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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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I'm going out on a limb here, is there any republicans who haven't mated with vegetables and aren't flag waving morons?

Truth is they would destroy US just as the Tories are doing here, keeping the elite cosy, at the cost of the rest.

Yet if they tell the common racist it will make America great again - like you remember from childhood they'll buy it.

With the superdelegate con,the dubious caucuses and the idiotic college system. There needs to be a peoples revolt in the states. The duopoly isn't serving the people well.

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Part of the reason why I switched my DNC prediction from Sanders to Clinton, was my initial failure to understand the superdelegate system and how much of an inbuilt advantage it gives to the establishment candidate. However, Hilary is not going to beat Trump in the election. Mainly due to the fact that there is too many traditional Democrat voters who won't vote for her. Either they'll vote for Trump, because his immigration policies will resonate with some blacks and legal Mexicans, or people who wanted Sanders that won't turn up to vote at all.

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Been following the odds on this and Rubio had come in to almost neck and neck territory at just over evens after Bush suspended his campaign. Only now is Trump at heavy favourite 1/3ish prices.

Probably something I'm missing given I'm clueless about the primaries process but its hard to see why its taking so long for Trump to get to complete banker status. Has Rubio done anything to suggest he's atually in this?

The idea that I want Clinton as President makes me sad.

Same here. I'd fancy any of the Republicans to smash Sanders so Hilary is the least shit possible outcome here. Depressing.

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Been following the odds on this and Rubio had come in to almost neck and neck territory at just over evens after Bush suspended his campaign. Only now is Trump at heavy favourite 1/3ish prices.

Probably something I'm missing given I'm clueless about the primaries process but its hard to see why its taking so long for Trump to get to complete banker status. Has Rubio done anything to suggest he's atually in this?

Same here. I'd fancy any of the Republicans to smash Sanders so Hilary is the least shit possible outcome here. Depressing.

Trump is a long way from a certainty. The process is so complicated that there are many hurdles he can fall at still there.

If he was a straightforward politician then the last few weeks would mean he was nailed on. But he's not. His maverick status gives all sorts of people the fear. The grand old party has a big decision to make.

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I'm going out on a limb here, is there any republicans who haven't mated with vegetables and aren't flag waving morons?

Truth is they would destroy US just as the Tories are doing here, keeping the elite cosy, at the cost of the rest.

At least the tories here are generally intelligent. They're greedy self-serving fucks but by no means stupid.

The level of debate in the Republican party is insane in a developed, supposedly-educated nation.

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Trump is a long way from a certainty. The process is so complicated that there are many hurdles he can fall at still there.

If he was a straightforward politician then the last few weeks would mean he was nailed on. But he's not. His maverick status gives all sorts of people the fear. The grand old party has a big decision to make.

Thanks. I knew there was something (well a lot) that was going over my head. Taking an interest in this election has served to make me realise just how little I actually understand American politics.

I've got Rubio and Clinton on a throwaway ridiculously long outrights coupon, which is going amazingly well apart from Trump racing into favourite. My instinct was pretty much what you describe in the second paragraph, that the party favourites would be ensured a victory somehow. Trump just keeps on winning though. The b*****d.

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Headline head to head polls tell you absolutely nothing about what kind of people Sanders is going to get to turn out in higher numbers and crucially it doesn't tell you which States. Ditto re Trump's numbers.

Having an extra 5 point bump is totally useless unless it's in the swing States. A lot of them are in the areas where Hillary is stronger.

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Pretty scary chart, it shows the collapse of the centre ground in terms of voting demographics. It at least explains why all the rhetoric coming from Democrats and Republicans are so extreme.


Not sure how representative these are, but on the face of it that backs up my claim that the consistent and authoritarian pushes by the left (2004 on) has in turn created the counter drift to the right, silencing the middle and thus enabling characters like Trump to be serious contenders.

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Been following the odds on this and Rubio had come in to almost neck and neck territory at just over evens after Bush suspended his campaign. Only now is Trump at heavy favourite 1/3ish prices.

Probably something I'm missing given I'm clueless about the primaries process but its hard to see why its taking so long for Trump to get to complete banker status. Has Rubio done anything to suggest he's atually in this?

Same here. I'd fancy any of the Republicans to smash Sanders so Hilary is the least shit possible outcome here. Depressing.

I don't even claim to understand the system but I think the thoughts were that Trump was supported by a vocal minority of the grand old party but once the more moderate wing of the Republicans rallied round one candidate (presumably Rubio) that candidate would have enough support to outlast Trump.

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Trump has won in small states winning few delegates so far and is benefiting from the voting system packed with the elderly who love the simple ideas of big walls to keep the nasty foreigners out and making America terrific again like it was in the 50's. I hope and pray he won't do so well in places like Florida, California, New York and even Texas where slagging off the Bushes might not go down too well.

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Stating the obvious but the longer Carson and Kasich stay in help Trump. It'll be interesting to see if either if Rubio can pull away from Cruz - they have been pretty much neck and neck in the last primary and caucus.

It's very interesting to follow. Rubio seems to be getting an absolute shit load of spin from the media, and endorsements. Yet he hasn't really attracted wide support this far, and came 5th in New Hampshire - a state he was expected to do well. He is also trailing badly (latest one today, he's 16% behind Trump with Trump 44 and Rubio 28) in Florida where it is winner takes all regards the delegates. I wouldn't bank on Rubio yet to be the nominee.

Cruz's plan has been to shore up the Evangelical vote and was hoping for a 'super' Super Tuesday in the south. I think he'll take Texas, but the rest, he could well end up battling with Rubio for distant second.

Kasich will be around for at least another few weeks. He has put all his funding in to the northern/middle states like Vermont, Massachusetts, and his home state of Ohio. I think he's around 5 or so on average points behind Trump in Ohio.

Nevada, Iowa, and New Hampshire are pretty small states, and will Trump have the ground effort to do well across a lot of the south on super Tuesday.

It's very fascinating if not wild following this. I still can't believe Trump has done this well. I think after winning in South Carolina, he most definitely can any primary/caucus.

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Trump has won in small states winning few delegates so far and is benefiting from the voting system packed with the elderly who love the simple ideas of big walls to keep the nasty foreigners out and making America terrific again like it was in the 50's. I hope and pray he won't do so well in places like Florida, California, New York and even Texas where slagging off the Bushes might not go down too well.

Polling shows that Trump has broad support from across the age groups. He got over 40% of the vote in Nevada and has more than double the number of delegates than his nearest rival, Ted Cruz . Trump is leading in 10 out of the next 13 states to vote, including liberal Massachusetts.

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Democrats go to the polls in South Carolina on Saturday, the last state to vote before the key Super Tuesday round next week. Polling shows Clinton as the favourite to carry SC. If she can carry South Carolina and the bigger states on super Tuesday then her lead could be unassailable with most of the superdelegates backing Clinton.

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Polling shows that Trump has broad support from across the age groups. He got over 40% of the vote in Nevada

I posted earlier that 75% of the tiny electorate in Nevada were over 45 and the under 30's voted overwhelmingly for Rubio. The link for the data is in that post.
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