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Was it not Boris Johnson that made a comment steeped in pride that the British had either invaded or colonised 200ish of the worlds countries?

What a c**t :lol:

All of them do it, Gove describes the British empire as 'a benign empire' failing to notice that's actually an oxymoron. Tell that to the 29 million people we starved to death in India, see how benign they think it was.

It was also him who was angry at History teachers recently for not teaching that WWI was a glorious jaunt in the country and was actually hell on earth for those involved.

Edited by FuzzyAffro
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And the SNP National Socialists?

SNP are clearly not socialists. They might be left centrist, or maybe even right centrist. However, I don't deny they're a nationalist party. In terms of left/right ideology I don't think members/supporters would be too upset if they were to lurch one way or the other, as long as it suits the times. After all, they were called "Tartan Tories" back in the days of old Labour. You only have to look at SSP and Green Policies to realize how moderate SNP are compared to them.

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SNP are clearly not socialists. They might be left centrist, or maybe even right centrist. However, I don't deny they're a nationalist party. In terms of left/right ideology I don't think members/supporters would be too upset if they were to lurch one way or the other, as long as it suits the times. After all, they were called "Tartan Tories" back in the days of old Labour. You only have to look at SSP and Green Policies to realize how moderate SNP are compared to them.

The SNP can definitely be accused of trying to chase the middle class vote as much as many other mainstream parties. The difference is that they're much more competent and do still retain some semblance of social justice. I'm not huge on them but atm there's little more to champion than competent government and independence in the near future.

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Ponsonby (I think) absolutely going in on Coburn on Scotland Tonight atm. Slaughtered him on his claim that most marriages between British nationals and foreign citizens are sham marriages, where UKIP are going to find £5.5 billion cuts and other manifesto pledges.

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Ponsonby (I think) absolutely going in on Coburn on Scotland Tonight atm. Slaughtered him on his claim that most marriages between British nationals and foreign citizens are sham marriages, where UKIP are going to find £5.5 billion cuts and other manifesto pledges.

He's ripping Coburn a new one.

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UKIP are an irrelevance in Scotland but could steal enough Tory votes in England to hurt Cameron.

And yes I know they'll get votes from former Labour voters too but polls suggest it's 2-1 ex Tories.

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I'm not watching the show but I saw on twitter that Coburn was asked about the Humza Yousaf/Abu Hamza comment and told Ponsonby that it was "a good sense of humour" :unsure2:

Hate to defend him but that's not quite the case.

BP - what does that incident tell us about you?

DC- that I've got a sense of humour? That I'm human? (in terms of making mistakes)

Edited by pandarilla
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I'm not watching the show but I saw on twitter that Coburn was asked about the Humza Yousaf/Abu Hamza comment and told Ponsonby that it was "a good sense of humour" :unsure2:

He expanded on that defence by claiming he's 'human' just like the rest of the viewers watching the programme. Have to say I've got my doubts!

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