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The Greenock Morton Thread - It's Better Than Yours

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1 hour ago, TurbineTon said:

Still absolutely desperate to stay relevant to the Morton fans all these years later. 


He was on Twitter asking after the fans last week as well.

Tragic Loser. 

The Famous are by far the largest club McLaughlin played for in his career and he's massively bitter because he was i) shite ii) called shite by our discerning fanbase and iii) got emptied for being shite by Sir David Irons. Look at the list of permadiddy clubs that he has played for and relegations suffered since and who can really blame him for being resentful towards his betters.


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1 minute ago, virginton said:

The Famous are by far the largest club McLaughlin played for in his career and he's massively bitter because he was i) shite ii) called shite by our discerning fanbase and iii) got emptied for being shite by Sir David Irons. Look at the list of permadiddy clubs that he has played for and relegations suffered since and who can really blame him for being resentful towards his betters.


Haha absolutely spot on!

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

The Famous are by far the largest club McLaughlin played for in his career and he's massively bitter because he was i) shite ii) called shite by our discerning fanbase and iii) got emptied for being shite by Sir David Irons. Look at the list of permadiddy clubs that he has played for and relegations suffered since and who can really blame him for being resentful towards his betters.


Strangely  though McLaughlin has made more money doing that than you have made at anything. And he also seems rather happier and less of a tedious wee whinger.

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4 hours ago, TurbineTon said:

Of course he done nothing of note for the mighty Falkirk FC. 

Not doubting the lads ability i always thought he was decent enough at Morton. Just don't think he is what we are needing at the moment. Hartley may think different ofcourse. 

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Another journeyman footballer that blames everything in every one else rather than looks closer to home.

Don't particularly dislike him, in fact can say I've barely thought of him since he left Morton but he played at the level his talent deserved for most of his career and thank f**k we never had to suffer him as a box to box midfielder.

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2 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Scott McLaughlin is by some considerable distance, the worst midfielder I've ever witnessed pull on the QoS jersey. And we've had some stinkers in my time.

As an Ayr united fan, I think the exact same for Ayr. He was shit. The manager at the time, Mark Roberts, was looking to Mclaughlin for help getting players in. Needless to say, we struggled in the league. Piss poor and half arsed defensive midfielder, who never really looked bothered by defeat or strategy. 

Seen better players at youth level. Better attitudes there too. 

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Same attitude he had for us. Needless to say he was in the heart of our midfield the season we were relegated. Him and Stephen Simmons. Simmons seemed to receive more criticism from our support for some reason which always baffled me. He was poor as well but he was nowhere near as bad a SM. I don't think any QoS has ever brought me to the levels of seethe he did. Dreadful player.

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22 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Scott McLaughlin is by some considerable distance, the worst midfielder I've ever witnessed pull on the QoS jersey. And we've had some stinkers in my time.

Well, he clearly isn't. But he's one of the poorer ones to play regularly for a period of a season.  I never really saw what Gus MacPherson saw in him. For all the criticism Stephen Simmons got he was a far better player than McLaughlin.

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Well, he clearly isn't. But he's one of the poorer ones to play regularly for a period of a season.  I never really saw what Gus MacPherson saw in him. For all the criticism Stephen Simmons got he was a far better player than McLaughlin.
Maybe not for you but for me he was the worst midfielder I've witnessed. He had absolutely no positives and his attitude on the park was rage inducing.
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51 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:
58 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:
Well, he clearly isn't. But he's one of the poorer ones to play regularly for a period of a season.  I never really saw what Gus MacPherson saw in him. For all the criticism Stephen Simmons got he was a far better player than McLaughlin.

Maybe not for you but for me he was the worst midfielder I've witnessed. He had absolutely no positives and his attitude on the park was rage inducing.

Same at Somerset. Shit player, shit attitude. Can't comment on Simmons but Scott Mcglauchlin, Total w**k. He even had the same attitude when he led Albion Rovers out on the last day of the season there.... Needless to say that this player relegates a team by being in it. 

Edited by Roxanne's man
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Enough of that wee fud, he will be loving the air time.

Good to hear we beat QP tonight and that Waddell and Telfer were both involved after being injured. 

Surely a decision to be made this week on Hawkshaw and Thompson. 

Right back  in for trial good as well.


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Despite his obvious ambition to stay front and centre of Morton fans' thoughts, Scott McLaughlin has been an absolute irrelevance for years now. The fact that he still jibes at us on Twitter shows his utter desperation to remain relevant, and shows him up for the jumped up wee c**t he is. Here are my memories of his tenure at Morton;

McLaughlin started off his career in a decent enough fashion in the loan spell and I was happy enough, if not overwhelmed, that he joined permanently. He had good energy but lacked any sort of ability to read the game or positional awareness. Him stating in the podcast that he never considered himself a holding midfielder probably supports that. In the season with Gretna in the league, once we fell away from chasing Gretna he just seemed to vanish. In the run of games leading up to the playoffs he was horrendous; shitting out of tackles, not bothering to track runners, barking orders at far better players than himself and regularly taking charge of set pieces (again at the expense of far better players) only to see his delivery fail spectacularly, were just some of his dislikeable traits. Combine this with his horrendous attitude and he was quickly called out on this by supporters.

