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I don't understand the enemies thing either. Personally, I couldn't give a toss what side of the line people are on. People make their choice and that's it as far as I'm concerned.

I'm certainly not sad enough to hold anything against anyone for it.

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The fact that you used the term "enemies of the union" shows how bigoted you are. I don't even have to leave this page. You are a bigot and a total mess.

An 'enemy of the Union' equates to bigotry? aye crack on!

How about 'No Voting Scum' often posted on here?

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Not loud or proud enough to actually explain his views or show us where he gets his "evidence" from. Loyal, bitter and ashamed.

The referendum wasn't a census by the way. Not all Yes voters were nationalists and obviously not all No voters were loyalists. Only a myopic dafty who yearns for black and white Northern Irish style politics would believe that.

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Please ask one of your band buddies who isn't such a shitebag to sign up on here so we can seek to understand the loud and proud majority from someone who doesn't start speaking like The Riddler when asked a direct question.



Edited by Alan Stubbs
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Its often forgotten on these pages, that an independent Scotland was rejected by a good margin only 10 months ago.

We are not the minority, 55% of our countrymen (who voted) decided to remain as an integral part of our glorious & Loyal Union.

The snakes can thrash about in their pit, but they've nowhere to go, not for the time being anyway.

Cheers Pal


What's glorious about a union that holds back the majority?

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The Kippers/"quintessential Brits"/Rangers men must be seething at Lizzie's comments last night. :lol:

It's an amusing thought but I'm mildly pissed off by it as well. I'm pro-Europe but the unelected head of state should shut her dish about democratic matters.

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