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The Pelé Podcast - Andy Graham

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Am I mental or did he actually say Dundee and St Johnstone were paying similar or more money for players than Gretna?

In terms of wages, I imagine Jason Scotland would be on a fair wedge. Laughable to suggest the overall wage tallies would be the same though.

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Are Morton fans generally happy with his tenure or do they have little choice but to plod along with him as long as he keeps the club afloat?

I don't think many fans would be happy with his tenure. I'm pleased that he saved the club - but the past few years have just been a disgrace. We've overspent on players, paid transfer fees for crap players, and Dougie Rae has added all of this to the "debt" that the club owe him.

His mismanagement has put us in the mess we are in now. He cut the budget last season to make us more sustainable - yet we had to spend more on crap players to try and avoid relegation. It was the worst possible year to start messing about and trying to cut the squad costs.

£2 million in debt to our owner in the 3rd tier of Scottish football with the future not looking any better.

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A big well done to FF for the interview, it was a really enjoyable listen. Although I get the feeling that Irons wouldn't have taken much persuading to spill his guts on everything. Just out of curiosity, is there anyone who hasn't stabbed him in the back?

I enjoyed his bit about Morton the most, very juicy indeed. I've always wondered why Morton have perennially underachieved given the fruits of the Inverclyde sweetie industry, however the interview points towards a self-entitled control freak more intent on halting progress on his own terms than watching the club progress through the achievements of others. The word "narcissist" noted earlier in the thread seems awfully apt.

Are Morton fans generally happy with his tenure or do they have little choice but to plod along with him as long as he keeps the club afloat?

I don't doubt that most Morton fans still do support him, but an increasing number are waking up to the fact that he has no plan for reducing the debt and no clue what he's doing on football matters. Rae is a failure on and off the park, and the fact that we're all still grateful that he saved the club after Hugh Scott's time isn't going to make much difference if his ultimate legacy is driving the club into £2 million + of debt through his own incompetence then demanding that money back. However, when people do talk about the possibility of Rae being bought out they aren't talking about a fan takeover - our support is a disorganised bickering mess, a state of affairs Rae is happy to encourage to further protect himself from scrutiny - it's mostly talk of the Easdales taking over. f**k that for a game of soldiers.

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I don't doubt that most Morton fans still do support him, but an increasing number are waking up to the fact that he has no plan for reducing the debt and no clue what he's doing on football matters. Rae is a failure on and off the park, and the fact that we're all still grateful that he saved the club after Hugh Scott's time isn't going to make much difference if his ultimate legacy is driving the club into £2 million + of debt through his own incompetence then demanding that money back. However, when people do talk about the possibility of Rae being bought out they aren't talking about a fan takeover - our support is a disorganised bickering mess, a state of affairs Rae is happy to encourage to further protect himself from scrutiny - it's mostly talk of the Easdales taking over. f**k that for a game of soldiers.

Unfortunately that last paragraph seem more likely every passing day.

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Guys even with a well supported team like Morton, its nearly impossible to run a club on a full time basis, without someone digging into his pockets and funding the club on a weekly basis. Perhaps if you club has a good commercial dept. raising sponsorship, maybe break even, or a other 1500 through the gates.But I can't see anyone making a fortune owning a team in Scottish football.

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Guys even with a well supported team like Morton, its nearly impossible to run a club on a full time basis, without someone digging into his pockets and funding the club on a weekly basis. Perhaps if you club has a good commercial dept. raising sponsorship, maybe break even, or a other 1500 through the gates.But I can't see anyone making a fortune owning a team in Scottish football.

It's not easy but it is there is a clear link between well run and not having a combination of a mental old man/criminal/egotistical maniac in charge.

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Are Morton fans generally happy with his tenure or do they have little choice but to plod along with him as long as he keeps the club afloat?

At best it’s maybe a case of right guy, wrong time. He began to posture around the early-to-mid 90’s and if he’d taken over full control then and thrown in the money then with a bit of luck who knows what might have happened. He couldn’t have done a worse job than Wilson did in his last year or so and we would have avoided the whole Hugh Scott years. We would probably still have crashed and burned eventually, but we’d have had more to show for the $2m debt.

