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Jim Murphy


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You're just going round in circles.

Local politics is a small world. Knowing your opponents is part of the game. Anne obviously considers Dave to be important enough to make a formal complaint about, yet you believe he can walk up to her in the street and she will unknowingly pose with him for a photo? It's not as if the photo was snatched - she's obviously posing for it...

IMO, she's either ignorant, naive or both. What's your view?

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Not when the person is a nonentity, no.

But that still doesn't addresss the point that a photo takes seconds to stage. Or do you expect her to instantly recognise everyone who approaches her?

What are you on mate? Tories went on Murphy's tour. That hundred days thing.

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You're just going round in circles.

Local politics is a small world. Knowing your opponents is part of the game. Anne obviously considers Dave to be important enough to make a formal complaint about, yet you believe he can walk up to her in the street and she will unknowingly pose with him for a photo? It's not as if the photo was snatched - she's obviously posing for it...

IMO, she's either ignorant, naive or both. What's your view?

FFS give it up. Try and imagine the situation was reversed and unionist sites were denigrating a Yes campaigner for sharing a photo with some no mark wrong'un. They'd get ripped for their desperation.

Leave this sort of personal nonsense to the No side, it does nobody any favours.

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Murphy's 5 point plan includes a commitment to patriotism :lol::lol::lol: I'm not making that up by the way!

Jeeze, I can already tell he just doesn't get it!

What doesn't he get?

Let me guess... Only separatists can be patriots?

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what an absolute disaster lichtgilphead is having here.

Still we should be glad he's returned. 3 months of sobbing uncontrollably after the mauling Yes took from the Scottish electorate.

Can I have your views on Alex Salmond meeting Bruce Ogilvie? I mean he must have known who the disgusting racist was.. Right?

Why did he shake hands with such a vile individual ?

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He doesn't get that independence wasn't about who can be the best patriot. Probably you don't get that either...

Yeah... I don't think you should try to educate me on what the referendum was about...

Given how horribly you got it all the way through while I tried my best to tell you what the electorate thought was important and how we would vote.

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Possibly that ANYONE who says shit like "commitment to patriotism" deserves to be laughed at.


I certainly agree that all nationalists should be pointed and laughed at.

And patriots should always be treated with absolute suspicion.

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Patriotism pish aside, it seems like a good move that. Can't really disagree with what's there. Clearly most people believe that the SNP are the only party with Scotland's interests at heart, Scottish Labour need to convince otherwise.

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Patriotism pish aside, it seems like a good move that. Can't really disagree with what's there. Clearly most people believe that the SNP are the only party with Scotland's interests at heart, Scottish Labour need to convince otherwise.

Yeah, I think you are right.

You have to say that Murphy is a step up on Lamont, which can only be positive for Labour. And they do have to re-engage with voters and become more parochial, as the SNP are.

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You're just going round in circles.

Local politics is a small world. Knowing your opponents is part of the game.

It's bugger all to do with local politics. He's a Farage figure who appears wherever there's an opportunity. Except he's not as well-known as Farage and yes, it's highly likely that in the split second required to take a photograph she didn't recognise him.

Anne obviously considers Dave to be important enough to make a formal complaint about, yet you believe he can walk up to her in the street and she will unknowingly pose with him for a photo?

Knowing the name of the NF leader doesn't require knowledge of their appearance.

It's not as if the photo was snatched - she's obviously posing for it...

Oh boy, now you're getting desperate. She's clearly not posing - she's turning round to look at him, whereas a pose would have them both facing the camera.

IMO, she's either ignorant, naive or both. What's your view?

None of the above.

I see you've offered no explanation as to why he's wearing a Labour badge and carrying a Labour campaign paper, when if it were a joint platform he'd be wearing and holding the NF equivalents.

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