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The Witcher 3


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  • 2 weeks later...

Man! Tried to get with Yen AND Triss...and ended up fooled and chained to a bed with near nothing on. Damn! They're both hot stuff. Keira fcked off with what's his face, who wore Vesimir's hat in hilarious fashion whilst drunk.

This game has been something else, absolutely massive. Think I'm finally at the end though. :(


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Spoiler Man! Tried to get with Yen AND Triss...and ended up fooled and chained to a bed with near nothing on. Damn! They're both hot stuff. Keira fcked off with what's his face, who wore Vesimir's hat in hilarious fashion whilst drunk.

This game has been something else, absolutely massive. Think I'm finally at the end though. [emoji20]


Nope. The two DLCs are absolutely huge (and solid). You have plenty left to go yet!
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I do indeed have them left to go. Will need to wait until pay day to get them, they should be going fairly cheap now I'd imagine? I never got into Gwent though, couldn't win a game to save myself infact I haven't won a game and think I lost a lot of good cards too. Is it worthwhile playing for rewards?

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Like Caley says, the DLCs are absolutely massive, and they ramp the difficulty up nicely so it isn't just more of the same.  In my opinion Hearts of Stone has the best all-round quest line of any game - and beats the Bloody Baron one from the main game - and Blood and Wine is just gorgeous. 

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I reached the point in Blood and Wine where you can't turn back about a month ago and can't bring myself to carry on.  I know that'll be it once I do, that there'll be no more Witcher 3.  I'm waiting for a big chunk of time where I can just sit down and savour it.

Which sounds a bit sad, to be honest, but totally justified.

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I felt that way about the main game, thinking it was over after Kaer Morhen but managed to get a lot of hours out of it after that.  With Blood and Wine I thought I'd feel that way, but I'm not sure what it was, just didn't really get into it as much.  In the end I charged ahead just so I could get to the ending.  If I go back to it there's still quite a lot of side quests left to do.  

If you feel like that though, this is the sort of game that you can replay and not really lose much.  I did a full new playthrough so I could get to a decent enough level to tackle Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine when it came, and if I thought I had the time I'd do another final one to see a few different endings and take advantage of the bits I've missed.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I'm on my first play through, and have got to skellige. Utterly shocked myself in the hymn quest just there by chucking the baby in the oven. I actually paused it and was like...What the f**k have I just done?! The casualness of the animation too. Holy shit man.

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On 11/12/2016 at 01:32, Tamdunk said:

Ok so I'm on my first play through, and have got to skellige. Utterly shocked myself in the hymn quest just there by chucking the baby in the oven. I actually paused it and was like...What the f**k have I just done?! The casualness of the animation too. Holy shit man.

That's a wonderfully well done part of the quest.  The first time around, I couldn't do it, and then the second I couldn't either, even though I knew that it wouldn't be harmed either way.  Might've been the wife looking at me with a horrified expression...

So aye, you fucking monster :P

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Got this for £18 at the weekend. Was going to get Skyrim remastered but a friend convinced me not to as he doesn't believe in paying for a game twice. Looking forward to getting stuck in tonight, the mrs will be getting dingied for quite a while I assume. 

I got this last week, been looking forward to playing it for quite some time. I properly got stuck into tonight after doing the tutorial and a few starter things at the weekend. I'm already really enjoying it and love the info on the various creatures that gets updated as you go along. I'm just about to fight a noonwraith and then I'll take out the griffin, which I imagine will be much more difficult.
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On 10/24/2016 at 06:22, Stellaboz said:

I do indeed have them left to go. Will need to wait until pay day to get them, they should be going fairly cheap now I'd imagine? I never got into Gwent though, couldn't win a game to save myself infact I haven't won a game and think I lost a lot of good cards too. Is it worthwhile playing for rewards?


16 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

What's the rewards for winning Gwent games? I left it late to bother getting into it and didn't win a single game.

Doing the Gwent side-quests gets you the same benefits as doing any side-quest (extra story and more experience points), but not really anything else that’s overly worthwhile in the context of the main game. Playing Gwent is really an end to itself (which is why they are releasing a stand-alone Gwent game), rather than for any "rewards" in the main game.

There’s a few Gwent-related quests that can net you a bit of money, but aside from those the main reward from winning at Gwent is getting more Gwent cards.

After you’ve beaten a person once, and won their card, they will give you a random reward the next time you beat them, but it’s just junk-type items (like wire etc) that you can normally collect (much quicker) by looting.

The most you can bet at Gwent is 10 coins, so it’s not an efficient way to earn money either.

There's also five Gwent-related Achievements/Trophies, though you need to start Gwent relatively early on in the game to be able to get all of them.

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