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P&B General Election - Game

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Did all three vacant slots come from people losing their heads?

Albino has dealt with it calmly and got rid of the dead wood. The Klopp Party is a pretty big deal and I look forward to seeing the standard of applicants who will help to both improve the party and continue the good work which has already been done.

You're a rat that jumped on a sinking ship. Tis the reason you were never on the level of me, as much as you aspired to be In the mafia/survivor days. I knew when to get out.

My Survivor record is unparalleled.

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"@EGB: This is utterly terrible stuff from Klopp, what an abject failure. I really shouldn't be doing this as it isn't in the benefit of my party, but for the benefit of the electorate and the integriyu of this election I'm going to forward a petition for Albino Rover to resign from his position. If more people RT this post (quote it with RT above it or underneath it) then there was votes for Klopp in the first poll, I think there's a clear mandate from the people for Albino Rover to leave his position."

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A petition? Are people really that scared of the Klopp Party? Any vote for Albino's resignation is an obvious admission of fear.

No they were miles behind at last count & now less than 24 hours before the first debate and only days before the white papers are announced they have only a leader and a deputy.

The FUN party have just became relevant

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This is utterly terrible stuff from Klopp, what an abject failure. I really shouldn't be doing this as it isn't in the benefit of my party, but for the benefit of the electorate and the integriyu of this election I'm going to forward a petition for Albino Rover to resign from his position. If more people RT this post (quote it with RT above it or underneath it) then there was votes for Klopp in the first poll, I think there's a clear mandate from the people for Albino Rover to leave his position.

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What an absolute shambles! Seriously boys, I would just give up now. Albino, you've proved to be that untrustworthy that you WHOLE cabinet has walked away. What person in their right mind would vote for Klopp now?

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For the record our cabinet departures were not matters of trust: two were matters of commitment and one was a poor soul nursing his ego.

The personnel might be changing but the party hasn't- the manifesto is still the same, our principles are still the same and those who share those principles can still get what they want by voting Klopp.

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For the record our cabinet departures were not matters of trust: two were matters of commitment and one was a poor soul nursing his ego.

The personnel might be changing but the party hasn't- the manifesto is still the same, our principles are still the same and those who share those principles can still get what they want by voting Klopp.

So you have poor judgement in people carrying out the tasks in your party? Thanks for your open honesty in this but I would be worried as a voter that you would make the same mistake again in power.

Looks like you are out of the running.

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Don't you mean the "New" Dece Party? Seems like the direction you're looking for.

No, I usually type what I mean Dom but thank you anyway.

I know you have this vision that the Fun Party is about being anti-Dece and my political viewpoint doesn't fit in with your vision, but with an open mind, you will see The Fun party is now fully dedicated to live up to it's name.

You are of course entitled to support a party that rejected you however. I am sure despite this, your reputation is in tact and people will take your views on board.

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I'm not really sure about FUN anymore. I thought with a more reasoned guy like Addie in there, they might sway me a bit. But all I can see is the dece patter spewing out. Basically turning me off instantly.

Alarmingly, my vote seems to be going to the same place, when there's two other parties that realistically should be able to convince me otherwise.

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You are of course entitled to support a party that rejected you however. I am sure despite this, your reputation is in tact and people will take your views on board.

I'm not "supporting" anyone. At the moment. I've been keeping an eye on your lot. No point keeping an eye on Klopp, what with being the basket case of the entire thing.

It's not simply about being anti-Dece. You can be pro-Dece and not embrace it in all of it's glory.

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So you have poor judgement in people carrying out the tasks in your party? Thanks for your open honesty in this but I would be worried as a voter that you would make the same mistake again in power.

Looks like you are out of the running.

At another time I'm absolutely confident that they would have made a great cabinet but sadly these three were stopped in their tracks by sudden and unexpected personal issues. Two of them became busy with things outside of P&B, and Ludo is heartbroken about losing BarraJag.

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UKlopP are in total disarray, and all AR can do is criticize those who have left and hail himself as some glorious and infallible leader while denying there is any issue whatsoever?

They are falling apart at the seams for following one man into battle, who has no core belief other than to have himself crowned Prime Minister. He had most of my party in support of him at some point during the campaign, before his party drove us all away to form our own party. Only one man is responsible for that, and it isn't the handsome German fellow. The blame lies squarely at Albino Rovers' feet.

The time has come to dissolve the Klopp Party, and we invite all Klopp Supporters to come join the FUN in the only true anti-dece movement.

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The personnel might be changing but the party hasn't- the manifesto is still the same.

Is this because you, on your own, make all the policy decisions, which has forced your unappreciated, unheard cabinet to all resign?

#downwithdictators #DECEinourtime

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Is this because you, on your own, make all the policy decisions, which has forced your unappreciated, unheard cabinet to all resign?

#downwithdictators #DECEinourtime

It certainly seems that way, while advertising his positions he's already told them what their beliefs and policies will be. Astounding. Just what is the point in him even having a cabinet?

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