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Question Time


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A more constructive debate than in recent weeks and months, partially because of the relative lack of acrimony between the panelists - or at least the politicians. 

I thought Salmond started poorly, with an ill-advised half-defence of Naz Shah. Burnham came close to tying himself in knots at the first question too. After that, both performed well - Burnham was especially strong on Hillsborough, perhaps unsurprisingly. He was also more nuanced on the EU and immigration than some in Labour. Clark didn't say too much of real note, but that's not necessarily a point of criticism. 

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Pleased that Burnham is on for Labour; one of the few at the top of the Party who can hold his head up high this week. Pity that he'll almost certainly be on the back foot from the start.

He abstained on welfare reform bill and voted for the Iraq war....no he can't hold his head high....his support of Hillsborough victims only started when he was called put by them at anfield....still a whiff of opportunism about it...still one of the right wing blairites
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Has this QT clip of Alex Salmond in 1987 been posted anywhere yet? It's just astonishing.

Fucking hell. Labour preferring Scotland ruled by Tories and dire warning about oil running out and falling prices fucking up the Scottish economy. At least labour are consistent.

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It's admirable how long salmond has been fighting his and scotlands corner.

Astonishing really

An absolute legend and it's just a shame he wasn't able to lead us to independence.

Would've just loved to see his reaction and speech afterwards.

King Ecks efforts will not be forgotten.

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Involved in something called the Centre for Policy Study, neoliberal free market think tank


Maggie Thatcher and Keith Joseph founded the CPS. It's board and staff and mostly committed Thatcherites. Jill Kirkby, a moral authoritarian, was its Director for a few years but was ousted five years ago. She was a very strange choice.


He's a minister of state. How the f**k did that happen?


Clark is another ex SDP hack who has been promoted by Cameron. Others include Chris Grayling, Anna Soubry, Lord Danny Finkelstein of The Times and Lord Andy Cooper of Populus. Clark, The Fink and Cooper and all worked for William Hague when he was Tory leader but jumped quickly on the Cameron bandwagon. Grayling, unlike the others, moved to the right.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Such a shame the oil ran out shortly after

Gone by 1990 was one of the slogans of the anti-devolution campaign in 1979. That the oil would run out by 1990.

I'm not sure but I think we're past 1990 by now and there's definitely still oil. Slight porky there. During the 2014 referendum it was gone by 2030, repeated by Darling many times. You might be forgiven for thinking they pick a date in the future just far enough that most mugs forget by the time it comes round...

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Confirmed panel for tomorrow in Aberdeen: David Mundell, Humza Yousaf, Kezia Dugdale, Jim Sillars and Merryn Somerset-Webb. 


Bit miffed that I'm going to miss this. Seems a decent line up.


I'd love to hear Kezias future plan for slab, she'll come out with some shite like 'we're listening and need to re evaluate where we are', some vague mention of home rule but will be unable to give any further details.


Mundell will be talking about the Tory revolution, holding the SNP to account and dismissing indyref2 at all costs.


Christ knows about Sillars, think he wants out the EU now more than the UK.


Yousaf should do well in this.

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