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P&B General Election - Game

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ThanQ m8E.

I didn't know you were in the Fun party. I 100% respect your right to make a decision but I do admit to feeling a bit sad by this. I'd say there's a big divide that breaks this website in two. One side you have people who are fundamentally dece people with gr8 b9ntr, and there are those who aren't (not to say they can't be, just that at this moment they haven't embraced their own deceness). I'd estimate that the Dece/currently unDece percentage is roughly 45/55%. That's OK with me as 45 is stronger than 55 divvied up three ways, but hearing about great ladz like yourself and Addie backing other sides makes me wonder if our fabulous minority will be unified come polling day.

Here at the Dece Party we pay attention to everyone, because everyone has a gr8 story to tell. I just hope before it comes to the final COUNTDOWN before votes are announced, you'll have found it in your heart to back positivity and not the negative spitefulness of the fundamentally anti-Dece and ironically named Fun Party.

I like the Dece lads and would be one of them but the unfortunate age restriction put in place by the early Dece regime puts me out of contention.

I'm early twenties mentally but my official age takes me out of the running.

That's why I'm now a FUN boy. That and I got asked for policies by them first.

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I like the Dece lads and would be one of them but the unfortunate age restriction put in place by the early Dece regime puts me out of contention.

I'm early twenties mentally but my official age takes me out of the running.

That's why I'm now a FUN boy. That and I got asked for policies by them first.

^^^ Actively helping to make the world a better place.

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Addie still hasn't been picked by FUN. The party leader has yet to confirm and as of 7am today he PMd me saying he was still working on it.

Communication errors?

Have to question the sanity of the FUN Party blatantly, and now publically, rejecting a poster as #DECE as Addie, teebs.

Addie m8, you're of course welcome in to the #DECEParty fold any time. A Party that recognises talent and embraces & respects our membership.


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Just heard the news that S Club 7 are to reunite for the first time in more than a decade to support the Dece campaign with all proceeds going to Children In Need. What a time to be alive.


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Addie still hasn't been picked by FUN. The party leader has yet to confirm and as of 7am today he PMd me saying he was still working on it.

Communication errors?

Ham has added Addie to the Cabinet PM Convo, in which he has already contributed. Not sure why you haven't been notified. Did you agree that he had to PM you?

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Ham has added Addie to the Cabinet PM Convo, in which he has already contributed. Not sure why you haven't been notified. Did you agree that he had to PM you?

That's very strange. As I said he PMd me this morning saying he was still working on a new cabinet member. Are you sure you didn't jump the gun by adding him yourself before Ham confirmed?

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There seems to be a big problem within the FUN party, with Spain trying to take charge of everything.

Ham has added Addie to the Cabinet PM Convo, in which he has already contributed. Not sure why you haven't been notified. Did you agree that he had to PM you?

Who REALLY added him I wonder?

#theresnoDECEindictator #funpartypowerstruggle #partyindisarray

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That's very strange. As I said he PMd me this morning saying he was still working on a new cabinet member. Are you sure you didn't jump the gun by adding him yourself before Ham confirmed?

We had a unanimous vote on it last night, and this morning ham wrote (including typo):

I've inviter Addie in.

And since then Addie joined and contributed.

Edit: Perhaps he meant he was working on it because Addie hadn't officially accepted or something at the time. The rest of the cabinet simply voted, Ham, as leader took care of the rest. I'm sure he'll clear this up after he finishes work. Nothing to worry about here, we're still full steam ahead.

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^^^Rudolph Hess of The Dece Party.

DECE have so far displayed a very facist approach. Your desire to have everyone conform to DECE's 'way of life', thinking, and even their appearance. Constantly dictating how people should be with little regard for diversity or others cultures or 'ways of life'.

Throw in yesterdays ill-judged homophobic remarks from both your party leader and a frequent 'Club DECE' poster on the Heads Gone thread. Whether your leaders comment was intended to cause offence or not, I am certain there are thousands of words or descriptions he could have used as opposed to anything which could be deemed homophobic, had he wished to appear an educated, cultered and respectible individual.

Your Club DECE friend and frequent posters quoting and 'fixing' of another posters comment to display a short homophobic insult masked as 'patter' was tasteless, unfair on the poster whose words were edited, and...well... just a bit thick really.

And who would that be? I don't post on any Dece threads and have nothing to do with this Election, nice try though.


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Amidst all the slander and mud slinging, the fact is that one party (or the adjudicator) is lying re the deducted votes. This is a major sticking point for me.

Agree with this. David HAS to reveal which Party broke the rules in the interests of clarity and fairness.

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Malicious rumours being spread about FUN. Can mean only one thing, the establishment parties are scared of the threat FUN represents.

The addition of possibly the strongest cabinet member of all parties has worried them. And the support of solid and sensible voters like yourself has shown them that the tide has turned.

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Spain, on 22 Oct 2014 - 15:00, said:

The addition of possibly the strongest cabinet member of all parties has worried them. And the support of solid and sensible voters like yourself has shown them that the tide has turned.

When did I join FUN?!

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Bloody Hell. I go to work in my Ben Sherman suit, sitting back on my lazyboy chair, whilst sliding my thumbs ubder my elasticated braces, whilst my team of secretaries fetch me files that I can't be bothered reading all day to come back to whether I am accepted in the Fun Party or not!

The only logical reason a political heavyweight and top lad like myself has not been added is that mere fact I have not officially accepted. Therfore I accept my membership to the cabinet.

I have also cancelled my cheer leading classes on a Monday night (but not the Wednesday) as I am truly committed to the cause.

I would also like to thank the Dece Party for the lovely invite, but I am afraid I have now joined the Fun Party as I can't accept chickens at the fitba. I would be grateful for some tips during my forthcoming midlife crisis though but that should perhaps be kept on the Club Dece thread exclusively.

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