However, he didn’t get in until he did. Being (very?) generous, he had some bad luck in his first few seasons. He pulled back in the first season when we seemed doomed to unavoidable relegation, and then missed the lifeline that Airdrie’s demise could have provided us. Third season was the first with a transfer window and saw our massive lead collapse after it was too late to do anything to change things. Fifth season we had the double whammy of Gretna and the first season with lower division play-offs, both combining to result in us missing promotion.

But only one good season (and that in Division 3) out of his first five saw much goodwill and certainly all positive momentum following the Club’s survival collapse. A three-year plan to be challenging for promotion to SPL, became double that just to get back into the First and the less said about what we’ve done since the better.

It’s just been mistake after mistake. Which you could accept if he learned the lessons and moved on, but it’s the same mistakes that keep being made over and over. Throw money at it, that doesn’t work so throw more money at it, that doesn’t work so what’ll we do now? Have we tried throwing money at it?

I think he’s now trapped. He can’t be enjoying what he’s doing and he’s just splurging more and more of his money, which he’s not going to get back. It’s just a salvage job for him now, but that is harder to execute than when he was aiming for the stars and is beyond his abilities.

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Alright lads, tonight sees the sixth edition of the Pelé Podcast starring Scott McLaughlin - CLICK.

No point in starting a new thread so let's keep in here. It's essential listening for Morton fans, particularly in context with the Davie Irons pod from a couple of weeks ago, and I'm sure Ayr United fans will find something in there too. Scott also spoke about his other clubs (Livi, Peterhead, Airdrie, Clyde, Queens), so there's something in there for everyone.

I really enjoyed talking to him, comes across as a sound boy.

The sound warps very occasionally but don't let that put you off, it's bloody good fun.

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Fair play to McLaughlin, tried his best not to blame everyone else and was pretty honest in his opinions.

Irons was milking it as expected but highlighted Rae was never out the dressing room and it felt weird. Irons inviting Dougie in seems about right.

Again, very critical of Collins, practically calling him a spare tit.

Good interview again.

Main points again, Rae interfering, Collins being useless and McInally being a clown.

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Still amazed at the stick he got from our so called supporters before he left Ayr. Good pro and a good ambassador for the club although not the most exciting footballer to watch.

Quite amusing that he talks about guys doing squats nowadays, that'll get someone on here very excited!

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Alright lads, tonight sees the sixth edition of the Pelé Podcast starring Scott McLaughlin - CLICK.

No point in starting a new thread so let's keep in here. It's essential listening for Morton fans, particularly in context with the Davie Irons pod from a couple of weeks ago, and I'm sure Ayr United fans will find something in there too. Scott also spoke about his other clubs (Livi, Peterhead, Airdrie, Clyde, Queens), so there's something in there for everyone.

I really enjoyed talking to him, comes across as a sound boy.

The sound warps very occasionally but don't let that put you off, it's bloody good fun.

Are you recording in a studio or do you have your own equipment?

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He was part of one of the best midfield two(him and McCann) we have had for about a decade and everyone at the time thought Reid had made a mistake punting the two of them

I think it was justified when you seen him in the QOS team that finished below us that season. That season we started with Geggan and McKernon as our centre Mids. He was maybe a better option than McKernon, but come the end of the season, we had Tomsett and Geggan, who he was nowhere near IMO in terms of ability.

To this day, I'll say if we had Tomsett, Dodd and Parker from the start of the season, we wouldn't have been relegated.

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I think it was justified when you seen him in the QOS team that finished below us that season. That season we started with Geggan and McKernon as our centre Mids. He was maybe a better option than McKernon, but come the end of the season, we had Tomsett and Geggan, who he was nowhere near IMO in terms of ability.

To this day, I'll say if we had Tomsett, Dodd and Parker from the start of the season, we wouldn't have been relegated.

So a midfield two, who had one player worse than McLaughlin and, by your logic, fell further than McLaughlin by dropping straight to junior from the premier league (on loan from St Mirren) the following season was better because of the inclusion of a nineteen year old who left to play in the 6th tier of English football the next year? bearing in mind both teams got relegated

The blind hatred of McLaughlin runs deep in some followers of Ayr

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