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I switched this on by mistake,heard some guy asking "what do we get for paying in 350 million a week to the eu"thankfully i found the correct channel for the masters

Ilford will leave the EU irrespective of the vote based on last night.

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Genuine queston - Why do right-wing pressure groups like the TaxPayers' Alliance get a platform on the BBC? They'd never allow a random from a group like CND onto Question Time.


There are plenty of centre-left pressure groups and think tanks that the BBC gives a platform to. If such organisations produce research and publications of interest, they will get coverage. Newsnight is now run by a Guardianista clique.

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What groups exactly? I might just be out-of-the-loop because I stopped watching most Newsnight and Daily Politics last year.


Centre-Left think tanks include IFS, IPPR, the Social Market Foundation, Fabian Society, Demos, Compass, the Smith Institute and the New Economics Foundation. The Institute For Fiscal Studies (IFS) gets tons of coverage on the BBC. Then there is the Kings Fund, very pro NHS, on health. 

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