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Racist term openly used on this board and condoned by mods.




We are active supporters of the "Show Racism the Red Card" and will not tolerate racism of any kind on the board. Anyone posting what we deem to be racial abuse will be banned for life.

Those are the words as they appear in the forum rules.

Legal definition of racial-

"A racial group means a group of persons defined by reference to race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins."

Teuchter definition-

A derogatory word used by Lowlanders for a Highlander.



TEUCHTER, n. A term of disparagement or contempt used in Central Scotland for a Highlander, esp. one speaking Gaelic, or anyone from the North, an uncouth, countrified person (Cai., e. and wm.Sc. 1972), jocularly also applied

Ethnic definition-

pertaining to or characteristic of a group of people sharing common and distinctive culture, religion, language or the like.

A common culture-


Teuchter is, by definition a racial slur. Sort it mods.

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In all seriousness what happened to Northern Scots during the highland clearances and other subsequent events was tantamount to genocide carried out by the good old British Empire. Now it leaves the anomaly of a lot of these areas being very pro-Union.

We have pro-union sheep?. :huh:

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Anything intelligent to add to the debate .. or same old?

The word teuchter like the h word has a derogotive background depending on which dictionar definition you choose to use, but has adapted different less offensive meanings over the years. Why are you so for the use of the h word when it's derogatory meaning has been pointed out to you time and time again,but opposed to the use of teuchter? Your argument quite simply reeks of hypocrisy. As I have said the h word does personally not offended me in the slightest as I am regularly called it by my friends from the dark side. but I understand the reasons why it has been banned . This has been. My argument all along and frankly it is boring me to tears now , move on dhense.

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The word teuchter like the h word has a derogotive background depending on which dictionar definition you choose to use, but has adapted different less offensive meanings over the years.....

Precisely :thumsup2

Stop being so thin-skinned and sensitive.

Lighten up and hang loose :lol:

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Precisely :thumsup2

Stop being so thin-skinned and sensitive.

Lighten up and hang loose :lol:

I think everyone is entitled to free education and well worth every effort.

Do you see the lengths you have to go to just for a simple, simple concept to enter their heads?

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We are active supporters of the "Show Racism the Red Card" and will not tolerate racism of any kind on the board. Anyone posting what we deem to be racial abuse will be banned for life.

Those are the words as they appear in the forum rules.

Legal definition of racial-

"A racial group means a group of persons defined by reference to race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins."

Teuchter definition-

A derogatory word used by Lowlanders for a Highlander.



TEUCHTER, n. A term of disparagement or contempt used in Central Scotland for a Highlander, esp. one speaking Gaelic, or anyone from the North, an uncouth, countrified person (Cai., e. and wm.Sc. 1972), jocularly also applied

Ethnic definition-

pertaining to or characteristic of a group of people sharing common and distinctive culture, religion, language or the like.

A common culture-


Teuchter is, by definition a racial slur. Sort it mods.

That's what you get for voting no you shitebag highlander tits

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