely a week after the referendum. This year He voted SNP for the first time in his life this year and would 100% vote yes given another referendum.

I know of quite a few folk who voted SNP this time round who remain utterly opposed to independence. Personally I think thats a bonkers stance to make but to each their own I suppose. Its not easy to see how yesterday affects the independence movement (in terms of support for it) but another Tory government is fantastic news politically for the SNP, even if they'd never admit it publically.

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I'd love to know what the SE of England region voting make up was. It's nearly entirely Tory on the election map with only two seats that went another way.

Why no outrage about that?

But, but, but. They are 'democratic voters' remember.

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Yeah, people seem to be ignoring the LD to Tory moves that went on..

It's quite clear now that this was the Tory tactic. Absolutely destroy the Lib Dems in the Tory/Lib Dem marginals. It's certainly what they've been trying to do here. They didn't even need to fight with Labour that much, just protect their seats which the negative campaigning has done. To say England has shifted to the right and there are no left leaning people in England is stupid.
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Are they? Seems like that's the main angle on the BBC.

Yeah BBC are b*****ds, I couldn't believe that after i posted that I flicked on to it and they had now decided to do a big overview of the LDs

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