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Most Hilarious Rangers/Sevco Moment So Far

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Anyone else mind when Rangers died? LOL

Less than two hours to the Big Thread's birthday! Woohoo!

Three years of daily* hoots and japes - with no sign of abatement anytime soon.

*OK, maybe not daily, but near as dammit.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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You want to know what's hilarious?

Rangers went into administration on the 14th of February, 2012. They were liquidated that summer and started from the bottom of Scottish football. To date they remain a club in financial and footballing peril. This is a result of having no ownership stability, no co-ordination in their support who keep up their hubris about being well-supported, about deserving a stable club and a winning club and claiming support that dwarves that of not only the rest of Scottish football but most sporting institutions the world over, no resilience or focus to keep their club in the hands of the right people who can properly run the club and safeguard its future. This is in spite of WE WILL NOT STAND IDLY BY AND WATCH OUR CLUB DIE, WE DESERVE THE TRUTH, SPIVS OUT and similar such brave, relevant and effective... banners. On the field their club has largely remained a shambles, with no attempt to move to a self-sustaining model save one player who had to be punted to the first bidder to keep the lights on, an assemblance of mercenaries brought in to appease the "deserving" hordes and to attempt to speak to some lasting image of relevance. Big Club -itis, if you will.

Hearts went into administration on the 17th of June 2013. They spent a season at a disadvantage to the rest of the league owing to the resultant points deduction and the small, young squad they were forced to play owing to budget cuts. They were relegated the following summer, at the same time they came out of administration being bought by a competent party who set in place financial security, a long-term sustainable coaching and player development program as well as setting up a future transfer of ownership to a fans group. They, currently, are playing Rangers off the park on a regular basis, well ahead of them off the field and on, with a support re-energised and taking an active role in the future and stability of their club, despite surely modest total numbers in comparison to uh, five hundred million worldwide.

Now, this wouldn't hint at the fact that a sporting institution existing as part of a century-old duopoly in a relatively small-minded country exists as a vehicle for the insecure to latch on to in an act of petty triumphalism which is exposed by nobody really caring enough to save their club when necessary, would it? No, that can't be it.

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Agreed, and apologies if this has been pointed out already

Paddington Station is rather welcoming to bears, with a fine selection of marmalade sandwiches at the buffet. Dress code: Duffle coat, wellingtons, Rain Hat. Please look after them. Or not.

A Loyal Bear


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I'm gonna go with Norman...errr


Lamont! Am I close?

Up til "Norman", then no. Just no. Cast your mind back to what the topic being discussed was...

Clue: it was nothing to do with rangers dying and the Horde buying into the Tribute Act. Nowhere near as funny as that.

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Surely it has to be right at the start of administration, it was the foundation for the following years of laughter.

Big Jim felt like the rest of us, that a massive unproven tax Bill would ultimately take the club under with no serious investor wanting to touch Rangers FC with a barge pole! Who would?

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Up til "Norman", then no. Just no. Cast your mind back to what the topic being discussed was...

Clue: it was nothing to do with rangers dying and the Horde buying into the Tribute Act. Nowhere near as funny as that.

I'm sorry WRK you've lost me, I've only been on here since last summer ish?

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