When McLaughlin talks about the ruptures with the fans, it's important to give a bit of context. This was in the aftermath of the betting scandal, which absolutely tore the club apart at the seams. The boardroom, the staff and management and the supporters were all absolutely fuming and blaming the other groups for the issues at the club. I'd argue that some of the issues we see among the Morton fanbase stem back to the betting scandal, although I know the Morton fanbase has always had a fractious element. At this point in time, Jim McInally was creating a siege mentality in the dressing room that caused a severe disconnect between the club and the fans. When you combine this atmosphere and the recent history of the club with us festering in the Second Division despite being a full-time club, it was pretty obvious that things at Morton was rotten to the core. This wasn't helped by reports coming from the training ground of some less than professional shenanigans like players turning up drunk and having naked table tennis tournaments and it became pretty obvious that McInally was not up to the job. It became pretty apparent that the chairman was not going to sack McInally no matter the results, so the supporters became more and more vocal until McInally's role was absolute untenable. He was correctly hounded out of the club and replaced.

I still maintain, while I remember McLaughin getting it tight, that the abuse wasn't as constant or visceral as he describes it in the podcast. While he was at the club he was criticised because he was playing poorly and looked like he didn't give a f**k about it, I wouldn't put it much beyond that. He never became a proper pantomime villain until he left us and took every possible opportunity to get it right up us. That, of course, is his right but we also had the right to point out that he was an absolute chancer who was more interested in dressing room antics than actually performing well for a club desperate to get back to the First Division.

McLaughlin was the archetypical Jim McInally player. He was happy to claim full-time money and strut around a part time league like the dogs bollocks, but then when things went wrong he would look absolutely anywhere but at himself when called out for his failings. His 'awk it was all a bit of banter' type attitude on the podcast, he both fucking hated  Morton fans and absolutely lapped up the 'big bad Morton fans' narrative whenever it suits his agenda.

I sincerely hope that Morton manage to consign the atmosphere at Morton during McLaughlin's tenure, managers like Jim McInally and players like Scott McLaughlin to the history books.

Edited by BishopLenBrennan
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13 minutes ago, Roxanne's man said:


Regardless of your opinion of Scott McLaughlin as a player, that's a very stupid and unfunny thing to write online and you should think about deleting it.

Edited by Francesc Fabregas
Quoted post has since been deleted.
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2 minutes ago, Francesc Fabregas said:

Regardless of your opinion of Scott McLaughlin as a player, that's a very stupid and unfunny thing to write online and you should think about deleting it.

Apologies. I'm very bitter about him. 

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18 hours ago, Branch Ton said:

Strangely  though McLaughlin has made more money doing that than you have made at anything. And he also seems rather happier and less of a tedious wee whinger.

That'll be why he's spent the summer blubbering on social media about not having any income and its impact on 'some other players'' mental health then. 

Perhaps you could help poor wee Scott out by job sharing your Endemol CEO role with him, you fantasist loser. 

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2 hours ago, BishopLenBrennan said:

looked like he didn't give a f**k about it

I'm unsure if he is just always Apathetic about everything. In the podcast that Francesc Fabregas just put up there, McLaughin just seems... I dunno, care free? Am I the only one to see this? Gritting my teeth watching it. As if he gets paid to f**k about with a ball, no matter the score, he still gets paid. 

Preferred Dean Keenan tbh. Wasn't the best player and always took the ball from defence to lose in midfield. Still somehow better than Mclaughlin. 

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While Len's comments are absolutely spot on, there's no doubt he's furiously refreshing every thread pertaining to podcasts and his former clubs hoping to see people talking about him. He's forgotten about until he pipes up and reminds everyone how much of a narcissist he is.

In the ten seasons since Scott McLaughlin left Morton, Morton have spent nine in the Championship and one below that level. In the same time Scott McLaughlin has had three seasons in the Championship, being relegated in all of them. I think that's proof enough that he just wasn't ever a good enough player for the level Morton wanted to get to, as well as being a factor in taking so long to get there, but if he wants to believe that he was unfairly cast aside by Davie Irons due to not being tall enough rather than not being good enough then he can knock himself out.

The same goes for his belief that he's some kind of hate figure. The only reason he's discussed when Dean Keenan, Ryan Harding or anyone else in that team who didn't cut it in the Championship aren't is because McLaughlin's the only one desperately scrambling for relevance at every opportunity he gets to cry about the big bad Morton fans, whereas the likes of Jamie Stevenson and Chris Templeman just got on with their careers after leaving.

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