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News/Gossip from your local polling stations

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Police have been called to a Dundee polling station following reports of an argument between voters.

The incident happened outside of the Clepington Primary voting station this morning.

An eyewitness said that a man was asking people how they were voting and then shouting at them. The eyewitness said he was middle-aged and wore a hat with political party badges on it.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: Police Scotland can confirm that officers attended at Eliza Street at around 10.20am today following concern regarding a verbal altercation and appropriate inquiries are being carried out.

Does Jim Murphy own a hat?


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No gossip yet as I won't be voting till later but I have that same feeling in my stomach that I have on derby or cup final day. :D

Your last cup final and derby were a bit of a let down for you. Kindly refrain from using these as similies for this glorious day.

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I'm hoping Thomas Docherty has either given up or is taking this election for granted - one Labour sign compared to five for the SNP and a cheery looking SNP representative (looked a bit like Fay Sinclair who is a candidate for the local council elections) hanging around.

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Labour seethe. Guaranteed.

Pretty sure if it had been an SNP minded person losing the rag they would have quoted him as wearing a hat with pro independence or pro SNP badges.

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Absolutely nobody campaigning outside of my polling station (Gordon constituency, probably taking in folk from Aberdeen North too seeing as that starts straight across the road).

Bound to be folk out there after usual work hours?

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Voted at 7:50 this morning in Hindmarsh (Dundee West)

No one standing outside.

I was the only voter there when I arrived but less than a minute later there were 8 others arriving to vote.

A mix of ages.

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Was pretty quiet at my polling station when I went about two hours ago, only person outside was an SNP guy whom I'm convinced is the guy who lives literally just up the road from the polling station (a primary school) and has SNP banners and posters all round his house, even built himself a wee "Vote Alex Salmond" billboard which he's nailed to his garden fence (which faces a main road).

Then again I think it's actually a frame (the billboard that is) since last year his house and garden fence were literally covered in Yes posters and signs

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Question for those of you that have been party activists for a while and done this kind of thing before.

What is actually the point of having someone outside the polling station?

Fair enough if they were actually trying to get votes but when I went along this morning 5/6 parties had nobody, and the SNP lady said nothing to me (eventually she spoke but only after me saying good morning to her on the way out)

Are they literally just there to report on turnout?

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Oh, Ruthy

Typical unionists, shameless liars to thwart the SNP/nationalism. The referendum started that in them and it will never stop now, same as poltical engagement started by many on the yes side in the referendum can't just be stopped after it. There are no depths to which they will not stoop to save the union.

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Question for those of you that have been party activists for a while and done this kind of thing before.

What is actually the point of having someone outside the polling station?

Fair enough if they were actually trying to get votes but when I went along this morning 5/6 parties had nobody, and the SNP lady said nothing to me (eventually she spoke but only after me saying good morning to her on the way out)

Are they literally just there to report on turnout?

Was thinking this as well. The Tory candidate for Dundee West was actually at my polling station with a couple supporters (and two Lib Dems who they were getting on with). Expected them to try to speak to me but they just ignored me which I thought was a bit odd.

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Question for those of you that have been party activists for a while and done this kind of thing before.

What is actually the point of having someone outside the polling station?

Fair enough if they were actually trying to get votes but when I went along this morning 5/6 parties had nobody, and the SNP lady said nothing to me (eventually she spoke but only after me saying good morning to her on the way out)

Are they literally just there to report on turnout?

One woman at an MEP election in Paisley was handing out wee tiny pamphlets with LABOUR on it along with the candidate's name.

I took this to be a reference to the illiteracy of the target recipients.

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Apparently the ballot papers in Darlington are missing the UKIP candidates name :lol:

I voted early and there was an SNP guy. I'm absolutely choked with the cold at the moment so I couldn't really hear what he said to me. I pepper-sprayed him just in case though.

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Typical unionists, shameless liars to thwart the SNP/nationalism. The referendum started that in them and it will never stop now, same as poltical engagement started by many on the yes side in the referendum can't just be stopped after it. There are no depths to which they will not stoop to save the union.

Stay off the beer and glue it makes you talk pish.

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