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Jim Murphy


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He is given up. If he loses his seat his political career is over. The labour (Scottish branch) infighting post may 7th will be glorious.

I could see a split and an independent Scottish Labour Party being set up.

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I could see a split and an independent Scottish Labour Party being set up.

They'd have to choose a different name, though. "Labour" as a brand has been registered as toxic for generations by their behaviour over the last couple of decades.

This is certainly the case in Scotland, and I'm seeing the start of serious disillusionment down here as well.

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I could see a split and an independent Scottish Labour Party being set up.

Despite being more radical than Labour on a number of issues, I think the SNP still have policy positions that question whether they can genuinely be regarded as a party of the left. The fact that they're seen as being left of Labour is simply testimony to how far Labour have lurched to the right.

That said I think the SNP can gradually develop as a genuine party of the left.

This gives rise to two questions; firstly, where is there scope for an 'independent Labour Party'? Is it simply a left of centre party that wants to stay attached to the UK with all the attendant electoral potholes that brings.

Secondly, and more importantly, where is the political impetus.? There's very few left in SLab who are left of centre; whatever sort of party these folk started would have not more appeal than the current guise.

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Never mind the ever decreasing support for the union when more and more of this generation of old fuckers kick the bucket, but also think about what Labour's level of support is going to be like five or ten years from now.


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I wonder if there is/will be any real introspection amongst thos who lose their seats. I wonder how much individual and collective responsibility they will take for the complete desertion of Scottish Labour by the Scottish electorate.

Unto thine own self be true -as Rabbie Burns so eloquently put it. :lol:

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Labour: the party for doddering old wankers to reflex vote because keeping up with current affairs isnae as "important" as keeping up with Coronation Street & how their half of the Old Firm is doing.

And then wonder why they get jakeys for Deputy Provosts who pish all over their bins.


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That's just a really shit photograph. You would think with the massive membership SLAB have they would know someone who can take a decent picture. Fucking joke of an outfit.

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I wonder if there is/will be any real introspection amongst thos who lose their seats. I wonder how much individual and collective responsibility they will take for the complete desertion of Scottish Labour by the Scottish electorate.

Unto thine own self be true -as Rabbie Burns so eloquently put it. :lol:

I suspect there will be precisely zero introspection. To them, the voters are stupid and the SNP are bad,

They, in their own warped minds, have done precisesly nothing wrong.

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They will probably need their own version of Bertolt Brecht to keep them in touch with reality in the aftermath, if the polling numbers stay where they are right now:

After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts.

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

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I think it would be fair to say

Johann Lamont >>>>> Jim Murphy

While a statement like Lamont>>>>>anybody would have had you sectioned last year, you're actually right. Jim must be trying hard, no way is incompetence on this scale an accident.

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