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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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Sanders may have won the vote, but it looks like Clinton will walk away from New Hampshire with at least an equal share of the delegates due to the preferences of the superdelegates. She may even be ahead :(

It's going to be even more of an uphill struggle for him to win the candidacy than I had appreciated.

What are the rules in other states? In New Hampshire unique in how it allocates its delegates?

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Bishop Briggs, on 11 Feb 2016 - 14:07, said:Bishop Briggs, on 11 Feb 2016 - 14:07, said:

What are the rules in other states? In New Hampshire unique in how it allocates its delegates?

I believe that all states have superdelegates. They make up about 20% of the delegates in total. This is a good article about the mountain Sanders has to climb.


ETA - It is apparently 15% this year - It used to be 20%

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I can't claim to have any in depth knowledge of US culture but I find it hard to understand why Democratic ethnic miorities are more 'small c' conservative than their white counterparts.

Think with Spanish American immigrants you can attribute some of their conservatism to their religious beliefs with many of them being Catholic.

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I believe that all states have superdelegates. They make up about 20% of the delegates in total. This is a good article about the mountain Sanders has to climb.


ETA - It is apparently 15% this year - It used to be 20%

Helpful article.

I wonder what the response would be if Sanders and his supporters threatened to stand against the official Democratic candidate unless superdelegates agreed to support the popular vote.

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Watching some of the related videos, this one's an absolute belter.


Ripping into the audience during a debate :lol:

Its actually quite clever. And probably accurate. If your a 'Murican from flyover country you feel really disenfranchised from the whole political establishment include the repubs who nationally have to appeal to center right, secular, middle class types with decent jobs and a bit of a strong dislike of the teabaggers and telebangelists. So your Fox News watching, god fearing Kansas moma is going to feel that Trump is upsetting the money funding the other candidates and the booing is from a stage managed audience. It adds to his rebel allure.

Batshit to you and me. But I am pretty sure it works well with his core audience.

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The Scalia situation creates a real minefield. Obama might struggle to get a confirmation before he leaves.

What would be funny is if either Obama resigned as President, for Joe Biden to take the reins, or Hillary Clinton won the White House, and nominated Obama for the Supreme Court...

Then Obama casts the deciding vote on the court to rule Ted Cruz not to be a natural born citizen of the United States, citing a literalist construction in the spirit of Scalia.

Too much troll, alas.

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Voting for Trump should lose you the right to vote!

Trump is a loon amongst a sea of loons. Sadly, the antics you see coming from him is a more of reflection of how far you have to stoop to appeal to the typical voter. As for the Democrat side you have mega corrupt, bought and paid for corporatist Clinton, and some guy whose trying to preach old tired ideas that haven't worked well in the past, as something new and exciting.

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The Scalia situation creates a real minefield. Obama might struggle to get a confirmation before he leaves.

What would be funny is if either Obama resigned as President, for Joe Biden to take the reins, or Hillary Clinton won the White House, and nominated Obama for the Supreme Court...

Then Obama casts the deciding vote on the court to rule Ted Cruz not to be a natural born citizen of the United States, citing a literalist construction in the spirit of Scalia.

Too much troll, alas.

Only one man for the job.


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Trump is a loon amongst a sea of loons. Sadly, the antics you see coming from him is a more of reflection of how far you have to stoop to appeal to the typical voter. As for the Democrat side you have mega corrupt, bought and paid for corporatist Clinton, and some guy whose trying to preach old tired ideas that haven't worked well in the past, as something new and exciting.

Still hoping that Joe Biden enters the Democratic race. An independent Bloomberg campaign would really shake things up for both parties. He could outspend them easily.

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Still hoping that Joe Biden enters the Democratic race. An independent Bloomberg campaign would really shake things up for both parties. He could outspend them easily.

You'd imagine there's potential for him to pull votes away from both Clinton and Trump if they end up as the candidates. Soft Republicans who aren't crazy enough for Trump and right leaning Democrats

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