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Every decent result for UKIP in an election is a fatal blow to that myth of the sophistication of the UK electorate.

Fundamentally they are a party of ultra Thatcherite libertarian nutballs supported by the sort of mindless working class racists who used to vote BNP.

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I have no idea how Ukip is still a thing. A party which when formed tried to get votes from middle-class tories and when failed tried to get votes from working class labour voters. Now they're failing at that where do they go?

Same place as the Lib Dems and Scottish Labour. Oblivion.

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Same place as the Lib Dems and Scottish Labour. Oblivion.

I disagree with this. If Ukip can get either a leftist leader to consolidate gains among the disaffected white working class (they may be near-absent from your TV but they exist in the tens of millions) or a far right leader to win white females, they'll overtake the Lib Dems soon enough. Nowhere near enough to be a parliamentary force, but you underestimate the dissatisfaction with the major parties in England. Unless Corbyn can get a good ol' fashioned purge going he's going to be hamstrung by his own parliamentary party, and that will only disgust former Labour voters in the North further.

Scotland's a write-off for Ukip, irrelevant, maybe the odd European seat here and there but the dynamics in Scotland are different. A Scottish nativist party will only appear post-independence.

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I have no idea how Ukip is still a thing. A party which when formed tried to get votes from middle-class tories and when failed tried to get votes from working class labour voters. Now they're failing at that where do they go?

Another one who can't read a poll properly. 12% of the total vote is not a failure to capture a demographic. It's a failure to adapt to the realities of FPTP, yes, but it's far from a failure to bring in working class ex-Labour voters. In fact, given that Nigel Farage (the only really visible face of the party) is a rubber-faced, proto-Cameron, miscegenating, petit bourgeois, pro-economic-migrant, politically-correct charlatan, they did remarkably well. If they went full nativist and full leftist they'd do far, far better than they actually did.

All Ukip needs is a suitably gobby leader who's not afraid to talk like the man in the Wetherspoons and you're looking at 20% of the popular vote and 20 seats north of Watford.

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Those who doubt me should start reading up on Donald Trump's base of support. Think you're immune from it? You're not. Think it's funny that a reality TV star and erstwhile rentier is a top-three favorite for the US presidency? You're one intelligent candidate away from the same in Downing Street.

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I can see where Swampy is coming from, I used to bother arguing with my cousin on fb who spouted loads of ukip tripe. Him being white working class, same as me like. Except I'm no longer living in greater Manchester. What our Michael struggled to understand was the concept that ukip wasn't going to better his working pay or conditions they simply blame Europe as the cause of him being in a shit job on shit wages. Oh & immigration of course. I nice little scapegoat used since the right wing came into existence.

Now Jezza is fronting the Labour Party he's got a chance of seeing how ridiculous ukip's policies are. Hopefully my cuz can wipe away that ukip shite that has been baffling him now.


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Another one who can't read a poll properly. 12% of the total vote is not a failure to capture a demographic. It's a failure to adapt to the realities of FPTP, yes, but it's far from a failure to bring in working class ex-Labour voters. In fact, given that Nigel Farage (the only really visible face of the party) is a rubber-faced, proto-Cameron, miscegenating, petit bourgeois, pro-economic-migrant, politically-correct charlatan, they did remarkably well. If they went full nativist and full leftist they'd do far, far better than they actually did.

All Ukip needs is a suitably gobby leader who's not afraid to talk like the man in the Wetherspoons and you're looking at 20% of the popular vote and 20 seats north of Watford.

bla bla... Poor us... Bla bla
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  • 2 weeks later...

U jocks qualified for the European championships? ??.Enjoy your independence next June. The rest of the UK are off to France

Aye like I've not seen that a hundred times. Congratulations

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