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These people (yes including you Robert) are a stain on the Scottish society and Scotland would be a much better place if they fucked off, take Sevco with you while you're at it.

Horrible creatures.

Didn't see QT last night Lichtie, (although I guess it doesn't take much) what on earth did he say to upset you so much?
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These people (yes including you Robert) are a stain on the Scottish society and Scotland would be a much better place if they fucked off, take Sevco with you while you're at it.
Horrible creatures.

Seen a clip now, seems to me the guy was having a go at 'The SNP' for backing the wrong horse then challenging the democratic result. I don't see it that way, I didn't vote to leave the EU and wouldn't have supported Donald Trump. The problem is Lichtie you have such a one dimensional view, full of sweeping generalisations that label all people the same who may happen to disagree on some of your opinions. It shows your immaturity that's all, you'll grow up one day.
It's an intolerance that is also a stain on Scottish society, if that's how you want to play it.
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Aye he's got a one dimensional view.  Says the member of the 'PLU' community.   

I acknowledge that there are people who recognise themselves as Protestant, Unionist & Loyalist, in the same way that others members of the community may consider themselves Catholic, Nationalist & Republican. I don't have a problem with that and am thankful that today we live in a more peaceful time, where another man's religion and or political beliefs can, more often than not be respected without condemnation (and at worst violence).
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I obviously don't agree with him but I don't see what was so shocking, apart from his jacket clearly.



Edited by welshbairn
added missing word "see" and reflected on Kincardine's wise words below
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Plus the small matter of the snp winning an election with it in their manifesto word for word they would pursue this course of action if exactly these events transpired.   It would be undemocratic for the snp not to be taking this course of action and if bigot boy on qt doesn't like it let him win an election then he and his ilk can decide the path we take. that's democracy. 

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5 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:



These people (yes including you Robert) are a stain on the Scottish society and Scotland would be a much better place if they fucked off, take Sevco with you while you're at it.



An embarrassing "who are these people" moment for 1888Lichtie. Shocking posting.

21 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I obviously don't agree with him but I don't what was so shocking.


Even I don't agree with the chap...but his jaiket's horrendous.  Tangerine is it?

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