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King Kebab

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Got to episode 11 today. Really enjoying it but sometimes it feels too Batman Begins-y what with it being flashback heavy and telling the story of a masked vigilante take down a corrupt, crime ridden city.

Vincent D'Onofrio is exactly what I thought a live-action version of the Kingpin would look like when watching the old Spider-Men cartoons.

The main way I can see it linking to the MCU is for the Civil War arc as Daredevil is the only person in the universe with a secret identity at the moment.

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Unbelievably fucking good. It looks to have been designed to be a cross between Fisk's primary opponents: Daredevil and the Punisher. All the grit comes from Garth Ennis's take on the latter, but as a straight-up vigilante taking on the Mob there's nothing new there for the TV, so transplant in Matt Murdock. I seriously cannot believe how fucking good this is. When Disney bought Marvel the general consensus was that the world was about to collapse, whereas it's been the best thing to ever happen to their IP.

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Really, really enjoying this, the grittiness and realism is what is making this show stand out from the other Marvel vehicles, there is (currently) no super suit, no super villains trying to take over the universe, it's down to earth POV and it's Frank Milleresque take on the character is what is selling this IMO!!!

It is actually making me doubt the sense of ultimately involving the character with The Defenders, which is after all the studios ultimate endgame with the NETFLIX shows!!!

IMO Daredevil works best in his own Hell's Kitchen" environment, I honestly don't think he's suited to Avengers style work, even in the comics where he teams up with Wolverine or Captain America or even Ghost Rider, 9 times out of 10 those characters come to him and subsequently into his world, as has been previously said that is where it works, with characters like Fisk and The Punisher not with Galactus and Rocket Racoon!!!

But I've been impressed so far and will be keeping with it!!!

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You're clearly enjoying it KK!!!!

I can't say the same I'm afraid!!!

Yup!!! Luvin' it!!!

What episode are you up to??

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Really, really enjoying this, the grittiness and realism is what is making this show stand out from the other Marvel vehicles, there is (currently) no super suit, no super villains trying to take over the universe, it's down to earth POV and it's Frank Milleresque take on the character is what is selling this IMO!!!

It is actually making me doubt the sense of ultimately involving the character with The Defenders, which is after all the studios ultimate endgame with the NETFLIX shows!!!

IMO Daredevil works best in his own Hell's Kitchen" environment, I honestly don't think he's suited to Avengers style work, even in the comics where he teams up with Wolverine or Captain America or even Ghost Rider, 9 times out of 10 those characters come to him and subsequently into his world, as has been previously said that is where it works, with characters like Fisk and The Punisher not with Galactus and Rocket Racoon!!!

But I've been impressed so far and will be keeping with it!!!

with the 4 planned mini series and then a combined series of the 4 heroes in hell's kitchen, i doubt we'll see daredevil out his comfort zone for a good while, as you say he works better in hell's kitchen, might find captain america goes to DD or even stark in a future marvel film

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Finished watching this last night, a shoe which grew on me as I went through the episodes. Hope they !make a second season, tho that Foggy could maybe become a bit stale ......

there wont be a 2nd season until they have finished the 4 different mini series and the combined mini series

we still have luke cage, iron fist and jessica jones mini series to go followed by a combined series of the 4 of them

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Finished watching this last night, a shoe which grew on me as I went through the episodes. Hope they !make a second season, tho that Foggy could maybe become a bit stale ......

further to my earlier post mate

jessica jones will air on netflix this year also, then luke cage will air sometime in 2016, iron fist will start development after jessica jones is aired and its release date is yet to be confirmed along with the defenders which is a series containing daredevil, jessica jones, luke cage and iron fist set in hells kitchen

if you read up on the 4 characters it seems that the mini series will end and the defenders (the combination mini series) will be set around the time of the civil war (captain america 3) as all 4 were in the comic storylines

now in the civil war storyline cap america dies, SHIELD gets stark as its chief and the avengers initiative is formed, so im guessing the MCU canon will be a bit off by then, but it still looks like they will be trying to tie in the netflix mini series, cap 3, and possibly AoS season 3 if it gets renewed

Basically marvel's phase 3 will be fucking awesome, and i highly doubt it will stop there as phase 3 will finish with the avengers 3, but GotG is due a sequal before then as well

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I think Captain America will die in Civil War or Infinity War. Chris Evans' contract is almost up and wants to get away from acting and go into directing. Also, showing Brock Rumlow supposedly surviving at the end of Winter Soldier is probably hinting at him becoming Crossbones - the guy who kills Captain America.

Personally I'm not sure how Daredevil/The Defenders will tie into the larger MCU but I have a feeling that Spider-Man might have a part to play in it.

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I think Captain America will die in Civil War or Infinity War. Chris Evans' contract is almost up and wants to get away from acting and go into directing. Also, showing Brock Rumlow supposedly surviving at the end of Winter Soldier is probably hinting at him becoming Crossbones - the guy who kills Captain America.

yes crossbones survived, however MCU has a habit of screwing with comic canon so wouldnt surprise me to see him become someone else, i cant see them personally killing rodgers off as evans is a massive hit, they might just show him passing the torch to bucky

Personally I'm not sure how Daredevil/The Defenders will tie into the larger MCU but I have a feeling that Spider-Man might have a part to play in it.

the superhero registration act means all 4 will need to report in effectively, and they are included heavily in the civil war storyline so hopefully marvel can fit them in

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Just finished the series there, and it was fucking tremendous, takes a wee while to get going but once it hits its stride its attantion grabbing at its best

i enjoy the fact that Daredevil on many occasion "lost" if you will, it wasnt the typical superhero nonsense where he cleans up every episode with barely a scratch,

The star of the show for me was undoubtedly Vincent D'Onofrio as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin, he was utterly fantastic as the troubled, violent boss man

Well gutted that its finished now, Jessica Jones from the sounds of things isnt going to be as attention grabbing (although MCU are on a roll so i'll reserve full judgement till its out this year)

Wonder who Vanessa becomes as well, cant see her ending being final, i have a feeling she becomes a big thing but who i havent a clue

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Vanessa was Fisks wife in the cartoons/comics wasn't she?

On a side note was confirmed this morning that season 2 is already confirmed. Now Constantine you swines!

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