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P&B General Election - Game

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I would have to get back to you on this once I have clarified the release time with ham.

Yep, we at Dece Party are in the same boat. We're a democracy, so it would be unfair to declare a deadline without talking it through with my fellow party members first.

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Look, as I mentioned at the start of this debate, our aim is to improve Scottish football as a whole. When we look at how our clubs perform financially, there's an obvious shortfall.

What we want to do is re-assess where money comes from and where it goes. We need to look at where the money is best spent. In the opinion of me and my party, this money is better spent in the senior leagues where there is a wider audience.

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I would have to get back to you on this once I have clarified the release time with ham.

Our honourable leader is watching:

Sunday at 9pm makes sense for the white paper. I won't be around much on Saturday so will finalise on Sunday.

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I have a special affiliation with Junior football. Without it, Clyde would never have been the side we were in the 1999/2000 title winning year. I love the Juniors!

Their fans however, could do with some guidance, especially on P&B. We would advocate a mentoring policy, which has been touched upon briefly, but will be discussed in more detail by our Minister for Sport.

But no, there would be no changes to the game, as we currently know it.

Why do you think junior fans especially on Pie and Bov could do with some guidance?

Any plans for enforcing them or encouraging them to join the lowland league and a path into spfl?

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Look, as I mentioned at the start of this debate, our aim is to improve Scottish football as a whole. When we look at how our clubs perform financially, there's an obvious shortfall.

What we want to do is re-assess where money comes from and where it goes. We need to look at where the money is best spent. In the opinion of me and my party, this money is better spent in the senior leagues where there is a wider audience.

How much money exactly will getting rid of the juniors generate for the senior leagues, and how much of a difference will it really make?

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Look, as I mentioned at the start of this debate, our aim is to improve Scottish football as a whole. When we look at how our clubs perform financially, there's an obvious shortfall.

What we want to do is re-assess where money comes from and where it goes. We need to look at where the money is best spent. In the opinion of me and my party, this money is better spent in the senior leagues where there is a wider audience.

But what money is spent in the Junior game that would be better spent in the SPFL? It's not as if they're drowning in sponsorship money which would be beneficial to Senior teams, is it?

Scrapping the Juniors would drastically reduce the number of footballers, thus being hugely detrimental to the game as a whole.

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Ham - do you take two sugars in your tea? Also do you want a chocolate hob nob with that too?

Oh and your filing has been done too.

Edit: wrong thread lol

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Look, as I mentioned at the start of this debate, our aim is to improve Scottish football as a whole. When we look at how our clubs perform financially, there's an obvious shortfall.

What we want to do is re-assess where money comes from and where it goes. We need to look at where the money is best spent. In the opinion of me and my party, this money is better spent in the senior leagues where there is a wider audience.

YSUs original policy was to kick juniors out of Scottish football? Has this changed. You didn't really answer the question. If ysu were in power - what would happen to junior clubs?

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Why do you think junior fans especially on Pie and Bov could do with some guidance?

Any plans for enforcing them or encouraging them to join the lowland league and a path into spfl?

I'm sorry, I'm not sure that I understand the question correctly. Are you saying that we should encourage them to abandon their team in favour of a Lowland/Highland side, or a side in the SPFL? If so, absolutely not.

We would assist in improving their lifestyle and their education. Robbing them of their sides might be what YSU advocate, but it's certainly not what we stand for.

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If there is one thing we can all agree on here, regardless of party politics it is that the Scottish game is at a low point in it's history. Fewer and fewer teams are competing on the European stage. However, this issue cannot be tackled without first addressing issues present in other areas of our game. In order to do so we must build from the ground up. Strengthen the foundations before we build the house.

Tonight I will show you how the YSU will do this.

Did someone sound the Supras horn?

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It isn't just a case of money invested by government. The money will come from the fact the clubs will become more concentrated. Those fans who have a real appetite for football will move onto other clubs injecting more money into the part of the game that needs it most.

With regards to the reduced number of players, these players aren't good enough for senior football and can go play fives with there mates like the rest of us.

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Sorry adam maybe I worded that poorly. This is no interest from junior clubs presently especially the big ones to join the lowland league or get into the spfl? Is this something you would want to encourage?

Not at all. If they want to get involved within the pyramid then we're all for it. But if they're happy with where they are at the moment, why would we make them change that?

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It isn't just a case of money invested by government. The money will come from the fact the clubs will become more concentrated. Those fans who have a real appetite for football will move onto other clubs injecting more money into the part of the game that needs it most.

With regards to the reduced number of players, these players aren't good enough for senior football and can go play fives with there mates like the rest of us.

A simple yes or no answer please.

If YSU were in power - would you close down or seek to close every junior club?

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Not at all. If they want to get involved within the pyramid then we're all for it. But if they're happy with where they are at the moment, why would we make them change that?

With regards to saving money, it may benefit the senior clubs but what about the fans? Make them go watch a team they don't want to support, higher ticket prices, potentially higher travel costs etc etc...?

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No, just because you don't understand something doesn't make it a lie. We just aren't going to provide funding for something that isn't worth the investment. If that means the clubs close down then so be it.

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