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The Airdrieonians Off Season Thread 2015

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Majority did, we wanted someone competent who'd play fitba. 99% of those who wanted shot of Bollan's only concern was getting Black who we thought wasnt up to it.

Ok, and I'm guessing that even though they were concerned about it...100% of the 99% knew, deep down, that Black would be appointed (given his recent(ish) recruitment to coaching and therefore his ties to the Chairman/CEO/MD/Owner)?

As the Stirling fan pointed out earlier (in the Airdrie v Stenny thread) - if it's a huge change to the way you are going to be playing - it looks like you might have to write off this season and keep your fingers crossed you don't drop too much in order to get things right for next season.

Not sure what style of play GB will try to get going with Forfar, but it's got to be better than a lot of what has been on display for much of last season and a fair bit of this season too.

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I'm not so sure the majority of supporters wanted shot of Bollan. Maybe the majority of online posters. Is the online musings a correct guide to the feelings of all fans? I would rather Bollan was backed but it was obvious he wasn't which bred rumour and discontent. He had no choice but to leave. May prove to be a mistake.

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I think most folk would agree that Bollan's reign had run its course. The fact that Forfar came in for him just now was convenient. Despite initially being of the opinion that EWB was brought in with the 1st team managers job in mind, apparently this was not the case. There seems to have been a few candidates including Danny Lennon but they all refused to work under EWB in his role as 'Head of Football'

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If the majority of Airdrie fans wanted rid of Bollan then they would have made it clear at games like we sadly had to do with an Airdrie legend like Kenny Black.

A few loudmouths droning on like broken records about Bollan, many of whom are incapable of individual thought, are not representative of the full Airdrie support.

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January is going to be massive for us.

I think we need a Left Back, two midfielders (at least one who has composure, skill and can pass) and at least one striker.

Last night was woeful. The players being asked to pass out from the defense is a fine tactic if you have the players capable of it. I lost count of the number of times we placed passes behind players going forward. Crighton and Lithgow in particular were guilty of this. By all means, let the manager have his "philosophy" but he's got to have the gumption to change the tactics when it's clear the personnel he's been landed with aren't capable.

What were we doing at the corners? This new tactic of piling everyone back is mental. 11 men behind the ball when we're drawing with an out of form Stenny? I just don't get it.

I didn't like the way the manager looked in the dugout. Arms folded and staring at his shoes. He looked like a little boy lost and I'm not quite sure he's got the respect of this group of players. Of course, we have to give him to bring in his own men but the manner of the recent defeats is ominous. Equally ominous is that Ian King states on twitter: "this squad full of talent". I'm not sure he's watching the same as me. We have a relatively large squad of very average players. We're eight points of the bottom, given we've clawed that sort of gap back ourselves, we know Brechins task is not insurmountable. We need results - starting Saturday.

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Need to clear out the squad and bring in a left back, centre - half, a midfielder who can actually play football and pass a ball and at least one striker. Most importantly we need to play a system that suits the players we have. Say what you want about Bollan but the tactics he used were generally effective (though not always the case). If EWB can bring in some players who can play the style he wants then fair enough but until then, we need to stop this moronic shite of Lithgow, Parry and Crighton playing out from the back. Obviously need to give EWB some time but the last two games have not been impressive at all.

Van Zanten, Brown and Sumsky can all go. Smith and Hunter are no big losses.

Don't win on Saturday and we're in trouble.

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No matter who we bring in they won't be able to play the way Wolecki expects them to,we're in the third tier of Scottish football 90% of the parks in the middle of winter won't allow any sort of football to be played,Wolecki should get back to basics and remember what league he's actually managing in

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Don't get this negativety about trying to play fitba. I'm not expecting anyone is looking for Xavi, Messi and Iniesta style Tiki-taka. Lister, Morgan, Prunty and Cox are certainly not target men so we cant and shouldn't be going long. Thats why scottish fitba is shite now.

I'd prefer to see us trying to utilise our wingers... Cox, McAleer, Morton and Cadden, play through our excellent wee midfielder and at least 1 overlapping full back.

Not too much to ask? No more Sumsky, No Bain, keep Brown in reserve.

It's really not that difficult.

It's not so much that we don't want good, attacking football. It's the fact that the football EWB has us playing is neither good to watch or effective. Playing through the wings, like you suggest, and with two upfront would suit us much better and thus be far more effective and better to watch.
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If we're going to play passing football, Fitzpatrick and Watt won't last too long. To play that way, the no.1 requirement in January is a Barr / Fraser type in centre mid, someone who is comfortable getting the ball under pressure with his back to goal and moving it forward to a team-mate. Watt and Fitzpatrick are decent players (and I'm being a bit generous there), but Fitzpatrick always goes sideways or backwards and Watt can't consistently pass a ball 10 yards.

