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The Greenock Morton Thread - It's Better Than Yours

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Definitely need to bring in a centre back now, maybe even two. Hope Duffy doesn't panic and buy the first one that's available and brings in someone capable of playing at this level. A holding midfielder is also a must. Still got no idea why we're not after Iain Davidson, exactly the type of player we need and he can also cover at CB if needed.

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Yeh bring back Andy Graham as well to compensate for the penalties and own goals Sean C would have conceded. Is it Darren Barr the guy who has played 18 games in two years--- can he still walk. Willie Gibson eh, in the championship, I'll have a pint of what you are on.

Sorry I was replying to the general thread , not you specifically, and the suggestion that Dumbarton will be better equipped than Morton. . Essentially the Championsip is just a version of Fifty Shades of Shite and most teams have their share of that. Morton fans seem oblivious to that and just salivate over has been on the way down that will somehow be better than what we have.

Are you seriously suggesting that we should be signing crocks like Darren Barr in the hope that he might cast off his crutches and walk. You'll be suggesting that Pie and Bovril changes it's name to 50 Loaves and Fiahes next I suppose.

So are you saying we should be signing players who might have been good had injuries not ruined their career on the basis that they might get back to their former performance levels having not played much in the last two years and now only need to train on a part time basis?

Interesting to see our resident moron try to wildly deflect about the injury record of Dumbarton's signing, when the seaside league jobber we signed for the same position hasn't played a single minute during pre-season because of, erm, injury.


...and then picks up a ligament injury before the start of the league season. A season-ending minter for Branch Ton as well then.

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...and then picks up a ligament injury before the start of the league season. A season-ending minter for Branch Ton as well then.

Glorying in an injury to a Morton player in the vain hope of winning a discussion point. You sad little f**k.

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"to a Morton player"


Aye, I know that but I assumed Branch Ton was more upset by VT glorifying an injury no matter who the victim is.

Or is he only cross when it's a Morton player who gets a point made about them being injured?

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Glorying in an injury to a Morton player in the vain hope of winning a discussion point. You sad little f**k.

No champ, the discussion point has already been comfortably won by yours truly. You were the one who made wild claims about the susceptibility of players to injuries, and now look like an utter tit for doing so.

Though of course 'utter tit' was already a fitting epitaph for your brief and moronic alias accounts. Gutted for you.

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Aye, I know that but I assumed Branch Ton was more upset by VT glorifying an injury no matter who the victim is.

Or is he only cross when it's a Morton player who gets a point made about them being injured?

Given the role McKeown played in the Clutha fire and the fact that he gave up a career as a fireman to have one last crack at being a full time footballer , and quite apart from the fact that he is a Morton player one would expect the natural reaction of any decent human being to be empathy. Instead what does VT do but take this event to have a dig at me because in his mind McKeown is my pick. In fact what I said was that with such a poor defence and a budget for only 4 signings Morton were right not to sign Barr given his rrecent history and lack of game time. I still think that risk assessment was right. Time might prove me wrong but I am certainly not hoping Barr gets crocked just to prove me right. Morton need to aim to be better than the rest not hope the rest become worse than us. For some reason VT has me down as a McKeown fan. In truth I don' t know much about him but VT s attempt to rubbish him based on our last game at Stranraer were way off beam and I took issue with him as he showed no awareness of our tactical set up on that day. As usual he

left that hanging with one of his inane put downs. He the insecure little nonentity thinks this is a chance to lord it over someone. Shame on him.

Edited by Branch Ton
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