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Jim Murphy


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The confused shambles of the Labour, Liberal and to a lesser extent Conservative campaign up here is simply more evidence of the impending SNP landslide.

Their 2011 Holyrood campaigns were every bit as embarrassing.

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The confused shambles of the Labour, Liberal and to a lesser extent Conservative campaign up here is simply more evidence of the impending SNP landslide.

Their 2011 Holyrood campaigns were every bit as embarrassing.

I would 100% agree on this. I think they can also sense the landslide coming and none of them have got a sensible contingency plan for their party.

The referendum might not have been the result I wanted, but it's sure as shit got everyone in this country politically engaged. We all want change, and it looks like one way or another we're going to get it.

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As someone said 'I can spell rocket science but I have no understanding of it'

:lol: I may steal that one at some point in the future.

Whilst the Branch Manager gets harassed by blokes in Glasgow, General Manager gets harassed by others.

That awkward moment when a party leader meets a hen party...


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Blah, Blah, Blah. No new arguments, same old pish...top camera work though, especially the close up view of someone's rucksack

I bet they filmed that at about 7 in the morning.

Hitler's tour of Paris stuff

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I don't think many of the voters will be convinced that Labour have suddenly dropped their austerity plans and rediscovered there left-wing roots. This from the STV piece.

"Murphy’s shift from the right to the left is remarkable. As conversions go, it’s Damascene -- if Saul of Tarsus had found Christ and immediately become a Seventh Day Adventist. Labour politicians used to discover socialism after reading Marx or Laski. Jim Murphy discovered it after reading the opinion polls."

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