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Question Time


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One hour of programming and we get precisely 8 minutes of discussion of a devolved matter for which the SNP Scottish Government has had responsibility running for 9 years.

50 minutes wasted rearguing the 2014 referendum and independence and the private remarks of a person who can't even vote in the referendum to which those remarks relate.

With that kind of scrutiny, we get the government we deserve.

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Didn't make great viewing that tonight, surprised as anyone else on the 'mix' of the audience. Promise myself every week that I won't sit through it, yet sat here again thinking that was another f*ckin waste of an hour.

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One hour of programming and we get precisely 8 minutes of discussion of a devolved matter for which the SNP Scottish Government has had responsibility running for 9 years.

50 minutes wasted rearguing the 2014 referendum and independence and the private remarks of a person who can't even vote in the referendum to which those remarks relate.

With that kind of scrutiny, we get the government we deserve.

Blame the BBC. Every time they come to Scotland all they do is pick questions on independence.

I would hope coming leaders debates barely mentions it but not holding my breath

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One hour of programming and we get precisely 8 minutes of discussion of a devolved matter for which the SNP Scottish Government has had responsibility running for 9 years.

50 minutes wasted rearguing the 2014 referendum and independence and the private remarks of a person who can't even vote in the referendum to which those remarks relate.

With that kind of scrutiny, we get the government we deserve.

TBF QT has long since gone from being a serious political programme. Dimbleby really needs put out to grass. Which is a shame because to many it is still perceived as one. Its basically Talksport on TV.

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I dont know if anyone has applied to be on QT before but you get asked about political affiliations and you also get asked for 3 topics you would want to bring up.


So, if the bulk of the programme is about a referendum then it is because of an editorial decision that it should be so.

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I dont know if anyone has applied to be on QT before but you get asked about political affiliations and you also get asked for 3 topics you would want to bring up.

So, if the bulk of the programme is about a referendum then it is because of an editorial decision that it should be so.

Go on Twitter, see how many Dundonians who applied never got on.

But 2 Labour candidates did, what are the chances.....

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Just a hunch, but perhaps in such a strongly pro-independence city it's difficult to find ordinary people who are pro-union and politically engaged enough to want to apply.

That's also why the number of rejections is skewed towards those in favour of independence.

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