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John Barnes - "It's cos I is black innit?"

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I'm sick to death of the professional attention seekers coming out with their unsubstantiated shit stirring. Townsend should be made to back up what he's insinuating or withdraw the thinly disguised accusations of racism against Huddersfield and QPR. After all the guy's obviously got facts to enable him to make such derogatory statements...

Aye it's pretty poor.

There might be an issue about getting bme managers and coaches into jobs or through the relevant qualifications (there clearly should be more) but one they're there it's all about performance. If results aren't good enough then get tae. Playing the race card at this stage is horribly desperate.

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Pretty ridiculous to be honest.

Latapy has a reputation for partying through his whole career so chairmen probably are a bit wary of that.

There's probably also tens of white guys who didn't get replies or interviews for jobs Harper has applied for based on lack of experience or public image.

Black people crying Wolf on things like this do more harm for racial equality than good.

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You have to wonder how these articles come about. Presumably Latapy didn't get pished and phone the Beeb up in a stupor to complain about his difficulties in finding work.


A story by a black, ex-Rangers player that wants to play the race card is the stuff of wet dreams to the BBC. Their only disappointment would be he was straight.

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Pretty ridiculous to be honest.

Latapy has a reputation for partying through his whole career so chairmen probably are a bit wary of that.

There's probably also tens of white guys who didn't get replies or interviews for jobs Harper has applied for based on lack of experience or public image.

Black people crying Wolf on things like this do more harm for racial equality than good.

I would think that would be the reason more than the colour of his skin.

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Pretty ridiculous to be honest.

Latapy has a reputation for partying through his whole career so chairmen probably are a bit wary of that.

There's probably also tens of white guys who didn't get replies or interviews for jobs Harper has applied for based on lack of experience or public image.

Black people crying Wolf on things like this do more harm for racial equality than good.

Agree. Harper infers that because he only got 2 replies from 10 applications, there must be a race angle. That sort of guff is so wrong that I just don't know where to start. I'm confident white managers get exactly the same woeful non-responses from our clubs.

All his bleating is counter-productive.

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If Kevin Harper's only previous experience is coaching a League 1 side, I wonder which 10 management jobs he applied for that he thinks he was realistically the best candidate for.  To be fair, it's just bad manners not replying to an application, but I can't imagine that was because he's black.


If I was a Chairman, this nonsense would put me off taking either of them on in the future.

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