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No Man's Sky


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1 hour ago, one m in Motherwell said:

I'm hoping and praying that this lives up to expectations. Technically, the concept is fantastic, although my biggest worry is that it ends up being lovely to look at without really being 'playable'.

Will still probably pre-order it though.

Technically, it could never be a flop or a disappointment, that's for sure.  But then that's part of the problem.  Is it just going to play like an extended tech demo with the developers always pointing to the technical marvel that it is?  That's only going to go so far, especially these days when a good bit of imagination in development with indie games is often trumping those that have spent millions and millions on the superfluous.

I realise I'm coming across really negative on the game, and not meaning to be. I really hope it is a big success for the developers' sake, because by all accounts they've had a brilliant idea and have spent a hell of a long time realising their dream.  It's something completely different to what has gone before, and while it wouldn't really change anything industry-wide, it's always good to see things that are different being successful.

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This may turn out to be one of those games that is so far ahead of it's time that it ultimately doesn't really have the technology to see it through to what it should be, but will open the gates for someone else to absolutely nail it.

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I have to say this is the first game in a long long time that I've genuinely been looking forward to.

Have been following the leaks and reaction on Reddit and despite an initial outburst of rage things seem to have calmed down now and we're back on track for a good game.

I think a lot of people have built up an idea of the game will be like in their head based on the little information we have and some will be disappointed.

Limiting my own expectations just in case...

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I was thinking about getting this but the more I see of it, the more I think that it won't be for me. All grinding for resources to upgrade your gear, minimal story and limited interaction between players and NPCs or other players. It might look glorious but It just doesn't seem like theres enough meat to the game to get my teeth into.

Its a no from me. I'll wait for NHL 17 and get another full play through of Fallout 4. And hopefully they'll get their arse in gear for the next Dragon Age.

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To be honest if you look at the huge success of Minecraft then you can see how this will be enjoyable to a lot. Its one I reckon will bore me, but some are quite content just cocking about and collecting shit.

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My copy arrived this morning.  It looks like it has the potential to be amazing.  I won't say too much other than getting off your initial planet is a bit of a challenge.


Thoroughly enjoy what I've played so far, albeit only scratching the surface.

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Just now, Bairnardo said:


So once you start off on your planet, what are you doing? Is there structured puzzley shit or any fighting or anything?

I won't say too much but you need to resource collect to get your crashed ship working again.  Sounds dull but it isn't.  You can attack animals but the sentinels soon appear and they're nails.

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Read earlier that the servers are getting wiped on the official release date, so anyone who has been playing early copies will lose their progress come Day 1.

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11 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Read earlier that the servers are getting wiped on the official release date, so anyone who has been playing early copies will lose their progress come Day 1.

The guy from Hello Games quantified and said only named discoveries will be wiped.  Saved progress won't be.

Mind you, I'm only on my 2nd planet.  I've walked a shit ton.

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15 hours ago, Fide said:

The guy from Hello Games quantified and said only named discoveries will be wiped.  Saved progress won't be.

Mind you, I'm only on my 2nd planet.  I've walked a shit ton.

Ah, hadn't seen that.

Absolutely choking on this. Just cancelled my Amazon order so I can get it at Midnight on Tuesday night. Was even thinking of going through to G-Force tomorrow to see if they were punting it.

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On 8/5/2016 at 20:59, Mackie The Staggie said:

So there's not going to be any review copies made available until after launch.  Not a bad thing in it's self but previous history with hugely hyped games and restricted reviews means I'll be very wary of this for a while.

Usually rings alarm bells for me. Despite this being the kinda game i would love this game has never done anything for me. I think after being burned by Elite Dangerous and my disgust at the rip off that is Star Citizen im weary of these kinda games.

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I must have poured about 15 or so hours into this so far, at a minimum.  I'm hooked. 

It has real RPG depth to it, with different branches for improving your exo suit, ship and multi tool.

I'm still only on my 2nd planet.  Early days yet, but this looks like a time devouring little beauty.  Well chuffed thus far.

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My copy came yesterday.  I've played maybe an hour and a half of it, but I'll leave it there until tomorrow's 'Day 1' patch comes out.  There will be a big update adding further features etc and a lot of those will only work on a new save, so I don't want to invest too much time into the game just now.

I did explore the first planet, visited a couple of others and entered a space station.  Very impressed so far.


Edited by bunglebonce
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