I'm not Lithgow and Crighton's biggest fan but we're going to struggle with high balls into the box until Parry starts coming off his line. 11 men back at set pieces actually makes it worse - the goalie doesn't come out to catch it so even if we get it away, the ball comes straight back in again as there is nobody to hold it up. It's a really dumb tactic as it just means we get a succession of balls into our box which we struggle to deal with.

We could do with overhauling half the team in January. I wouldn't be unhappy if all the loan players left and another batch came in, but it's a hell of a risk to change everything mid-season - at the moment we have a team built to play one way and a manager trying to play another. Many more performances like last night and we'll be lucky to stay up.

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Any word where to? Big shame if true. If he was back fit, him and Prunty up front would be great. They always link well together.

I get he probably doesn't fit into EWB system. After all, he's a centre forward and the ball tends not to go forward much.

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Don't get this negativety about trying to play fitba. I'm not expecting anyone is looking for Xavi, Messi and Iniesta style Tiki-taka. Lister, Morgan, Prunty and Cox are certainly not target men so we cant and shouldn't be going long. Thats why scottish fitba is shite now.

I'd prefer to see us trying to utilise our wingers... Cox, McAleer, Morton and Cadden, play through our excellent wee midfielder and at least 1 overlapping full back.

Not too much to ask? No more Sumsky, No Bain, keep Brown in reserve.

It's really not that difficult.

I'm not being negative about the team trying to play the ball on the ground. I'm very concerned that the players we have can't cope with the style of play. I agree that the long ball mentality is boring to watch, but watching a combo of Parry/Lithgow/Crighton passing the ball about the backline isn't my idea of exciting football. My heart was in my mouth most of the time they were on the ball and it's an accident waiting to happen. We were pressured non stop by Stenny last night and if we try that shit against Dundee Utd, it'll be an utter tanking.

Where you excited by any part of the performance last night? I was just as bored as I was with Bollan at the helm. Bollan wouldn't have gone with the 11 men defending at corners though, someone really will have to explain the rationale behind that one.

For me, there were very few positives. Parry didn't get the memo to keep his kicks low (yet the Stenny 'keeper figured that out), though he did have a couple of decent saves. The centre backs I've already mentioned in several posts. The wide men did very little Fitzpatrick is waaaaaaay too slow with every part of his game. Sumsky did nothing. Brown did nothing. We completely failed to replicate Stenny's shoot on site policy, which the conditions demanded. EWB should have told the players that.

Losing Cox is a big blow for the weekend, and I'm not looking forward to the trip down the road.

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Its horses for courses in this league and as keeps being said, Crighton, Fitzpatrick and Lithgow aren't the horses for the Barcelona course when the going is heavy.

I'm not a 'I told you so' kind of guy, but I will say that when EWB and King came in giving their spiel about youth and academy, the first team was hardly mentioned, and this is still the case. Every newsletter that is received 'from the desk of CEO Iain King' on a Friday continues with the outpouring of kit deals for young teams and all this, and it does appear to be at the detriment of the first team.

I haven't been to any of EWB's matches yet for the reason that I am in the middle of the ocean, but from what is being said on here/other social media makes for scary reading.

I really do fear what Young's Rovers could do to us come Saturday.

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I'm not being negative about the team trying to play the ball on the ground. I'm very concerned that the players we have can't cope with the style of play. I agree that the long ball mentality is boring to watch, but watching a combo of Parry/Lithgow/Crighton passing the ball about the backline isn't my idea of exciting football. My heart was in my mouth most of the time they were on the ball and it's an accident waiting to happen. We were pressured non stop by Stenny last night and if we try that shit against Dundee Utd, it'll be an utter tanking.

Where you excited by any part of the performance last night? I was just as bored as I was with Bollan at the helm. Bollan wouldn't have gone with the 11 men defending at corners though, someone really will have to explain the rationale behind that one.

For me, there were very few positives. Parry didn't get the memo to keep his kicks low (yet the Stenny 'keeper figured that out), though he did have a couple of decent saves. The centre backs I've already mentioned in several posts. The wide men did very little Fitzpatrick is waaaaaaay too slow with every part of his game. Sumsky did nothing. Brown did nothing. We completely failed to replicate Stenny's shoot on site policy, which the conditions demanded. EWB should have told the players that.

Losing Cox is a big blow for the weekend, and I'm not looking forward to the trip down the road.

Is Cox injured for Sat?

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Its horses for courses in this league and as keeps being said, Crighton, Fitzpatrick and Lithgow aren't the horses for the Barcelona course when the going is heavy.

I'm not a 'I told you so' kind of guy, but I will say that when EWB and King came in giving their spiel about youth and academy, the first team was hardly mentioned, and this is still the case. Every newsletter that is received 'from the desk of CEO Iain King' on a Friday continues with the outpouring of kit deals for young teams and all this, and it does appear to be at the detriment of the first team.

I haven't been to any of EWB's matches yet for the reason that I am in the middle of the ocean, but from what is being said on here/other social media makes for scary reading.

I really do fear what Young's Rovers could do to us come Saturday.

They trying to make you the Cumbernauld Colts?

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